What are you Europeans doing???

This topic was created by Brian
[Tue 12 Jan, 6:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Why, especially the British and French allowing so many
third-world immigrants into your countries. Other countries
in Western Europe are doing it too. Don't you know what is
going to happen to your society??? If you ever visit the US,
you will notice that crime and poverty are most severe in
non-white parts of the country. Despite a few minor problems
I have always been safe in these parts. However, the more
thirdworlders there is around the more risky the area gets.
Also, heterogeneous societies do not function as well as
homogenous societies. Learn the leason from us, epsecialial
about third world immigrants. Have neighborhoods already
been formed in Europe, where minorities are now the
COUNTRIES. This might sound a bit racist, but it is only to
warn you. In my country, black people are 10 times as likely
to commit a homicide as a white person. I am no skin-head or
Neo-Nazi, but the statistics are available for all to see.
In fact, you do not even need statistics. Just come to the
US for yourself, if you don't believe. You will see that the
darker the people, the more dangerous it is. Please, watch
out who is in your countries. You might think that some
areas that are mostly European in Europe are bad, but
believe me, those areas are nothing compared to what would
happen to your societies, if you keep on letting more and
more third world immigrants in.

[There are 104 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 15:23]

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  1. Eurobus experience? Added by: Claire and Peter (pjm397@soton.ac.uk)
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 7:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Has anyone out there been on Eurobus in the past?(I
    understand that this is now Busabout). Did you have a great
    time or were the long bus journeys a complete nightmare? We
    are thinking of going on Busabout this summer, any ideas of
    what this may be like?

  2. The question of race Added by: Amazed
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 7:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wow Brian!!! You place crime on colour and you say you're
    not racist. You're so amazing!!!!! Would help you out even
    more if the people in Bosnia were black? How about the
    Serbs? Since crime and violence is associated with colour,
    everywhere else on the planet should be very peaceful.
    Right? You don't even have to look at immigration in terms
    of the states. The majority of the black poulation got there
    by the slave trade. Do yu remember that and what happened
    during and after it? Let me guess.....you never studied
    american history! Maybe if there was more status put on the
    black population instead of dicrimnation then things would
    have been better. But of course, that can't happen.....it
    would offend your sensibilities even more wouldn't it. But
    What am I saying...... you aren't racist. You're just a
    normal law abiding citizen that thinks that a whole segment
    of the population is evil and should be discriminated
    because they have darker skin.
    And who am I? Oh nobody - just a dark skinned West Indian.
    So tell me Brian, how do you propose to solve the problem?
    the Holocost come to mind? Of I forgot, you not a nazi (oops
    neo) either.

  3. whoa. Added by: incredulous
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 7:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Brian, dear....did you ever stop to think that attitudes
    like yours are perpetuating problems with racism and so-
    called racial violence? Attitudes like yours seep into the
    pysches of minorities and subconsciously convince them that
    they're never going to be able to rise above the
    stereotypes placed on them (like yours), so they may as
    well live up to them. By spreading attitude like yours
    around, people who are looking to find a salve to racial
    problems are thwarted by your ignorence. Solidarity among
    all people is the only way change can ever come about.

  4. Hmmmmmm ...... Added by: Is Brian right? (Curious.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 8:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Let's think about this issue a little bit - at least a
    little bit more than Brian did, OK?
    Statistics are right: crime rises with people-of-colour;
    organized, violent, murder. But, from only what I've read
    because I have not seen these stats for myself - the balance
    of this crime is so-called black on black crime.
    What the hell does all this really mean? I mean, why beat on
    your brother?
    Well perhaps it's in our attitudes (listening, Brian??)
    If any of it is true, you know we could get a lot further
    ahead by giving each other a bit of a break and using our
    attitude to break down some stereotypes instead of building
    them up; not standing for crimes/violence from ANY group or
    individual regardless of colour; working on the esteem
    instead of the 'steam, you know?
    Brian ! Yo ! I'm talkin' to YOU. Get out much? Been around
    this world much? You get scared in Egypt? Sudan? HCM City?
    Jogakarta? Not me, and it was plenty black & tan there, you
    know what I mean?
    Perhaps it's when immigrants take the big step and try that
    leap of faith - gutsier than anything I've ever done, man -
    and tear it all up to take a chance in a new country. Then
    they get hear and it ain't the land of the free and the home
    of the brave - it's the land of the white and you jus' a
    tenant, boy; and it's the home of pervasive attitudes a
    little like yours, Bri'.
    You kill what you ear & you fear what you don't understand.
    sign me,
    (but what does that matter?)

  5. You, sir Added by: Anti-Brian
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 10:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    are simply too ignorant to warrant my attention. Did it
    ever occur to you that the ancestors of most of the "people
    of colour" (as some term them) came to The New World in
    chains? That they have been oppressed at home and in the
    countries where they were taken? But, for that matter, the
    largest representative democracy is run for and by such
    people? I refer, Brian, to India.

  6. Yikes! Added by: Brian = Hitler?
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 10:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I can only wonder what Brian would say when his perfect
    Aryan world turns out to be a homogenous world of white,
    suburban schoolchildren pulling guns out and shooting
    eachother every other week. Who's he going to blame? Brian,
    take your hate back to your subdivision and stay off our

  7. Let's be honest, here Added by: Tired of the lies
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 11:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Could you guys (posts 1-6 specifically) be more PC? I notice
    how none of you took issue with the facts in his
    statement....anybody (even head-in-the-sand folks like
    yourselves) who has ever spent time in the US knows the
    minority parts of town are where it's rough. That is a FACT.
    I don't get paid to figure out why- I'm not a sociologist-
    I just know a young black male is far more likely
    (statistically) to assault me or my friends than any member
    of any other race. That doesn't mean Im paranoid, it just
    means I'm sensible. And any American who lives in a major
    urban area, acts and thinks on this very supposition,
    whether they be black or white, and no matter what they tell
    their friends.
    Tell me- Why do Korean people come here basically hanging
    off a boat and open stores while I see the same black and
    hispanic kids hanging on the same corner for 5 years, doing
    dick-all????? Because Korean people are here for the right
    reasons- to make money and build a better life for the
    future. They work, save and prosper. That's all it takes.
    You can cry the US is a racist country all you want, and it
    may be, but still there they are, quietly running
    their businesses every day, the millions of Asians
    (all Koreans, most Chinese, some Vietnamese, many Indians)
    who prosper here. Nobody gives them any breaks the blacks
    don't get. They just shut up and bust their ass to make it.
    That is why they show you all to be liars.

  8. Facts???? Added by: Amazed
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 14:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What facts exactly are you talking about? So the statistics
    books gives the figure by race. That's doesn't justify
    Brian's post, neither does it make the rest of us liars!
    Asians in the US make a living the way they see how - great
    for them. But immigrant Asians and American blacks do not
    have the same time of menality about life and even I, as a
    black, will say that's unfortunate. But I can tell you this,
    many black West Indians (obviously not all as the crime
    facts show) work their buts off in the US legitimately to
    provide money and stuff for their family in the Caribbean.
    As for breaks, I personally don't know what type of breaks
    are available in the US since I don't live there. But I do
    know one thing and that's their sense of community and sense
    worth has never been fostered, unlike the Asians that rely
    on family and community. Look at the degree to which they
    have been discrimnated against past and present compared to
    the Asians in the US. There had to have been a bloody civil
    war before slavery was abolished! I don't think the
    comparison between blacks and Asians is fair.
    I think blacks have a lot to answer for in terms of crime
    and so does every other race on the planet. It doesn't make
    the rest of liars and it doesn't make Brian right!

  9. Words from Europe, now. Added by: Gianni (Power2gianni@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 16:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't wanna waste my time insulting Brian (although he
    deserves so much), just a few things.
    -First, 80% of US improvement in culture and business comes
    from the ghetto, so means black, this is a FACT.
    -Second, USA's now the most important country in the world
    because of its unique mixture of races and cultures, ask
    anyone: I hope here in Europe it's gonna happen the same
    (see the main countries, such as UK and Germany, are the
    most race-mixed; we couldn't say it for Italy or Greece, for
    -Third, I've been living in Miami (South Beach and Hialea)
    and NY (Brooklyn and Harlem), and I travelled thru US: I've
    seen no crimes at all. In Milano, where I'm living at the
    moment, it's dangerous walk anywhere (we got 9 murders in
    the last 7 days).
    -Fourth, I've crossed Africa once and stayed there a second
    time. No problems, everybody black.
    -Last and MOST IMPORTANT: don't you consider a crime what
    white people did in the past to other races? And what
    they're still doin in places such as Africa, South America
    I have a dream...that one day, all the white racists will
    move to a desert island and they'll keep their own aryan
    race and stop stressing us-people of the planet Earth.
    A white skin, black soul and mind, italian guy--Gianni.

  10. Lies, Damn Lies And Statistics Added by: Issac Tewolde
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 18:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Its always interesting, in any discussion about society...I
    have always been intrigued by people's abuse of statistics.
    People often say "statistics say this..." or "statistics say
    that...", and often not stating the context the statistic
    was based on.
    Lets look at (shudder) some of the stats...Brian says "black
    people are 10 times as likely to commit a homicide as a
    white person." Well assuming this is even true, stats also
    say that the massive majority of crime is commited by
    whites, the simple reason being that they make the majority
    of the population. An explaination of the stat dilivered by
    Brian is that crime tends to be higher among poorer sectors
    of society. I know for a fact that his numbers will not hold
    up among the middle/upper class of blacks who actually have
    simillar crime rates as other groups including whites.
    My point is statistics in themselves can be very
    misleading...they must be taken in context so as to be
    understood. Another point I would like to make is to clarify
    by what we mean by "black". In later post by Gianni, he
    indicated on how the aisan immigrants into the US were more
    successful than thier black counterparts. I have seen
    simmilar remarks before, but lets look at it closer....You
    see depending on what you mean as "black" the statment
    becomes either true or false. If we mean "black immigrants"
    such as those that arrived recently from Carribean and
    Africa...then the statement is just not true. Infact these
    groups on average make more money than the average national
    income and also more than the average white income. If we
    are referring to the blacks brought over as slaves then the
    statement is true. I will not prentend to know why this is
    so...but skin color obviously is not the reason...as our
    successful black immigrants have demonstrated.
    One more thing, in defence of Black Americans....let me just
    say that the majority of them don't live in the ghetto, and
    the lifestyle they lead is not done justice in the media and
    in the various statistics posted about them...they actually
    behave much like thier white counterparts.
    The fact is that it is povery is the driving engine of crime
    and there has never been conclusive proof that ethnicity has
    any bearing on crime. My belief is that it is the failure of
    of the US to address its povetry is the root of thier crime
    Greets to All from Canada!

  11. sad Added by: uranus
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 20:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There is a sad point about all of this. In a television show
    was shown how easy it was to get accepted as a refugee in
    (in this case) Holland. A guy with a hidden camera showed
    what had to be done for some Afghan to travel to Holland and
    get his/her story accepted. The story was obviously faked,
    the passport was faked and this all in one way trip was
    $8000. If you own $8000 and live in Khabul... then you are
    quite rich already. I do not own $8000 at the moment. So a
    lot of immigrants (or actually refugees, since immigrants
    get accepted in Holland since they have work and are not
    dependent on society). Holland is he country in Europe with
    relatively the largest intake of refugees. As a matter of
    fact I know that Finland does not really take refugees. Some
    40 a year. Is Finland doing bad? No, it is an economically
    boosting country. So, are they nazi's? No, they try to help
    third world countries by trying to improve the country
    itself, not to gather the fleeing which is for a lot an
    economical flight. Some influx of other cultures is quite
    good for a country, but this influx has to be done by proper
    immigrants who come to the country to work in the first
    place. Brian, nowadays a lot of Europeans are actually
    feeling the presence of a lot of foreigners as a treat.
    Societies become more rightwing. There is a mutual feeling
    that something has to be done. There is not a clear solution
    to all this. Your reaction is quite overdone: race has
    nothing to do with crime. It's more the difference between
    cultures and opinions I guess.
    For those statistics lovers: social statistics have a lot to
    do with race. At a statistics conference I attended some
    talks with some reviews about teenage pregnancies. Black
    women in the US have a far greater probability of having a
    teenage pregnancy than other groups. As are women living
    near a military base for that matter...

  12. Brian is not racist... Added by: Shuby
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 4:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    he is just stupid!
    Want to talk about statistics? Do you know that a famous
    statistician (could be you Brian...) was drowned in a river
    who's average depth was only 1 feet !
    Know just look at yourself, gentle WASP guy, and think
    about all the American Indians killed by the US Army...
    Me, as a French white guy, born in Western Africa and who
    lived there for more than 15 years, can tell that I never
    felt in danger there even when I was the only white guy in
    the street.
    If there is one day a new Hitler guys like you would be the
    first to follow him, remember that Hitler was elected : "He
    is not racist! just look at the statistics!!".

  13. my two cents Added by: sparky
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 14:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Let's go back to Brian's original problem - he isn't afraid
    of people in third world countries, but only those we "let
    in" to Europe, and what will happen to our societies.
    Well, let's look at that. White Americans treat the blacks
    like shit for 250 years, well after the law has declared
    them equal - look at the Martin Luther King demos. The
    French consider anyone not French to be beneath them and
    vote about 20% for the National Front. The East Germans,
    which is where most of the neo-nazis come from have never
    had the Hitler guilt-trip that the West did, as they always
    considered themselves victims too, so the entrenched racism
    was never ironed out of their society.
    Maybe it's not surprising that in these societies the
    immigrants hide away in ghettoes, and with such a
    concentration of poverty and resentment of course there's a
    rise in crime.
    Britain is no way perfect but I'd love to take Brian round a
    few places. Our statistic is that 50% of black/coloured
    babies born last year were of mixed parentage. That
    signifies acceptance, and those kids are no more likely to
    commit a crime because one parent was black than they are
    less likely because one was white.
    And anyway, if you'd ever studied history you'd know that
    Europe is one massive heterogeneous society and has been for
    over 2000 years. Mixing is the answer, Brian. Ask a farmer
    - hybrids are stronger and a wide gene pool ensures the
    survival of the species.

  14. immigrants Added by: jane
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 14:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I live in Hong Kong where everyone is an immigrant from a
    third world country. Including most of the Brits these days
    who arrived on the run from Thatcher's Britain.
    No crime problem here.
    PS Does Brian also consider the Irish immigrants to America
    or anywhere else as third world immigrants? It was a pretty
    backward colonised nation at the time.

  15. immigrants Added by: jane
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 14:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I live in Hong Kong where everyone is an immigrant from a
    third world country. Including most of the Brits these days
    who arrived on the run from Thatcher's Britain.
    No crime problem here.
    PS Does Brian also consider the Irish immigrants to America
    or anywhere else as third world immigrants? It was a pretty
    backward colonised nation at the time.

  16. my opinion (in case anyone wants to know) Added by: piece of americana
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 15:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    is that brian is making all this up, trying to provoke
    everyone to anger and defense of the little people. Bravo,
    little man.
    by the way, if he's real he is living a deluded dream world.

  17. lonesome without you Added by: merv
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 8:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    yo Brian
    don't be silly, put a condom on your willy
    and indeed it will soon be a true 'lonely planet'

  18. brian - learn to love multiculturalism Added by: Nella
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 9:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    brian - i am shocked to say the least. everyone is entilted
    to their own opion, so say what you want, but dont expect
    support. I dont want to pigeon-hole you cos then i'd be as
    low as you are...my fave line is:"the darker the people are
    the more dangerous it gets". did you think about the
    generations of "minority" groups who have suffered cruel
    racsim and have never been given a chance at equality until
    recently...you say you are not racist - do you know what
    that word means? look within yourself instead of outwardly,
    stop blaming society.

  19. You guys are pathetic Added by: Tired of the lies
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 15:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    And I'm not trolling. Statistics and opinions and other
    assorted nonsense aside, I just want you guys to answer
    these questions. 1)Why am I safe in Stockholm, Sweden and
    not in Angola. Is this all to do with oppression? Who
    is oppressing the Angolans right now? 2)Why were 68 percent
    of the lawyers in Berlin in 1932 Jews? Wasn't that an
    oppressive environment- a society which later swept Hitler
    to power. But yet Jews still were disproportionately
    represented in the professional fields. Why? Is it because
    smart people (and communities) will succeed regardless of
    circumstance? 3)Will anyone of you name a white neighborhood
    ANYWHERE in the US which is more dangerous than South Side
    Chicago, Detroit, South Bronx, Atlanta or D.C. Didn't think
    I don't hate any race, and I don't know anything about the
    race situation in England. I'm just tired of the hypocrisy
    in America, where everybody tries to pretend that we all
    commit the same amount of crime. NOT TRUE.

  20. how about . . . Added by: tired of the racism
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 8:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the militia "neighborhoods" in the west? Give me a gang
    member who can change any day over someone like, say,
    Timothy McVeigh. Or Kaczinski. Or, you know, Jeffrey
    Dahmer. Ted Bundy. All those white serial killers. Or how
    'bout all those innocent school children pulling out rifles
    in class? Or the disgruntled postal workers? Or neonazis.
    None of these people are poor. None of these people are
    minorities. None of these people have any history of
    oppression whatsoever. they are all just wacko. and
    white. and, come to think of it, male. So, why, women of
    the world, are we letting all these MALES into our lives,
    when, gosh darn it, they're all so violent? Why don't we
    frikkin' freeze some sperm, castrate the men, and live
    happily ever after?

  21. I didn't think you'd answer any of many questions Added by: now just plain tired
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 14:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ..and I was right! The people I feel most sorry for are the
    hard-working black people who have to put up with that
    bullshit every day.

  22. I didn't think you'd answer any of my questions Added by: now just plain tired
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 14:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ..and I was right! The people I feel most sorry for are the
    hard-working black people who have to put up with that
    bullshit every day.

  23. Not in danger in Added by: Stockholm?
    [Timestamp: Sat 16 Jan, 2:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A recent report stated that per 1000 population Stockholm
    has a higher murder rate than London. As I recall, London
    has a higher number of "non-whites" than Stockholm, so
    "tired of the lies" where does that leave your theory? You
    would not be safe in Stockholm. And neither are you welcome.

  24. lobotomy Added by: None of your business
    [Timestamp: Sat 16 Jan, 13:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I can't believe you pretend to be an intelligent being who
    walks upright, because you sure sound like the material of
    your gene pool comes form the bottom of the barrel!!

  25. history lesson Added by: Le Souris Blanc
    [Timestamp: Sat 16 Jan, 17:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wow, and now Hitler, although supposedly a victim of his own
    hand, has joined the technological age. Sorry I did not
    bother to read all of your post, but senseless crap is not
    my preferred reading. Higher Beings forbid if you ever
    cross my path as, as an Australian and coming from a nation
    of immigrants, I might try to up the crime rates of my

  26. Come join me! Added by: Rudolph Hess (hessy@hitler.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 16 Jan, 21:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Brian! I could have used you in my team during the raging
    40s! Pity I'm dead now. Still, perhaps we could do an
    afterlife deal, yeah?

  27. I thought as much.. Added by: Tired of being proven right
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 6:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...well, it's been a while and, just as I predicted, no one
    has answered any of my questions in post #19. Why not, I
    wonder. One person half-adressed my Stockholm question by
    comparing it to London, another white city, instead of
    Angola. That's not gonna cut it. Why do I feel so safe in
    Stockholm and not in the Bronx? I just can't figure it
    By the way, is anyone who disagrees with you a Nazi? I'm
    Jewish, how do you like that. Still think I'm a Nazi?

  28. To 19/27 Added by: Gianni
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 11:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You said you feel sure in Stockholm and not in The Bronx:
    why? You'd answer that you can't walk in The Bronx without
    feeling scared to be attacked by someone(...). Been there,
    not scared at all (see post n░9). You're scared of what?
    Does COLOUR scare you? Hollywood movies? Maybe you keep
    watching dark people and they come to you: they don't feel
    safe. It's a tradition that lots of whites treat very bad
    people in the ghetto, don't know why they feel above them.
    Do you feel safe in Stockholm? I've never been there, but I
    live in Italy, white country. Italians got mafia, white.
    Italian exported crime all over the world. Try ro walk in
    Palermo: everyone white, but don't tell me you'd feel safe.
    About the Nazi thing: there are italian sons of fascism
    victims in the actual fascist party (believe me, it's still
    alive-A.N.), so everything is possible...
    I'd like to hear the opinion of some black living in the
    ghetto, expecially in US. Waste some time for shit like

  29. not a racist handle!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!! Added by: edelweiB (whitedeath74@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 9:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I do not know about real nazis or politically correct nazis
    but brians outlook on life is totally fucked up and not
    subsequently not worth reading. The poor might be the people
    who run away from their own countries because it is crap to
    live there, if I was in there shoes i might do the same
    thing. the thing that pisses me off is how poor people
    cannot get decent simple jobs. the only thing left for these
    people nowadays are employment agencies(assuming they are
    not prepared to be educated)and those jobs are super-crap,
    they could maybe improve pay and conditions, which would not
    be difficult.
    i understand it is a difficult situation, and it is about
    money, NOT COLOUR brian.they could be any colour, that is
    largely irrelevant. I hate when I walk through a train
    station and the place is full of alcoholic beggars. it is
    not intergration or a progression to a multicultural
    society. this is a threat to national culture. give these
    people jobs. help them. educate them.if they do not
    cooperate they must leave. thats fair.

  30. Besides... Added by: europe (europe@europe.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 20 Jan, 22:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You cannot compare America to Europe. Why not try to make
    your home a little nicer. Sodom?. Europe really does not
    need any advice from you. We have had it all here, including
    thousands of years of cultural intergration.

  31. To #27 Added by: disgusted
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 Jan, 10:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Mr. Statistical Bigot wrote:
    "Why do I feel so safe in Stockholm and not in the Bronx? I
    just can't figure it out..."
    You feel safe in Stockholm because the Swedish don't allow
    every Tom, Dick, and Harry with $30 and a driver's license
    to buy a handgun. America has one of the highest murder
    rates in the world NOT because we have so many Third World
    immigrants, but because we have so many GUNS. The dangerous
    Third World nations, such as Angola, have a similarly
    terrifying weapon:person ratio. In the case of countrie
    like Angola, it's generally because they recently fought a
    civil war. In the case of the U.S., it's because we've
    decided to make arming yourself to the teeth a civil right.
    Mr. Statistical Bigot also wrote:
    "By the way, is anyone who disagrees with you a Nazi? I'm
    Jewish, how do you like that. Still think I'm a Nazi?"
    No, clearly you're not -- but only because they don't let in
    Jews. You'd probably have joined the fascists in Italy;
    there were plenty of Jews who voted for Mussolini. You make
    me feel ill. I'm not sure why Jewish racists bother me even
    more than non-Jewish racists; I'm fully aware that we're no
    more moral than any other religious group.

  32. Brian's real problem Added by: XXX!
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 Jan, 19:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, my boy, you should get a life! (This means, first of
    all, get yourself a woman) Maybe then, you will start
    looking more at yourself and the things YOU do for society,
    and less at the things others do.

  33. l'embecile Added by: g
    [Timestamp: Sun 24 Jan, 5:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    idiot. why do people with pea brains have access to the
    internet? this guy does not represent the views of the
    vast majority of americans, but we do have a few mean
    spirited people

  34. Geniuses Added by: Still waiting.....
    [Timestamp: Sun 24 Jan, 15:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, I guess my 3 questions in post #19 will forever go
    unanswered. I find it funny that popular opinion holds
    people like myself to be crazy and angry, while you who
    take the other side represent calm, enlightened thought and
    yet, if one had no opinion on the issue and just read the
    posts, you'd think it was exactly the reverse....I have put
    on the table reasoned arguments while my opponents write
    only personal invective, questioning my sanity and
    happiness....odd that, judging just by our writing, I'm
    smarter than any of you.
    I'm reminded of the hue and cry when the Bell Curve was put
    out in 1994. Few of the critics of course, actually read the
    book, but yet they all lined up to criticize it. This
    despite the fact that the book only published official
    government IQ tests taken over a 20-year period. These
    showed the average Jewish IQ to be 112, the average
    Asian IQ to be 103, the average white IQ to be 100,
    and the average black IQ to be.....84. (this is in the US,
    of course). Anybody who lives in America deep down knows
    these numbers are just about right.
    My favorite argument against the book was in Time magazine,
    by a scientist who said there was so much race-mixing that
    one could not talk about separate races. Really? that's
    funny. How many black people have blond hair? Dennis Rodman
    doesn't count.
    One more question that will never be answered on this tree,
    I guess.....

  35. To 19/27/34: YOU'RE DAMN STUPID Added by: Gianni
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 7:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...and maybe I'm more than you. I keep following you.
    1-I thoght I answered your question on post 28 about post
    19, let me put it in this way: you asked who's oppressing
    angolans now, better say 'what is oppressing'. Poverty;
    don't say nothing if you've never been in Africa. About the
    1932 Jews statistic: I asked a Jewish friend why Jews are so
    rich in America, he answered that you gotta be rich to move
    there. In case you don't understand, money rules, expecially
    in 1932 Germany. You can find the answer to the third
    question on post n░19 on my post n░28.
    2-The IQ test: I did it. My score was 145/150. It was
    written that between 95 and 120 you're in the high level. I
    don't think I'm this intelligent, I think that test is a
    bullshit, as every test is, no matter how professional they
    are. How could you understand someone just asking some
    question? And how could you judge a race by 100 answers?
    3-You think blacks are so stupid, so why all the greatest
    artists in the world are black, now that (almost) everyone
    has the chance to be known? Music IS black, for example. And
    only artists in black society are famous because there is no
    way out on art, if you have talents, you reach the top.
    Don't mention any of the ancient times please, we all know
    that years ago non-whites were considered like 'animals'.
    I'm quite sure that, if you'll reply, I'll do it back. But
    this is good for Brian, the boy's maybe learning...

  36. Gianni, please Added by: Truthteller
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 12:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Music IS black? Do the names Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin or
    countless other European geniuses mean anything. I assume
    you're Italian- what about Verdi, one of the musical
    geniuses of any time. Don't you have pride in that?
    Of course there are many great black musicians. But this is
    discussion is not about art or IQ- it was about crime.

  37. Truthteller? Added by: Gianni
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 13:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    read again my post: I wrote clearly about the situation
    centuries ago. Can you tell me how could a black musician
    become famous in the 17th century? I'm a musician and I can
    tell you for sure that it's very hard to understand the real
    ownership of music, try to imagine how hard was when
    copyright didn't exist. Mozart, Bach, Beethoven are part of
    the popular musical culture, but who's deep in music
    appreciates most the other side: traditional in the past,
    jazz and blues nowadays. Got it?
    I know it's about crime, but racism creates emargination and
    consequently crime. And to fight racism you gotta show some
    people their enemy's qualities...

  38. Natural Added by: X
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 0:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If black people read your post, I can't blame them if they
    commit crime ten times more often.

  39. Compassion Added by: Amy
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 4:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Since so many of you have reamed poor Brian's ass -- and
    may I add, very deservingly -- at this point I would like
    to the notion of compassion for his shallow spirits.
    Black or white, rich or poor, enlightened or hopelessly
    darkened, we in this world are products of place and
    parentage. Not all of our limitations can be excused by
    these factors, because at some point, we gain control of
    our own lives and our own attitudes. What happens to us,
    though, if we are never shown another way of thinking?
    Perhaps something in Brian's early life pointed him toward
    a restricted way of thinking, where what he doesn't
    understand breeds fear and reproach instead of openness and
    acceptance. I hope once the sizzle of these posts are
    allowed to cool on his brow, he might open his mind to
    different views. Maybe, as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once
    prayed, he will begin to judge others by the content of
    their character, and not by the color of his skin. Maybe he
    will find himself reaching out to play a postive part in
    the young life of someone outside his homogeneous nest.
    Yes, whites have killed blacks, and blacks have killed
    whites, and whites have killed whites, and blacks have
    killed blacks, and the Asians have killed among themselves
    and others, and the Europeans spent a lot of this early
    century killing each other, and hey, then don't forget the
    Moors and the Christian Crusaders, and the Hindus and the
    Muslims, and the Catholics and the Protestants and gee,
    there are so many murderous axes leveled against the heads
    of so many races and religions, we'd have to go way, way
    back to identify the first sin and what would that prove
    As a white American, I am thankful for the cultural
    influences of all of the many immigrant groups. My study of
    history has shown that man's ability to love and to hate is
    not confined by skin color or religion. I am ashamed of
    Brian, and yet sorry for him. I hope he gets a clue, and I
    hope all of us, through open discussion, can find some

  40. Oh my God!! Added by: Fred
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 8:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I really think that you wrote that bullshit just to gain a
    little attention from your bully boy friend down at the bar.
    I bet you don't even have a close friend, suffer a multiple
    of complexities and most likely phsycologically fucked up.
    Go back to bed and do the decent thing, for the good of
    A 11 year old

  41. Oh my God!! Added by: Fred
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 8:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I really think that you wrote that bullshit just to gain a
    little attention from your bully boy friend down at the bar.
    I bet you don't even have a close friend, suffer a multiple
    of complexities and most likely phsycologically fucked up.
    Go back to bed and do the decent thing, for the good of
    A 11 year old

  42. U SUCK BRIAN... From me...another Brian Added by: You give all Brians a bad name!! (Biteme@NOW.COM)
    [Timestamp: Fri 29 Jan, 2:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Dipshit!! All I have to add to your babble is that
    you forgot to mention that you are a RETARD. I'm ashamed
    that you share the same first name as me. I hope you
    actually get your head out of your ass some day!
    Cheers and FUCK YOU
    I hope to run into you someday in the States so I can kick
    your ass!! Care to post your home address?

  43. Please, let us use our brains... Added by: Dr. Sensible
    [Timestamp: Fri 29 Jan, 15:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ok...time for a level headed, neutral psychiatrist ( yes
    there exists such a creature ) to intervene.
    1. As previously noted, Mr.Brian is indeed most likely
    trying 'to stir the pot' and all the 'western
    sentimentality' towards minorities, the environment, the
    disabled, women...etc,that is working against itself and
    fragmenting society, has come predictably pouring forth. He
    can now read your comments and satisfy his urges to
    irritate. However, you all allowed him to do so. I hope you
    all are able to think more independently in the future. I
    assume The Lonely Planet is not reserved for the opinions
    of sheep.
    2. Commentator #20...'anti-male'...how interesting. You
    obviously, and rightfully, abhore racisim. As we all
    should...and I am sure Brian REALLY does. However, by
    advocating the destruction of all 'males' ( regardless of
    race I assume) you walk the very same line. Some have
    labelled it 'nazism' that the true followers of racisim,
    Brian excluded, expound. Your comments and followers are
    part of the reason we can not live as equals.You can not
    have it both ways. I hope your 'liberal education' taught
    you more than this rehearsed speech. By the way...I am a
    woman doctor of Hispanic ancestry...does this change your
    opinion of me?
    3. I now welcome the next commentator to predictably tear
    into me , as ' a tool of the dominant white patriarchy'...
    we of all generations have heard it all before.

  44. Please, let us use our brains... Added by: Dr. Sensible
    [Timestamp: Fri 29 Jan, 15:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ok...time for a level headed, neutral psychiatrist ( yes
    there exists such a creature ) to intervene.
    1. As previously noted, Mr.Brian is indeed most likely
    trying 'to stir the pot' and all the 'western
    sentimentality' towards minorities, the environment, the
    disabled, women...etc,that is working against itself and
    fragmenting society, has come predictably pouring forth. He
    can now read your comments and satisfy his urges to
    irritate. However, you all allowed him to do so. I hope you
    all are able to think more independently in the future. I
    assume The Lonely Planet is not reserved for the opinions
    of sheep.
    2. Commentator #20...'anti-male'...how interesting. You
    obviously, and rightfully, abhore racisim. As we all
    should...and I am sure Brian REALLY does. However, by
    advocating the destruction of all 'males' ( regardless of
    race I assume) you walk the very same line. Some have
    labelled it 'nazism' that the true followers of racisim,
    Brian excluded, expound. Your comments and followers are
    part of the reason we can not live as equals.You can not
    have it both ways. I hope your 'liberal education' taught
    you more than this rehearsed speech. By the way...I am a
    woman doctor of Hispanic ancestry...does this change your
    opinion of me?
    3. I now welcome the next commentator to predictably tear
    into me , as ' a tool of the dominant white patriarchy'...
    we of all generations have heard it all before.

    [Timestamp: Tue 2 Feb, 2:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    YoU ObViOuSlY hAvE pRoBleMS LadY!! NOt tOo MentiOn YoU'rE
    qUiTe tHe FuCKinG IrrItanT!! So SHuT ThE FuCK Up!!

  46. uuurrrrrgggghhhh Added by: Jesus Johnson
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 Feb, 8:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Post 44/43...I really really really hate people who think
    because their brain functions well, they are somehow more
    aware than the rest of society. When the new order comes, I
    am going to put you all up against a wall and sh**t you. We
    are alive, and if we don't like something ,thats good
    enough, we are alive and we know what we think

    [Timestamp: Sat 6 Feb, 2:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    FUCK THE BRAIN CHIC. She's still a fucking MORON. AND
    YOU KNOW WHAT? I'm going to help Jesus SHOOT YOU!!
    You're still a BITCH and BRIAN is still an ignorant dipshit
    so FUCK HIM TOO. YaY for being a disgruntled Postal
    where did I put my HK 10mm?

  48. th answer person Added by: answers for brian
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 Feb, 4:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    first of all brian it is not simply a matter of race. for example in the usa the japanese, korean and chinese immigrants in general have a very low crime rate and hig education quotent. their culture and the money and family ties they have enable them to start small family businesses and send their children to college who then get good paying jobs. the cambodian refugees were poor and had little family connections in the usa do poorly in general in schoool and have a high suicide and crime rate. cultural and monetary differences. most immigrant groups here initially had a high crime rate as they turned to the fastest ways to make money - there were major riots against italians for example at oe time. remember the no irish need apply signs. they found a niche and worked their way up. in like manner the west caribbean blacks in general have a strong family support structure and do well in school and economically. the blacks who came from a slave base in the usa did well during the first world war when factory jobs opened up for them and at one time in the usa had a higher rate of successful marriages and lesser rate of children out of wedlock than the white population. then the welfare system was instituted which penalized people who were still married and made them lose their medical benefits if they obtained a job. this program was made by the usual silly and stupid politicians who have no sense and do not know whatthere policies will do. some of them were well meaning, virtually all of them were foolish. soblack men began to move out from the faily, use drugs, drnk and turn to crime for money because the drugs became expensive as we started our silly war on drugs. as a result we have the highest prison population per capita in the world- much higher than any african country including the union of south africa. many of these prisoners are black and most are nonviolent drug offenses. the whites usually have jobs and stable families and get off with probation. the white collar crime is also generally gently treated though definitely a serious problem- some rob you with a six gun, some with a fountain pen.
    it is true that small homogenous societies do tend to have low crime rates. the social pressures tend to keep people in line but in the large cities and especially in countries with high mobility the social pressures are insufficient. so young black men may turn to crime even though they average only 5 to seven dollars an hour as a petty criminal and have a lifespan now less than most third world country persons in africa. of course they allhope to become the michael jordan of crime but we know that doesn't happen very often.
    the united states is doing well economically simply because it continues to suck into this country people with brains and ambition from all over the world,. many of them also bring over their capital. the atomic bomb, rockets, genetic research, computers, look at all the immigrants.
    the mexican immigrants in general have a strong religious and family foundation and do very well in the sa. the cubans have doe ver well in the usa. on the other hand many of the hispanics from puerto rico in new york and hispanics in california who have lived here for many generations join gangs- it is cultural not race. and the culture to blame for a significant portion of the problems is the us culture and its minions sitting in te congress in washington d.c. if the capitol of the coutry is in such disgracefu shape and unsafe to walk in most places at night can the rest of the country be far behind? i hope this long diatrbe answers some of your questions brian. personally i am disgusted tired of fighting for improvements. Cultures like new zealand have learned to get along maori and white for the most part. australia ha loosened their restrictive immigrant policie and the results have been very good i beliee but iw will bow to the land of oz for comments. new zealand i was pleased to the extent thtat i applied for residency.

  49. Pauline would make you a good wife Added by: intolerant...of racist bastards
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 Feb, 12:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Have you ever heard of Pauline Hanson, the Australian ex-
    One Nation party leader who believes that the indigenous
    people of Australia are scum and that immigrants are
    lowlife job stealers? Sounds as though you have a lot in
    common. Thing is, buddy, she didn't get re-elected, because
    Australian people on the whole don't like this brand of
    uninformed, stupid, frightened racism. I don't think black
    people or immigrants in your country are the problem.
    People like you are the problem. Get a grip on reality and
    stop acting as if your white anglo male american status
    gives you the right to hate others.

  50. are you for real??? Added by: Claudia
    [Timestamp: Sat 13 Feb, 13:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I really enjoy reading The Thorn tree for the great stories
    and information that is shared by fellow travellers. But
    when I come across a moronic, self-obsessed idiot like
    Brian it makes me wonder what is happening in the world...
    Keep your stupid, racist comments to yourself. Try
    travelling in other countries where your race is not the
    majority and understand how it feels for a change.
    Your a sick puppy

  51. To Tired of Lies Added by: Im tired of your lies
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 Feb, 18:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's obvious you are a hypocrite. An Asian who's been
    discriminated against who turns around and does the same.
    Two wrongs don't make a right. It's obvious all you cared
    about coming to this country for was to make money. You
    need an education in culture and tolerance yourself--BIG

  52. Tired of... Added by: I'm tired of you
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 Feb, 18:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    No one answered your questions because you don't deserve a
    second of their time! If you had a brain, you'd have figured
    it out already!2 Go find a planet and stay there!

  53. only one agrees with brian Added by: louis
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 Feb, 21:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am the 53th message and the only agree with brian.I come
    to help you brian...There is a real problem in
    europe,notably in France where i live.I will take some time
    later to explain this complex problem,which can't be
    discussed with insulting wors.Know Brian that there are some
    people thinking like you.Send a message here if you want we
    discuss together longer.I have no e-mail.

  54. I give up Added by: Rand
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 Feb, 2:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I had decided on not commenting this topic...but then again how is that possible...Brian reminds me of an american racist "chatfriend" I had that HATED all blacks cause they were all bad people and dangerous. I spent hours reasoning with her. As it turned out she didn't really know any blacks at all. It was the statistics...the poor areas in the cities bla bla. There are reasons as to why these areas are inhabited mostly with blacks, and these reasons are mostly created by whites throughout time. Poverty is the key-word as many of you have already stated. Blacks have been slaves, then simply harrassed and not given the same benefits as whites for decades and even centuries. Yes, society have changed, laws are now giving blacks the same rights as whites. Nothing is stopping the blacks from succeeding except poverty. Only it's not even that simple. Yes the crime rate is high in the ghettos. Not because the people there are black, but because they are living in a society where only the strong have survived for decades. You kill or get killed - and you can't simply say "no - I want to go to college" when your entire life is all about keeping yourself alive. It IS a cultural thing that has evolved because of years and years of being held down by the real bad guy. The whites. Face it Brian - we (the white people) have fucked the world over and over. And you can't believe that because the laws are equal to whites and blacks that everything will be ok over night. The ghettos are the worlds to many blacks - maybe the one place white people left them in peace - without money or work of course. Hmmm this turned out to be a bit of a ramble, but my point is that poverty and opression surrounded by a rich society of people that basically hate them has led to a higher crime rate amongst the blacks. WE the whites have created this situation. Blacks that have the same level of acceptance and economy as whites are not more criminal than us, and poor white people are equally violent as poor blacks. The statistics are correct by all means, but they are not saying anything about reasons. Blacks are not more violent because they are black....geezz...I'm looking for a spoon here to feed Brian and this tired of lies character.
    As for your 3 questions....how stupid are you anyway?
    1) Why is Kuwait a safer place than Sweden (when they're not invaded by another idiot with similar attitude to yours, only the other way around)?
    2)The jews - and you being one should know this - were basically doing the same work as everybody else. Only something happened thousands of years ago that lead to the opression of these people. They were basically squeezed out of every occupation. So they became experts in banking and a few other types of occupation, worked their butt of and made it. Untill Hitler came and fucked them again. And know this - he would have though of YOU the way you think of blacks.
    3)There are no white neighbourhoods in the US more dangerous than the ones you list. The reasons for that should have been explained to you about 20 times by now, but you simply can't get it can you?
    My chatfriend took the consequence of our talks and decided to be more open to blacks. Of course she has still fears for the black neighbourhoods because, as you say, the statistics don't lie, they simply don't give the reasons. Now one of her best friends is black.
    And I have a final question to you racists out there...why is it that you always talk about how bad blacks are, and then you brag about the great US sport teams dominated by blacks like Michael Jordan and Carl Lewis....and why is Will Smith so popular....I guess you're afraid of all of them. Sorry if this post seems a bit fragmented, but I was simply so angry that I couldn't get my thoughts typed fast enough...

  55. To Rand: you got the point! Added by: Gianni
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 Feb, 1:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm white, and you're one of the few whites I can call
    "brother". I wrote some posts above, and of course I agree
    with everything you said. Now the main point is this: it's
    time for whitemen to admit white crimes, as you clearly
    explained and I did on post #9. Whites messed it up, now
    it's time for whites to fix, although blacks are doing it
    without. We all want a right world, same opportunities,
    isn't it? Media, institutions are not racist, it's all about
    the money: only a few like Brian get the side effect, but
    they're fading away, luckily.

  56. you are one sick puppy brian Added by: tamara
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 23:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    holy f**k , I can't believe everything I just read. Brian,
    aside from being a racist bastard, your ignorance has done
    nothing but ruin a perfectly good time on the net for me and
    I'm sure I can safely say, for many others as well. I'd love
    to know where you are getting your ridiculous statistics and
    at least be intelligent enough ( is that asking for too
    much?)to realize that for every stat. you may choose to
    present there are many others that will put it to shame. You
    scare me. What the hell are you doing on this website
    anyways? Do you even have the slightest understanding as to
    what this page is about? It's about tolerance and perhaps
    the opportunity to share knowledge with each other that can
    ENRICH our lives, not bring us back to a time when idiots
    like you were a majority and practically destroyed us with
    your hate and lies. I try to be understanding but you are
    exactly the kind of person I would want kick. Oh my, I just
    looked at my hands while writing this, they are not black!!
    What the hell does that say about your statistics?? You are
    such a waste of time.

  57. imperialists and nazis Added by: alice
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 Feb, 18:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The reason there are so many third world people in Britain
    is because the British went to their country and exploited
    them. Now its come back to haunt them. If the Europeans and
    Americans had stayed home they wouldn't have this "problem"
    Personally I would feel much safer walking through any third
    world neighborhood than in Nazi Germany amongst all
    those "fine" white people.

  58. dangerous whites Added by: allice
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 Feb, 18:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jeffrey Dahmer and most serial murderers were white. I don't
    know of any third world neighborhood that has systematically
    gassed, experimented, and committed genocide in the US or

  59. To post 27 Added by: half-caste
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 2:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you think London is a white city I suggest you come to
    London. You obviously never have.

    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 2:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]


    [Timestamp: Sat 6 March, 1:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    BRIAN AND LUIS are in BED together trying to have more
    white children. They want to demonstrate how smart they
    both are to us all. GOOD luck ya nelly fruitloops. I
    hope you both get hit by a bus!

  62. Don't forget ... Added by: Just someone
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 March, 7:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...that almost knowone leaves his country and everything he owns just for nothing. It's a big step and to go to a totally different country isn't just something you just do. You has to do it, otherwise you'll be killed or something.
    And...not everybody leaves is country for the same reason. I'm working as a volunteer in a camp for refugees her in the Netherlands. If you hear the stories of all those different people, you would be so glad that you live in peace!!
    Just be happy with everything you own (family etc.) and ignor people like Brian.

  63. have you ever.. Added by: olga
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 20:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Have you ever thought about the reason why people in the
    migrant area commit more crimes? Because in the western
    countries they do not get a fair chance to prove they are
    capable of getting a good job and to work hard. In most
    cases if people have to choose between a white or a colored
    person, they choose the white person, because they
    immediately think of the stereotype-idea that people with
    another color can not work hard. They do not even get
    the chance to prove themselves! Shall we first look at
    ourselves before we judge others?!

  64. short and sweet Added by: dan
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 March, 18:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    fuck you , Brian you ignorant piece of shit.

  65. Black American reply Added by: Homeboy from the Hood
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 11:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    After reading Brian's, Tired of Lies,etc, I come to realize
    that racism still exists in the world. A friend of mine
    went to Stockholm two years ago and almost beaten by some
    racist Swedes. In spite of that insident he still wanted to
    go to Sweden because not all Swedes are like those bad ones
    who tried to mess up his trip. Many props to the people who
    represent tolerence and fairness. To the intolerent and
    racist Blacks and Black music are here to stay!

  66. Wooord up, homey! Added by: Gianni
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 12:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  67. What Added by: Phant
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 April, 0:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Lets face it Brian black or white we are all evolved from
    apes.The only reason Europeans are white is due to the fact
    that their dark skin faded over the years of their trek up
    from Africa and living in a cold climate.I am a white who
    has moved to South Africa and for me its like coming home.

  68. what? Added by: will
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 April, 17:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Brian, buddy slow down..
    you sound so intelligent...
    I am an American traveling through Australia at the moment..
    Sydney and Melbourne are very diverse cultural cities, but
    sometimes I miss the black culture of urban America...
    However i have never missed the white supremacists of rural
    america where i spent some time in my youth...
    Prejudice and hatred is the single reason for the bloodshed
    around the world, be it Yugoslavia, Africa, or Ireland,

  69. For another reason Added by: Maude
    [Timestamp: Sat 3 April, 9:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wait a minute here.
    I don't agree at all with Brian, especially the crime
    thing... it's a shame to think that way. it's sad. he
    probably doesn't know better, but the sadest thing is that
    lots of american (i know, i am) think that way.
    BUT i think we should indeed limit the number of immigrants
    coming in different countries (except in times of war, like
    right now, in Yougoslavia, i have respect for the
    surrounding countries who accept those people in their
    Why? just imagine what it would be like if the world was a
    big melting pot. All the countries would look the same!
    what makes a country special is its differences from other
    countries. by mixing every culture together we obtain
    uniformity and boredom.
    what i'm saying is if i go in india, i wanna see indians
    and i wanna enjoy the indian culture. all in all, a
    complete heterogeneous world would be boring and they would
    be no need to travel.

  70. To Maude the Snob Added by: Gianni (power2gianni@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 3 April, 23:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    kid, the world IS a 'big melting pot', but you'll find
    indians in India though. I just don't know why you don't
    find so many native americans (redskins) in the US...
    North Africans come to EU because of their local economy:
    tell them that you want to see the Europe you've seen on 40s
    and 50s movies, that they're wasting your freaky holyday,
    that is 'boring'. I can't do it.
    World keeps changing, and we can only catch a picture of it,
    the PRESENT; even when it'll be totally different, will be
    typical. People move and world changes, and we're lucky it
    happens so that not only geography is typical but also
    history is. We always need to travel.

  71. you're joking right? Added by: vic
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 2:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    please tell me you are. i can't believe anyone would have
    that kind of retarded attitude genuinely.

  72. pc revisited Added by: monty
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 7:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    crime is a matter of definition, and family patterns as
    well as cultural backgrounds are decisive for that
    q: how to deal with people who are aggressive/ offending/
    threatening, as well at home as abroad, when you cannot get
    out of their way ?
    Live and let live. Make this happen, BUT HOW ???

  73. Regarding #34 Added by: Mestizo
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 April, 12:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    So, I'm half-Asian and half-Scandinavian? How exactly would
    you classify me? My hair's too light to be Asian and it's
    not blonde, so I'm not your typical Scandinavian. I'm
    taller than most Asians yet slightly shorter than most
    Scandinavians. My eyes are light brown, but they're shaped
    like a cross between those of Asians and Scandinavians. Now
    you tell me whether I should be classified as Asian or

  74. Brian is ignorant Added by: Scott
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 7:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is amazing that in 1999 someone could so easily equate
    skin color with likelihood of committing crime. Has Brian
    ever thought there might be other factors involved in the
    statistics that we see. Remember, Thomas Jefferson,
    supposedly our enlightened ex-President of the US, thought
    that people with dark skin smelled differently than people
    with white skin which helped to reinforce the theory that
    they were more animal than human. Always question anyone
    trying to use statistics to prove a point.

  75. Brian is ignorant Added by: Scott
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 7:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is amazing that in 1999 someone could so easily equate
    skin color with likelihood of committing crime. Has Brian
    ever thought there might be other factors involved in the
    statistics that we see. Remember, Thomas Jefferson,
    supposedly our enlightened ex-President of the US, thought
    that people with dark skin smelled differently than people
    with white skin which helped to reinforce the theory that
    they were more animal than human. Always question anyone
    trying to use statistics to prove a point.

  76. simple sociology Added by: geir
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 0:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I hope this is understandable to the average reader,
    because its really very simple:
    1.The poor people in a community are more likely to commit a
    2.Usually because of fewer resources available duri ng their
    upbringing, and the fact that USA is a very differentiated
    community. Sosial differences are increasing all the time.
    3. Skin colour is totally irrellevant, all you have to do to
    prove this is to compare people of different races, skin
    colours, or whatever is bugging your racist little mind at
    the time.
    4. You will find that its a matter of poor communities,
    fucked-up childhoods, and a system that first and foremost
    punishes, without treating or trying to understand.
    5.Behind every right-wing politician or redneck with the
    ability to read or at least watch TV, there lies a
    statistic. A nice word .....

  77. correction Added by: geir again
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 1:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When I wrote that the U.S. is a very differentiated
    society I meant the fact that the state is not doing much to
    eliminate social differences. For example by supporting
    children of poor families. Or helping young criminals out by
    giving them mild sentences and a chance to educate
    themselves, or get a decent job.

  78. To Tired of Lies Added by: NOYB
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 3:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just because you are Jewish does not mean that you are not a
    Nazi. It is not your ethnicity that determines
    under which group of idiots you fall in (e.g. Nazism) but
    rather the lack of thinking. So yes, you are a Nazi Jew.
    Get it? Don't think you do.

  79. Prejudism Added by: Falken
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 10:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, Its al about integration, creating a "melting pot".
    That is what I was told when I was in the US as an
    exchangestudent. But the thing is that, integration is not
    happening, people live whith thier own. The state provides
    social building for imigrant, and the locals dont want to
    know of them, but they will when they start do make a
    sound, and they all make a fuss about it. Increse your
    tolerance and decrease tour dobbelstandart...........!

  80. COUCOU BRIAN Added by: Jack (zoom@typoweb.tm.fr)
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 23:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For France my country... we have Champion of the World with
    Blacks Arabics and Whites. It's wonderfull. You dont think

  81. What??? Added by: Machiavelli (polisciman@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 16:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    At the risk of sounding like a pig-Fuck off Brian you're a
    rascist ass. As a citizen of the U.S. I do understand the
    statistics that you have so neatly rattled off. However,
    you have established a false causality between race and
    crime. Race does not cause high crime rates. Yes, as stated
    earlier in the tree, the facts seem evident. But take off
    the blinders and try to see things for what they are. I am
    a trained academic in this area and I think that you are
    spewing the same rascist crap that your ilk has always
    spread to foster intergroup hatreds and scapegoating.
    Thanks for the soapbox and I'll gladly debate anyone e-mail
    on this.

  82. So sad... Added by: from graduate in cross-cultural studies in human rights
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 0:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    to read what Brian wrote. Ignorance gotta be one of our
    biggest problems. A culture can only evolve if mixes with
    new things. Hence in order for any of us to eveolev we need
    to mix, we need to respect each other and undertsnad each
    other. And you Brian, need to see thhing from a little
    deeper and more educated perspective than your own. When
    you say "what are the European doing?" are you aware of the
    amount of people you are referring to here? We are talking
    hundereds of millions of people here. You only mention two
    - two white very Westernizes society. Do you know how many
    refugees Macedonia is taking right now or Albania?
    Do you know that in my hometown in southern Sweden every
    fourt person is of non-Swedsih background. I feel fortunate
    to have it that way. We pay on eof the highest taxes in the
    world and we are able to help people that are much worse
    off than we are. We can learn so much from this new
    influence; about ourselves as individuals and about our
    society and others. Did you know that before they had
    already contemplated building the Athens ,which seems to be
    considered the cradle of civilization by many American
    educational institution, there were already universities in
    Timbuktu, Mali and kingdoms in Nubia and Ghana. Egypt was a
    very mixed society due to its geographical location with
    different tribes and people passing through it on their
    trade routes. Hence, it is not about color or race or
    ethnicity - it is about money,and attitudes and education.
    Good luck with re-educating yourself and getting a more
    open mind and a sense of perspective, Brian

  83. Just what he wanted? Added by: Paleface
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 0:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    All I can say is well done! Not because I agree with
    anything you said - that's all complete nonsense. But what
    I do admire is your ability to generate so many responses
    from so many people that feel compelled to state the
    obvious i.e that you are a bit of an idiot. Then again,
    the strange thin here is, is that you probably don't even
    exist and your message was written by a black undergraduate
    as part of a social studies experiment. So everone else
    out there, save your stress and don't bother.

  84. Rather Misguided Added by: Liam
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 April, 12:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Race should never be the determining factor for any
    immigration programme. A person's worth should not be
    determined by a mere accident of birth (which is exactly
    what a person's race is). It is totally illogical to say
    that the colour of a person's skin determines their
    propensity to commit crimes.
    One should be very careful with statistics. They are
    heavily skewed by the fact that people from lower socio-
    economic backgrounds are more likely to be caught and
    convicted for what they do. Therefore this does not mean
    that other groups in society don't commit crimes it just
    means that they haven't been caught or because they could
    afford to use the court system to get themselves off!!!
    It is making an issue out of race that is responsible for
    most of the problems in the world today!

  85. Thank god ! Added by: Allen Fung
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 3:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    After spending hours reading the above posts, I'm very happy
    that we're not living in a Lonely Planet !
    I don't give that Brain a shit !
    An Asian from Hong Kong.

  86. Brian... Added by: Hungry
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 4:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Let me guess.. You are wearing a pointy white hat and hang
    around with boys that like to burn things and sleep with
    their sisters.
    Maybe you should move farther from the border.

  87. Brain oh Brian Added by: Soneii
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 13:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Brian,
    Don't know why I am commenting as I am really looking for
    accomodation in Helsinki. Anyway your letter caught my eye
    and I just could not resist with my comments.
    You must really enjoy this attention. I really think you
    have an early case of senile dementia and are regressing
    rapidly like your other supporters. Wake up Brian, its these
    Asians who control buisness, research ..............you name
    it its them everywhere because I think they have the brains
    and they work HARD!!!!
    And me I am an Asian: pretty, light skinned but nevertheless
    an East Indian or Paki or Brownie. What do I do? I am a
    Research Associate, MD in the Departemnt of Psychiatry in
    the University of Alberta. So whenever you think that Asians
    have nothing to contribute think of me. Canada gave me a
    chance and here I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  88. Scapegoats Added by: French
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 3:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To all Brians:
    Remember immigration history in France: first, there were
    Spanish, Portuguese and Italian immigrants. As soon as they
    arrived in France, and though they are white, everything,
    every crime was their fault according to the French people
    who think like you and yours, Brian. Then Algerians and
    Black Africans arrived (because French people came to
    colonize Algeria and part of Africa, don't forget that).
    Then the criminal was the Algerian or the Black, not the
    Spanish, nor the Portuguese or the Italian. Then Asian
    people came to join the Arab and the Black and they became
    the criminal too.
    Turkish people in France are not pointed out, they are
    working-hard-people. But in Germany, Turkish people are the
    criminals, just as Arab, Black and Asian are criminal for
    the French.
    Every hosting country has its scapegoat, that's all.

  89. Brian say something!! Added by: Homeboy from the Hood
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 8:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Never in my life that such a wack post gets such response as
    this one. Thank goodness I represent fairminded people who
    are tolerent and nice. In Colorado, people like you murder
    and maim all because you think the Blacks,Arabs and others
    cause the crime in the world. In the US every one of those
    school shootings are caused by WHITE males who are spoiled
    and rejected. Check yourself and repond!

  90. Thanks! Added by: European
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 3:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for warning us Brian! Bye bye.

  91. Wonders Added by: Rand
    [Timestamp: Mon 26 April, 23:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I wonder if Brian was from Littleton, Colorado, and shot himself recently.

  92. racism goes both ways Added by: misha
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 11:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I immigrated from eastern european country to US 1 year ago,
    i'm tring very hard to get my life together, I have two
    jobs, small apartment in so called black neigborhood and i'm
    the only one so far on the street who is white. I have never
    seen a seroious crime in my life in my old country only
    heard about it. Every day a take a train(metro to work) I'm
    the only person who is white all the time, I'm tring to be
    nice and talk and smile but most of the people look at me
    very strangly (can't define it). I was attacked 4 times but
    all what I lost was a wallet with 10 dollars and etc. My
    aprtmenrt was robbed 3 times in 1 year, police tells me to
    move out to better part of the city but I'm still saving ,
    just can't afford it. I see cars stolen, people atteacked
    every few days, burning houses from time to time etc.
    I like different people (ethniclly) it's natural curiosity
    but as much as I'm tring to get close I sense some sort of
    resentment from them. So my point is that racism goes both
    ways that's all.
    people are people

  93. well Added by: native
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 12:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If Native Americans had a stricter immigration policy
    in the 1500's. There would be no whites or blacks
    Thus no crime, ignorant attitudes, eurocentric ideas
    After O.J. it's not color, its economics
    Remove ones skin, how do you tell a white from a black or
    Come on Brian we all have more in common than we have
    We all breath the same air need the same things
    without access to the same resources
    we only see our differences
    without justice there is crime
    we have all we need to make it work
    the opposite is chaos,

  94. . Added by: . (.)
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 14:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Canada is one of the most multicultural countries in the
    world, yet it doesn't have a high crime rate. Any comments

  95. you make me cross Added by: anna (DrinkwaterAC@cardiff.ac.uk)
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 4:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    although it is doubtful that anyone will read my thoughts at
    the end of such a long list i felt so infuriated by you
    that i had to jump in
    did it occur to you that if minorities were not oppressed by
    bigoted racist fucks like you then they would not feel the
    need to be violent, personally i am white, practically aryan
    and a pacifist but i would give you a good smack in the gob
    if i met you now.

  96. Dear dear Brian . . . Added by: My oh My
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 8:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Unless your ancestors were Native Americans, then chances
    are they arrived on US soil as nothing more than refugees
    themselves. Oh that our forefathers had seen fit to adopt
    the restrictions you so ardently espouse.

  97. hey brian Added by: white girl
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 12:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i'm not black but i'd shoot you.

  98. More losers Added by: God (heaven)
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 5:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The more time I spend reading this page the more of a loser
    I feel, I would hate to become a loser like Brian, a loser,
    A LOSER, A LIFE-LESS moron, Brian has no life so he gets
    involved with everyone elses, and considering he is too weak
    to love he must hate, truly a sad loser.. indeed. Whats my
    excuse?...well I'm God for Christs sake, all your lives are
    my business. End racism or it will put an end to you.

  99. A better life Added by: Ned
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 8:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A better life is all these immigrants want and they deserve
    the same chance as every other human being on the planet.We
    can`t give the native americans back their lands and way of
    life nor can we resurrect the native population of
    Hispanola but the least we can do is move forward together
    with justice and liberty for ALL and my advice to you brian
    is to get someone to take that big heavy book of statistics
    you`re so fond of to the top of the empire state building
    and drop it on your head

  100. Stockholm or Luanda Added by: Historian
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 9:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Which happens to be the capital of Angola.Try 300 years of
    mis-rule by Portugal the only colonial power even Cecil
    Rhodes wouldn`t send back to Africa, a bloody civil war,
    Economic dis-intergration of what was already one of the
    least developed countries in sub-Saharan Africa and a 20
    year long fight against insurgents by a marxist government
    backed by cuban troops
    somewhere therin lies your truth
    Sweden is a stable country. Angola, thanks to Europeans
    probably never will be

  101. land of the free (NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Added by: Kal
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 2:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    maybe you should keep those ideas in america where you have
    60 juveniles under the age of 18 on death row contravening
    international law, my arse is it the land of the free. the
    reason we are engaged in a war is because of bigots like you
    who cannot respect other peoples beliefs and live in harmony

  102. you sad bastard Added by: marianne (malf196)
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 6:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Firstly your country will accept practically anyone who will
    swear to follow the "American Way" of life.
    Secondly your are a damned ignorant person who can't see the
    connection between the poverty of immigrants (yes even
    generations down the line) and crime, NOT colour and crime.
    I'm white but I feel certain that the asian guy to my left
    is probably feeling less disposed towards vilolent crime
    than I am right now after reading your stupid fucking

  103. Crime. Added by: The Crimson Avenger
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 22:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You're all wrong.
    Crime has always existed.
    Crime will always exist.
    High crime areas have always existed.
    High crime areas will always exist.
    If you want to blame these FACTS on race, religion or
    European expansionist history, then that's your problem.
    Not one of you has suggested any constructive methods of
    curing these problems. Dreams about everybody living
    together in harmony are just that, dreams. It's education
    and stable family environments that discourage children
    from growing up to commit crime, regardless of their ethnic
    or social background.
    And before any social workers throw their arms in the air
    shouting about social deprivation causing crime, I'll call
    you a bunch of fuckwits now, to save myselfd having to come
    back later.

  104. help! Added by: Ivy
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi, I don't know if anyone will get this, but a recent post upset me similar to this one...i think it's post 183, or around there, the post is about an interracial couple and if they will have any problems...i was offended by "brutha's" post and only one other person besides me has responded...check it out..it's probably not as controversial as this...but i'm sick of being hated for being american....the hatred some people have for americans is needlessly intense and really wears one down...thanks.

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