
This topic was created by Kaja
[Tue 18 May, 20:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I have a question to you travellers......... I have been reading these pages for a while, and I like answering questions about Norway. But I have noticed that not many people go to Norway compared to other countries. Why is it that most people go to either Sweden or Denmark when they are visiting Scandinavia? It seem to me that Norway is last on the list when choosing between the scandinavian countries. I realize that Norway is an expensive country to visit, but it is not more expensive than the other scandinavian countries.
Take a look at these links about Norway, and see if you are convinced. Norway is one of the most beautiful countries in the world........
As you all have guessed I am a norwegian, but I am trying to be subjective. I have been to a lot of countries in Europe, Asia and America and I still find Norway exeptional.

[There are 11 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 7:42]

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  1. Thanks for the Info Added by: Rachel
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 5:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thank you for the posting other links for information on
    Norway. I will be traveling there fall of 1999 end of
    September into October and have been having trouble looking
    up good info your country.

  2. Moi Added by: Antero Rantala
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 10:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You complain about not enough interest in Norway....well
    what about Finland. Although not technically a scandinavian
    country it has one of the lowest rates of tourism of most
    nordic nations and it has some of the most beautiful lakes,
    islands and skies in the world...not to mention the
    people...he he..:).
    Granted...norway is beautiful...very much so...but what
    about the little known wonder up in the north east of
    Antero (Finland)

  3. Norway Added by: Tex
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 10:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm planning to be in Norway in a month, so I've been
    watching for info on Norway quite a bit. I think I've found
    as many inquiries on Norway as Sweden! I think people go to
    Denmark because they feel they can fit it into a trip to
    Germany/Netherlands, and don't feel as if they have time to
    cross the channel. Thanks for the links!

  4. Possible answers Added by: mongoose (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Firstly Kaja these are just thoughts that come to mind, and
    I in no way want to come over as xenephobic or ignorant so
    don't necessarily take them as my firm beliefs.
    1. Norway is expensive. very expensive. when you are
    travelling on a budget this is a major consideration. รบ20
    for a Pizza and a beer is steep by anyones standards !
    Now it might well be that you can live cheaply, but if you
    can its a well kept secret.
    2. As Tex pointed out above, Norway is on the periphery of
    Europe and as a consequence travellers trying to cram
    Europe into their trip of a lifetime are going to take
    Copenhagen as the easy route to clocking Scandinavia.
    3. Internal travel within Norway (if you don't count
    flying) is time consuming. Prospective visitors hesitating
    after considering points 1 & 2 could be firmly turned off
    as they delve further into time and distances involved.
    4. Controversial I'm afraid this next one. Norweigan
    culture has made little impression on the world (Abba were
    great ambassadors for Sweden for example). Norways
    influence whilst significant in technical areas such as
    crude oil is non-existent in the entertainment world.
    Now this should not be the measure of assessing a country,
    but when Norway stands up against must other countries in
    Western Europe in this department its a poor cousin.
    5. The Norweigan entry to the Eurovision Song Contest is
    enough to put anyone off !!
    6. Lets face it there are many moronic tourists plaguing
    the beautiful cities of Europe. In a sense Norway should be
    pleased it doesn't have hordes of them trying to batter the
    doors down to get in ! Do you really want MacDonalds on
    every street corner !
    Norways prime assets is its beautiful countryside and most
    people interested in nature know this already which perhaps
    explains partly the lack of a need to ask too many
    So there you go Kaja some answers, frivolous and serious,
    but remember everything is open to conjecture !.
    Finally on a personal note I have been very fortunate to
    have visited Norway, and spent a fantastic time in Bergen
    and the surrounding area. In my heart anyway Norway is in a
    dead heat with the Highlands of Scotland as the most
    beautiful part of Europe (especially when the sun shines!).
    I'll come back when I've won the lottery !!

  5. mongoose Added by: Rand (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You are absolutely right about the first 3 points above. As for number 4 - you are partially right. However - how many travel to Sweden because of ABBA??? The most famous artists Norway ever had was A-HA and now the vocalist of Aqua (eww), but I seriously doubt that this is what decide whether tourist choose to come here or not. As for people who know some history...Norway's still got some international names like Ibsen, Grieg, Nansen, Amundsen and even Sonia Henie or Grethe Waitz (enormously popular in the USA). Tourists do come to see these people's homes, some of which are museums today. As of late I'd say people know of Lillehammer after the olympics in 1994, and of the commitment our government has had in peace prosesses around the world. The Nobel Peace Prize also has its seat in Oslo of course. In the world of wintersports Norway DO have many stars, not only in the traditional scandinavian events, but also in alpine skiing and in skating. I assume you're from the UK mongoose, so I doubt any of these stars are household names in your country, but many other places in Europe, and in the world, they are.
    I still think that the 3 first points are true, however I think Kaja is also partly wrong. Many young backpackers find it too expensive and too time consuming to pay Norway a visit, true, but Norway is still flooded with older tourists, many of whom are financially well off. I live in Bergen and in the summertime we have several cruiseship visits a day. Americans South-Americans and southern europeans are always on these ships. Germans and other north europeans come by car, and Japanese tourists come in hords by plane. We only miss the backpackers.
    I'm a backpacker myself when I travel, and even if I would appreciate travelling more in my own country which I love, it just don't make any sense when I can get to the south european beaches for less money....

  6. Thanks Kaja Added by: Karin
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 1:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My husband and I are travelling to Norway this fall too.
    Thanks so much for the links to other pages.

  7. Expense Added by: John Carrington (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 9:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The reason Norway is not so much of a tourist destination
    is because it is so fucking expensive. Go to Spain or
    somewhere where you can get a beer without your bank
    manager calling you on your mobile to OK the transaction!
    Have fun!
    John :-)

  8. To John Carrington Added by: Millie
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 17:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you where John Carrington why would you be worried about the expense. And why don't you just stay home and drink beer if thats what you're into. I love to visit Norway, and I try to go every summer. OK! The beer is expensive, but it taste very good!

  9. Boycott Norway Added by: Michael
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 19:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ... and Japan until they stop the cruel slaughter of whales
    and begin to show a degree of civilization.

  10. Slaughter?? Added by: Flax
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 21:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Look. Get over the "cute animals" stage, willya? The reduced
    hunting of seals lead to mass deaths a few years ago, due to
    overpopulation. As for the whales, it is not mass slaughter,
    it is very small amounts taken from populations that are not
    threatened anymore. Go after people who hunt for pleasure
    instead, will you? Fox hunters for one. Bullfighters for
    another. At least the ones that hunt NON-threatened species
    of whales actually use what they catch!

  11. The Best!! Added by: Marc (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 7:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I go to Norway at least once a year on holiday and am going
    again in 2 weeks time for a long weekend in Oslo.
    I have a number of Norwegian friends and I have travelled
    quite extensively around the country.
    Coming from Manchester, I welcome the opportunity to
    breathe cleaner air, see unspoilt countryside and have room
    to live in. I love the people, scenery, wildlife, culture
    Yes, it IS expensive, but I budget for it and I don't let
    it worry me when I'm there. I think I was Norwegian in a
    previous incarnation!
    I am always telling people of how beautiful the country is,
    but i am wary that it will become too popular as that will
    spoil it. I mean, do you REALLY want hordes of tourists
    wandering around the Lofoten Islands?
    If anyone wants info on places to go etc, I have plenty of
    web sites to tell you about.
    Mail me, whenever.

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