Much Ado about Film

This topic was created by jo
[Sat 22 May, 13:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

i've got a dilemma that only experienced travellers can relate to: lets say that i'm going to live for two months out of a backpack, and being a camera happy amateur photographer, 18 rolls of film later, what should i do? should i send some rolls home to Canada as I go traipsing around europe? should i develop there, send one copy, and once assured they made the voyage across the atlantic, send the doubles? or should i just hang on to my film, keeping it in my thrown around backpack that has a relatively high chance of being stolen?
what have you done in the past?

[There are 7 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 1:11]

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  1. h Added by: hn (hhh)
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 14:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    take them out of the plastic containers, it cuts the space wright down put them in a zip lock and pack them around. or fed x

  2. Photos Added by: Cartier-Bresson
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 3:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You don't mention where you are going to travel. If you are
    traveling in Europe, I think it would be best to send your
    film home and hve it developed there.
    But if you manage to find a cheap place you could probably
    have your film developed only. You'll have the negatives
    only, little space and weight. You could have the phots
    printed in Canada.
    Maybe that could help.

  3. Send them Added by: Gordieray (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 5:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There's a much greater chance of your backpack being stolen
    than your film getting lost in the post (if you post from a
    Western European country).
    I did a little of everything.
    I started out sending home rolls not developed.
    Then I found I was so curious I got some developed before
    hand and then sent home about 4 developed packs at a time.
    By the end of the trip, I got sick of going to the post
    office so much so I kept onto the last 5 or 6 rolls and did
    what HHH did - plastic baggy full of rolls. Although I was
    deeply curious still and nervous all the time that
    something would happen to them.

  4. I was wondering Added by: Tony
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 8:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the same thing.
    If I were to send film home, wouldn't it get ruined? Don't
    they x-ray all packages that get sent by air?
    I'm considering carrying the film for my entire trip.
    Should I be worried about the film getting ruined while I'm
    travelling. My trip will be from mid-June to Sept 1. I
    fear that the film might fade because of the time spent in
    my bag and all the heat and stuff. Any comments on this?
    FYI, I shipped a box of stuff home once and it never got
    there (go UPS!!), and it took me nearly 8 months to get the
    cheque for the declared value. I've never lost anything or
    had anything stolen while travelling. So I think I'd
    prefer to trust myself with something as important as my

  5. I kept... Added by: Bron
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 15:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    my film with me all through my trip (6 months). Both sending
    it home and keeping it with you has an element of risk. In
    the end, I decided that the money it costs to send it home
    can pay for another night's accommodation in Morocco, so I
    kept it. But you have to decide what you're comfortable

  6. Sending might be a problem, Added by: ANdi
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 20:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    as western european countries definitely check airfreigt
    with heavy x-rays! In the same time we have got excellent
    and cheap ways to develop films (we are first world,
    guess!!). So either keep your films with you (I usually do
    that) in your handluggage or have them developed and send
    the prints to your place.

  7. a little from column a, and a little from column b Added by: katherine
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    what i did when i was in europe for 12 months was to get my
    film developed when ever i saw a price that was not too
    extraordinary, and then send the negatives and the prints
    home on seperate occasions. This is not the cheapest way to
    go about it, but at least you know that if one envelope goes
    missing, you'll always have the other, and you don't have to
    worry about getting your film x-rayed. Some times i posted
    the negatives, and once i knew they were home, threw out the
    prints. Again expensive, but in some countries it costs more
    to post the prints, than to get them redone once you get

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