HI Hostels in Italy

This topic was created by KD
[Tue 25 May, 2:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Just wanted to voice some concerns over the HI hostels in
parts of Italy. Both the hostels in Rome and Florence were
difficult to get into as a back packer as they were filled
with very young school children. In Florence, some of us
were put out into tents, had to wait in line 3 hours in the
morning to see if we could stay a second night, or turned
away in lieu of ten year olds! I must say that I was
extremely disappointed and did not expect this was what
Hostelling International was all about.
All of the HI hostels in Italy that I have encountered will
not take reservations, so be warned and do not just show up!
You will end up travelling out of your way for nothing!
Has anyone else had these experiences and will I run into
the same problem in other Western European countries?
On the flip side, I just wanted to say that the HI hostel
in Agerola in the Amalfi coast and it was a real charm!
The hosts were wonderful and it was such a peaceful
Comments please.

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 22:20]

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  1. Preferences Added by: Bjoern
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 22:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why should you have an easier access to the hostel than a 10
    year old on a educational school trip? Actually one should
    expect that an older person (which I guess that you are)
    should have less problems in paying for a hotel.
    I am not saying that I enjoy staying at a place filled with
    school children.

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