
This topic was created by Milicci
[Tue 18 May, 19:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi. I am going to Spain in July for at least one month. I
don't want to see everything, just a lot of time in a few
nice places. I am interested in the south and the islands
off the coast. If anyone has stayed in this region please
tell me good accomodation etc, or good places to see,
especially beaches.
Any ideas on just how hot it will be??
Thanks in advance.

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 16:03]

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  1. Southern Spain Added by: Greg (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 21:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I love Spain. I actually leave tommorrow for another holiday. The must see place is Granada. It is inland and a good sized city but still small enough for a relaxing day or two. Seeing the Alhambra is a must. Down by the sea, I stay in Torremolinos, outside of Malaga. It is a resort town with your touristy things but has a good night life and a good mix of people from other countries also. A nice quiet peaceful beach is down past the casions of Benal medena in the town of Feungriola and thru to Marbella. Hope you have a good trip. I always do. I don't spend my time trying to see wverything either. I mainly concentrate of the living and seeing the people. If you are in Torremolinos an exceptional restaurant is El Comedor. a must. Good trip

  2. a must Added by: Marianne (malf196)
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 5:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just have to say that "San Fermin" is an absolute must if
    you are going to be in Spain in July. it is held in
    Pampplona in the northwest of spain and is described as the
    biggest and best street party in Europe. There are quite a
    few web sites on it around if you juust type its name into a
    search engine but honestly you have to go, I've been twice
    and intend to go again some day. Please feel free to let me
    know what you think.

  3. accom... Added by: nic (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 13:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    MADRID is obviously one of the cultural highlights. Accom
    is easy to find around the Puerta del Sol. *Highly
    recommend Hostal Riesco (Calle de Correo 2 )- approx
    4000pta for a beautiful double with bathroom overlooking
    the square. Cheaper accom can be found around Plaza de
    Santa Ana. However, be aware the price may not include hot
    water.....or heating. We were unfortunate to stay at
    Hostal Lucense in Feb -whereupon the heating was turned off
    at 10pm. Cheap- but bloody freezing!
    SEVILLA is an incredibly beautiful, culturally rich
    city.*Recommend Hostal Lis II (Calle Olavide 5 ) -approx
    3500 for a spacious double with bathroom in a quaint old
    house; reasonably central.
    CORDOVA is also worth at least a full days exploration.
    *Highly recommend Hostal Martinez Rucker (Calle Martinez
    Rucker 14 )-clean/ friendly/ central; approx 3000 for a dbl
    with share bathroom. Also recommend Pollos Asados (Plaza
    Abades 6) for excellent chicken!
    Hope this is of some help.....

  4. Hola ! Added by: Alex (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 22:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    So I hear you'll be in Spain about July sometime ? Are you
    doing the packing thing alone or are you doing the groupy
    thing ? I'm going to go it alone and a little nervous about
    it but hope to hook up with some cool dudes and dudettes.
    Your itinerary sounds right on. Depth versus Breadth. Drop
    me a line !

  5. Hot stuf Added by: Phyllis (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 9:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi, I read the posts. No one has mentioned the heat! I
    was going to study in Malaga this summer and decided
    against it when I remembered that the average temperature
    in July is 40 C. Don't expect many air conditioners. Too
    much electricity for Spain. Try wetting towels and laying
    them on you as you sleep. Torremolinos does have a breeze
    and is great fun. Do the bodegas scene and eat tapas for
    dinner. Dinner is served so late you'll be grateful for
    tapas (apetizers). I agree that Granada (the grand Moorish
    city) is a must.

  6. Pamplona is a must Added by: Art (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi, in rgards to your trip this summer to Spain. As someone
    said already, I recommend that you go to Pamplona from July
    6-14 for the San Fermin festival or more commonly known as
    the running of the bulls. I plan to be there then myself and
    it looks like it is going to be suite a exciting week. Have

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