Childish (but fun) Topic...

This topic was created by Jas
[Tue 15 Dec, 6:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi all,
Just 'cause I love to see those 50-post long threads where
people try to objectively answer a subjective question,
here's a little fire-cracker to stir the shit... :)
What is the SEXIEST ACCENT in the world? The one that makes
your knees buckle, your wallet spontaneously combust, and
puts the animal portion of your brain into overdrive???
PS. Votes will be tabulated at the end. The winning country
will be the first visit on my next trip...

[There are 196 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 10:06]

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  1. That's easy Added by: Ann
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 7:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ewan Macgregor's accent (by him alone!).

  2. dutch .... Added by: withnail
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 7:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    no contest, very sexy (especially if attatched to blonde with great tits) ...errr, sorry, got carried away...
    just to incite all you do goodin' politically correct feminists out there.!!, shoot me down in flames.

  3. Well..... Added by: Which one?
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 8:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Are you talking about boys or girlies? I guess I'll list
    both just for the fairness. For guys: belgian or irish,
    Italian's nice too. For gals: Italian or French. Then again,
    a guy can have ANY (european) accent and turn a girl to

  4. For men . . . Added by: Kay
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 10:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    definitely a Scottish accent! Although as mentioned above,
    almost any european accent is good (except german, in my

  5. irish Added by: megan
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 11:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    definately irish!!

  6. Irish all the way! Added by: Bec
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 11:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Guys with an Irish accent are the best, it is sooooo sexy.
    For girls, my boyfriend thinks Irish and French. I guess I
    lucked out, cause I'm an Aussie. Seeya

  7. i disagree with kay Added by: E
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 12:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i fully disagree. my favourite accent for women is the
    german accent. although i must admit that some german
    accents can be pretty horrible. when theyre good though,
    theyre good.

  8. Och Aye Added by: Kez
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 17:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Definitely Scottish ... Sean Connery, Ewan McGregor, Robert
    Carlyle - none of these men are that good looking but I
    just about faint every time they turn up on the screen - it
    has to be the accent.

  9. Italian Added by: Lena
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 19:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    First of all, Dutch???? German??? No, sorry, i think you're
    getting those confused with the "ugliest" accents in the
    world. No, I'm thinking more along the lines of
    Italian.....or French.....Although, Aussie does turn me on
    too...But bottom of the list? German-Swiss. Sorry!

  10. too many to choose from ! Added by: me
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 20:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    men with french accents definitely win a spot. and i must
    admit i love boys with english accents (not really snotty
    ones, nor cockney ones ! and i don't really favour
    northener accents either ! any english accents from down
    south get me going...) and i love guys with scottish accents
    - esp. Ewan McGregor - YUM !

  11. Irish Added by: RK
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 20:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For women - Irish!

  12. Azores Added by: uranus
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 22:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I once met a girl with a Azores/portugeese accent in English
    and that was so cute! That was the best. The funny Finnish
    way of speaking English is also great (both for boys and
    girls). And indeed the German and Dutch accents are quite

  13. The Emerald Isle Added by: TankGirl
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 23:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Definately an Irish accent. That's melt at the knees

  14. I agree with Kez... Added by: Ashley (
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 1:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ewan McGregor's accent is absolute killer, not to mention
    he's gorgeous.But Italian and Aussie are definate killers
    too. I love them. Any availible out there???????

  15. Ooo La La Added by: Jason
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 2:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't know what you're talking about Ashley and Lene ....
    us Aussies don't have any accent at all - its everyone else
    who has an accent ;-)
    By the way, its French-Canadian women who have the sexiest
    accent in the world.

  16. Italian Added by: jen
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 3:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    or even French

  17. Aussie tongues Added by: French Canadian girl
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 4:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't know if my accent would tempt you Jason since I have
    barely one, but I can speak French to you. We always say for
    fun, we speak two tongues :-) !! (language = tongue in
    My favorite accent is definitely the Australian one!

  18. Wow... this really caught on! Added by: Jas
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 5:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I didn't think that there would be this many posts this
    I'm not surprised that Ireland has been so popular. It
    happens to be right up there on my list, too.
    1. Irish
    2. Scottish
    3. French
    4. Australian
    5. Anything Scandinavian
    Keep 'em coming, I'm enjoying this!
    (oh, and not to upset all of my Canadian counterparts -
    you're gorgeous, but I don't consider us as having an
    Play nice!

  19. Hmmmm... Added by: Miss Canada
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 5:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Perhaps Jason and French Canadian Girl should get together,
    EH? Personally, I think a soft British accent tops the
    list. However, Irish, Italian, and the occassional Aus can
    work wonders too, granted the accent doesn't come from a
    loud and obnoxious guy. I put in a vote for the Brazilian
    accent too, and Sean Connery, and Mel Gibson... Oh heck,
    almost ANY accent can sound good if it's attached to the
    right person! p.s. What does a Canadian accent sound like

  20. eh? Added by: megan (
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 7:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i do believe that according to the yanks we canadians
    pronounce our "outs" and "abouts" like "uwt" and "abuwt".
    although i can't notice it. plus we do say "eh" a lot.

  21. Hard to choose... Added by: karen (
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 8:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have to agree with above in that it defintely depends who
    the accent is attached to but the Irish do give me
    meltdown-syndrome so I guess that would have to be my first
    choice. Also..I never met a kiwi guy I didn't
    like-yet!!!!!!And I think a Dutch accent is sooooo cute
    although not necessarily sexy.

  22. Wild!!!!!! Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 9:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, this topic seems to have really taken off! I've been
    studying hard for exams lately, so I've been out of the
    running for a while. Damn those science courses that I love
    so much! Well.... I would say that to catch me, it would
    have to be Irish or Australian. Add Scottish too. Italian is
    nice..., but I love the kind of British, but not really
    brit, accent. Actually, I know a Belgian guy who sounds kind
    of Brit, but also French. This other guy I know has a
    Croat/Brit accent, and it's great!
    Guru: Some Newfoundlanders have accents, and they are
    heavily Irish/Scottish. It's funny, but most of the girls I
    know don't have an accent. It's the guys that have 'em. It's
    also the older generation that has most of the accent. If
    you like thick accents that you can cut with a knife, go up
    to St.Anthony(northern tip of NFLD). You'll love it!
    Megan: I have friends in the states, and they say that I
    pronounce "out" like "auwt". They sound like they're saying
    "oot"! Well, they always make fun of me...and I of them!
    It's all good fun, especially when they try to imitate me. I
    have to argue about the "eh" one though. I think it may be a
    bit over rated. I don't hear a lot of people say it.
    It would be interesting to know what a Canadian accent
    sounds like, from someone else's P.O.V. Then again, people
    in Canada say I have a Euro accent, although they can never
    place it. Maybe it's my background.
    Anyways, thanks for starting this cool, new, interesting
    topic Jas. Let's hope that the country that wins will fill
    your hearts desires....!

  23. Agreeing with Eh? Added by: Karen
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 9:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have to aggree with Megan. My Britiah cousins tease me
    about the way I say about and out. I also found that I say
    eh a hell of alot more than I thought I did. However, the
    British say yeh all the time. My vote for sexiest male
    accent has to be Irish but it Australian is a close second.
    I suppose it depends on who is doing the talking. As for
    women I would say men probably prefer French. Some how I
    don't think you guys rank Canadian up their in the top. It
    is still a great place to visit.

  24. Forget French, Italian... Added by: Mauricio (
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 10:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Forget French, Italian, or my native Spanish, the sexiest
    (Romance) language is Brazilian Portuguese. Give me a
    brasileira any day!

  25. my faves Added by: ALISON
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 14:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've only just come from Ireland, so I have to say Irish is
    a favorite. but ultimately I'd have to say the scouse accent
    in Britain. Mmm Mmm goood!

  26. dot Added by: sparata
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 17:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Emmanuelle Beart and Isabelle Adjani are delicious.

  27. Definitely Irish... Added by: Oh la la
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 18:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...especially from Ulster. Then Scottish, Spanish, Kiwi and

  28. Big honour Added by: Sean Connery (
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 1:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To all the girlsch at TT who voted for me, I'd juscht like
    to shay thanksch.

  29. Favourite Accents Added by: Marky Mark
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 2:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Southern Irish does it for me!

  30. SCOTTISH !! Added by: Brit Chick
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 2:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Without a doubt!
    For example: Ewen McGregor, Sean Connery, Ally McCoist.
    Geordies are pretty cool aswell.

  31. Kiwi first... Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 3:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    then Danish, then French Canadien (with an "e"!).
    Newfie's pretty cool. I'd vote for Ireland but as I'm Irish
    it would be biased!

  32. You're all too... Added by: Mauricio
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 4:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You're all too Eurocentric!

  33. YES YOU DO Added by: Ashley (
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 7:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think all of you Aussies have a very distinct accent.But
    Scottish (like I said EWAN MCGREGOR)are pretty hot too. Oh
    yeah and Sean Connery is very sexy-BOND-James Bond. Have
    any of you ever heard a major Texan accent? I live here and
    it makes even the worst accent sound like the best.(no
    offense to Texas)But its almost as bad as a yankee accent-
    you betcha-

  34. more eh? Added by: megan (
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 8:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    to the canadian chick: if you've been oot of canada for
    long enough when you come back you will be surprised at how
    often the canadians say eh? i know the brits do to but they
    seem to use it in a different context.
    to jake: hope you appreciate your accent, all the girls
    swoon over it! use it to your advantage!

  35. Morning? Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 10:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You know, I've been up for 48 hrs, and I just woke up after
    my first "nap". I didn't know if it was morning or evening,
    and that's just scary to think about. Too bad we can't hear
    the people's voices who post a comment, then we could all
    enjoy the multitude of accents! My friend, just for the
    count, loves completely Brit accents-rich, snooty guy
    accents. I do spend lots of time outside of the country, I
    recently spent about a month in China. When I came back, I
    didn't notice the "eh" as much as I thought I would. Maybe
    it's a dead thing in my circles of friends. I know that the
    device of "eh" was brought over here by the British, and I
    read an article on it's history...kind of neat, when you're
    bored out of your mind :) Hey Karen, I can say that I made
    a concious decision to stop saying "eh", even though I
    didn't say it too often in the first place. My grandparents
    (Scots) have been here for a long time and they still keep
    their accents(they haven't adopted "eh"). What is the age,
    that if you move you would lose your accent? When you're
    past a certain age, do you just keep your accent forever?
    Does anyone know? Well, back to my exams! Ugh.

  36. Nice to see your back Canadian Chick! Added by: Bec
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 12:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I still say Irish all the way, I haven't really heard a
    true Italian accent as most of the Italian accents I've
    heard are from Italians who've lived in Australia for a
    long time (they aren't that nice), so I can't really say.
    Another accent that is a great turner oner is that South
    Hampton Enlgish accent, ohh Baby. I think the French
    accent is too snooty (nothing against the people, their
    great). Oh, you guys who like the Aussie accent, I'm glad
    you can distingish between us and the New Zealanders, not
    many people can, so thanks!

  37. Save the "Eh"! Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Fri 18 Dec, 3:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Canadian Chick;
    Why would you want to stop saying "Eh"? As a Paddy who lived
    in Canada for a few years it was one of the most distinctive
    traits of the Canadian accent. Some Canadians thought I was
    from NewFoundland due to the similarities of the 2 accents.
    Most people kept asking me to say "Thirty Three" and then
    burst out laughing when I did! It was good to be a source of
    amusement! I say keep on saying "Eh"! It sets you apart from
    your Southern Neighbours! Oh, and can somebody send me a 24
    of Sleamans Ale, I cant get it here and it's the business!
    I have to stick with the Kiwi's in first spot though. Sorry!
    To Megan: It would be dishonourable to use my accent for my
    advantage. I could'nt do it (snigger, snigger)!!!!

  38. not on the list yet?? Added by: jam
    [Timestamp: Fri 18 Dec, 4:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    what about South African?? gotta love that.

  39. the luck of the Irish Added by: Ruby
    [Timestamp: Fri 18 Dec, 6:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ireland does it for me...I could listen to any guy from
    Ireland (north or south)read the phone book to me and be
    happy...but the Kiwi accent is right up there, as well as
    Scottish and South African and while I'm at it, French too!
    :) And it doesn't hurt if the guy talking is nice to look at
    too, and the countries that I've mentioned also have very
    nice looking guys!!! YUM!

  40. Sigh... Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Fri 18 Dec, 6:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    One more exam to go!!!!!! Thanks for the welcome Bec.
    Italian guys sound cute/funny when they speak english. It
    sort of has to do with their attitudes and huge egos, I
    guess. See, when they talk, they want to be cool, so they
    put on this suave sort of attitude even if they're saying
    something completely wrong. It's cute, but it's also funny,
    because they act like "mimbos". Hey Jake, why would I want
    to keep saying "eh"? It is characteristically Canadian, and
    I do use it when speak with friends. I just don't use it in
    every sentence, that's all. Also, it doesn't sound good in
    some conversations, so I refrain from using it then. Don't
    worry, I'm not trying to kill "eh". I do love that it is
    part of our heritage. I can understand how people could
    mistake you for a Newfie. Where in Canada did you live? I'm
    in Toronto, Onatrio. Big city, little nature. I love the
    east coast! Ah well, maybe I can send you that 24 you were
    asking about. My aunt is South African. It is a nice accent,
    but not one of my fav's. Have to stick with Irish, the more
    I think of an Irish guy speaking to me, the more I get
    distracted from my studies... I've still got my Aussie

  41. more from canada Added by: megan
    [Timestamp: Fri 18 Dec, 7:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i think i am addicted to this site. i keep coming back to
    see who else has added a post. from the repeated responses
    from some of you...i'm not the only one. to the canadian
    chick: i have to admit that since i have been out of the
    country i have refrained from saying eh a lot too. but i
    don't think i use to say it too much in the first place.
    good luck with the exams. i live just north of toronto (sth
    of barrie).
    to jake: even when you wrote 33 i thought about how you
    would pronounce it i got the giggles. in fact i still do.
    but take that as a serious complement. pardon my ignorance,
    but you were in canada as a paddy? could you please explain
    what that is. have i not lived yet or what?

  42. only 5 more to 50... Added by: Jas
    [Timestamp: Fri 18 Dec, 9:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...but I'll refrain from taking them all up myself!
    Good luck on your exams, C.C., and remember, Aussies got
    nuthin' on us Canuck guys, eh?

  43. Megan, a "Paddy" is... Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Fri 18 Dec, 19:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...someone from Ireland. It's a nickname for the Irish, like
    Canuck is for you, or Kiwi for NZ'ers. Sometimes it can be
    derogotory, but usually only when used by the Brits. If "33"
    gives you the giggles then me saying "33 and a third" would
    have you in the wrigglies! At least that's been my
    C.C.> I lived in TO for 3 years. Spent a year at St.Clare
    and Dufferin, the only Paddy amongst 10,000 Italians. I
    loved that area. The Italians know how to enjoy life and
    look after each other. They kind of adopted me. Then spent 2
    years on the edge of High Part (Bloor/Keele). Another nice
    area. The park was great. I loved playing Shinny hockey in
    the park in winter (though my skating is shite, took to it
    too late in life!). Then lived in Guelph for a while and
    then travelled across Canada for 8 months camping in the
    Provincial Parks along the way. Great country, hope to
    return for another long stay in about 5 years time. Plan on
    living in Alberta or BC next, I fell in love with them on my
    travels. The East coast was really nice too though!
    Decisions, decisions!!!!!!!
    Sorry for rambling. My accent vote goes with the Kiwi's
    still! Though jam was correct in adding the South Africans
    to the list, it's a sweet one too.
    Is'nt it bloody nice to see a long thread like this with not
    a flame in sight? Great topic Jas!
    Increase the peace,
    J :)

  44. Like, eh? Added by: Miss Canada
    [Timestamp: Sat 19 Dec, 5:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Since we've gotten totally off the topic of accents... Back
    to the "eh" thing. On my first trip out of Canada a few
    years back I met up with a bunch of New Yorkers and spent a
    week with them. By the end of the week I had picked up the
    accent, and then met up with a bunch of other Americans from
    Boston (talk about accents!). Anyway, the Bostonians
    couldn't figure out where I came from because I sounded more
    like an American, but I kept ending my sentences with "eh"!
    When I came back home I vowed to stop saying "eh". I tried,
    but to no avail. Instead of finishing my
    questions/statements with "eh" I started saying "hey". Not
    much of a difference. I guess it's part of me that'll never
    leave. So if you're in Europe next spring/summer and you
    bump into a chick with a really convoluted accent saying
    "eh" all the time, it's probably me :-)
    Okay, the point of me starting this thread was that I wanted
    to mention that so many of the people I know (particularly
    North Americans) say "like" way more than I EVER hear "eh"
    in Canada. I hate it: Like, way cool, man. So, like, did
    you see the new movie? It was, like, awesome. Like, the guy
    was so, like, cute... Ugh. It drives me crazy! I wish
    people would make a conscious effort to banish this
    stupidity from their vocabulary. I must admit that I find
    myself saying it now and then too. Argh!
    My vote still goes for the Brits...
    p.s. I got a good giggle out of that whole "tirdy tree and a
    turd" thing -- ha ha

  45. Like, Paddies in Canada! Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Sat 19 Dec, 9:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey guys! The crunch is over!!!! The exams are finished and
    done for! Yeah!!!! Wait a minute...ahhhhhhh...sigh of
    relief! Megan: I'm addicted to this site as well. It must be
    the regular people who keep coming back to write more.
    Everyone seems to be decent and good to "talk" with! I must
    say that I love hearing from you guys. Thanks for the luck
    with the was needed for some:) South of Barrie!!
    I mountain bike in Hardwood Hills!! That is too cool! Do you
    know if they have good snowbaording there? I'm looking for a
    sweet place to call my home...
    Jas: thank you for your luck. My, my I must have done very
    well on that final exam with all you guys giving me good
    vibes! I haven't met a "true blue" Canuck guy yet...maybe I
    should start!
    Jake: St.Clair and Dufferin?! No way! That is so cool!! I'm
    always up there for archery practice and stuff! I'm part
    Italian too, so how can I not be there? Especially for the
    World Cup final game this summer? I live very near Bloor and
    Keele. I'm just west of there, at Bloor and Runnymede.
    Basically I'm on the other side of High Park. Guelph is a
    great place too, I go there with my dogs for the vet., and
    for competitions. I too have travelled across Canada and I
    enjoyed Alberta a lot. I went for the dinosaur sites...and
    just to explore my own country. Fun, fun! I do love the east
    coast though, my choice over other places in Canada. Sorry,
    I've never made it to B.C., although I would love to go.
    Wow! So if you come over, you've got visit all of us
    Canadian people right? Wild!!!!!!
    Miss Canada: I agree with your distress over the use of
    "like". I hear it far too often, and it makes me think I'm
    in Venice Beach, or whatever. It's just too "valley-girl"
    for this chick.
    Okay everyone, I'm going swimming!!!!! Hahahahaha, I love
    being on break!

  46. almost there... Added by: megan
    [Timestamp: Sat 19 Dec, 13:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hey jas you are almost at 50 posts. too bad people like me
    just write in for the sake of chatting and clearly not
    contributing to the discussion which was ment in the first
    to the canadian chick: we have just got some snow here the
    last few days and the ski resorts have been able to make
    some snow due to the cold weather. as far as i know there
    is good snowboarding at snow valley and horseshoe valley. i
    haven't been to either resort in a while because i seem to
    always be out of the country. i'm glad you finished your
    exams okay. are you at u of t?
    to jake: i would definately have to pick the east coast of
    canada. it is just as picturesque (had to look that one up
    in the dictionary) as western canada but the culture and the
    people are great. so friendly. by the way, i will be in
    ireland at the beginning of the new year/spring, what can
    you recommend to me that i should definately not miss?
    miss canada: we do say like a lot. and it does sound
    horrible. but the yanks say it jsut as much, maybe more.
    not that that is a good thing.
    i would just like to add that the brits have some great
    slang that i just can't pull off with my accent. for
    example, i could never say "cheers" as a way of saying
    thanks. it just sounds wrong. too bad really!

  47. Wow; 50!!!!!!! Added by: Jake (
    [Timestamp: Sat 19 Dec, 19:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This one is going to run and run I think. Mainly because of
    the great crew here.
    CC> I lived on Oakmount, 2 blocks west of Keele. I used to
    walk all along your area thru Bloor West village. Nice area.
    I actually lived at Runnymede/Annette for my first 2 weeks
    in TO, crashing on a mate's floor. How can you say TO is
    not for anyone interested in sports? If you cycle then you
    are in the right area. I used to mountain bike along Bloor
    past Jane and then duck into the park there that runs along
    the river, and head north. You can go way up the river and
    there are some good wooded trails for the bike. Also you can
    nip south thru the park and go along the cycleway
    by the lakeshore, past Ontario Place, across town as far as
    the Beaches. Nice spin.
    I know Hardwood Hills. I used to cross country ski there.
    Great trails, some quite tough. I did most of my downhill in
    Collingwood, at Blue Mountain. It's pretty OK, but not
    Megan> I can give you lots of tips for your visit. I dont
    know if this is the right place for it so email me and I'll
    send them on. And you were like, spot on, like, with your,
    like, observation of the the , like, annoying habit of
    people who say "Like" too oftan. When I say it, it's
    "Loike"!! You had me laughing.
    Congrats to everyone on reaching 50. Roll on the big 100.
    And I still like the Kiwi accent.
    J :)

  48. Keep it strong Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Sun 20 Dec, 3:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Okay, so the new goal is 100. Good, lets start then! Meg:
    thanks for the ski info. I know some places have unfriendly
    skiiers towards snowboarders. See, I don't like half-pipe, I
    love backcountry, slalom or GS. Ross Reb. styles!! That's
    what I like to do. I have been to Snow Valley for skiing,
    and it seemed pretty nice. We got some snow here in To. as
    well. Not enough to make a snowball, but hey, it's snow.
    East coast all the way!!! They treat you like you're family
    over there! They are wonderful people. The Aussies have cute
    things too, I mean when they talk. It's confusing, eg.
    Lemonade here is lemon squash there. For them, Lemonade is
    Sprite. Jake: I lived in 45 Oakmount(appartment) until I was
    9 or 10!! That is so wierd! So that's my childhood area. Do
    you remember the movie theatre on the corner of Runnymede
    and Bloor? Well, they're closing it down and putting a
    Chapters Bookstore in there! It is so unreal! I've been
    going to the meetings to fight these people, but they're in
    for sure. They will gut the building and everything. *sigh*
    No more movies for us! Now we HAVE to go downtown if we want
    to see anything. What really sucks is that they took away an
    integral part of our community! As for sports, you have to
    be rich to do anything in the summer! I'm one of those
    people who should love skiing and boarding and ice fishing,
    because I live in Canada. Don't get me wrong, I
    do love those things. Unfortunately I like to scuba dive,
    canoe, kayak, swim, row, surf(one day I hope), wake board,
    etc. To be able to do those things, you have to wealthy. I
    also love to climb and hike/camp. It's not possible here. I
    do mountain bike. I usually ride in High Park, but they
    closed the trails. The same with the Humber River, the place
    you described. You have to be careful, because they don't
    like people biking like devils anymore. So sad. I ride along
    Lake Shore now, boring for a road warrior, but it will have
    to do.
    I still love the Irish accent! See, I can keep this topic
    going, really ;)

  49. here again Added by: megan (
    [Timestamp: Sun 20 Dec, 3:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i am so upset that we had rain overnight. all my lovely
    snow has disappeared. i can back from the uk for christmas
    so that i could have a white christmas and mother nature is
    not cooperating. but i suppose that is the weather- doesn't
    listen to criticism!!
    sorry CC, you might have to post-pone your snowboarding for
    a while until we get some half decent weather. i don't
    think i will be here long enough to get any skiing in. i
    have brand new cross country skis that i am dying to get on
    again. but i don't think that will happen this season.
    thanks to jake for offering info for me. i will email you
    right after i write this post. if you don't receive
    anything, then it got lost in cyberspace, please email me so
    i can find you again.
    notice how no one says that a new york accent is the
    sexiest. too bad for them.
    hey does anyone know why when i put up a post in canada, it
    reads that it was sent at 09:00 (whatever) tasmanian time.
    fair enough if everyone sent their post at tasmanian time
    but they don't. any answers?.

  50. Jesus, I was in Apt 909! Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Sun 20 Dec, 6:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    That was my bike locked to the pole in the U/G garage! This
    is scary. I used to swim every evening in summer in the
    pool behind the building. In winter I swam in the School
    on Keele (cant remember the name). The vet in Guelph where
    you take your dogs is'nt named Steff by any chance? Now if
    so then this is a bit unreal, as she is a good friend. I
    still have a bank account in CIBC at Annette/Runnymede.
    Handy for cash when I visit TO. I cant believe they've
    closed the trails, the shits. Do the fish still run up the
    Humber in droves? I used to love to get away from town for a
    few days on a canoe trip. I used to leave the car by a lake
    near Dorset (cant remember the name) and come back a few
    days later having met nobody at all. Wilderness is
    Megan> LP is Australian. Hence the tazzie time thing. I see
    some of them are timestamped with "Gumly Gumly" standard
    time which cracks me up! Bec, where is Gumly Gumly? Dont
    worry Meg, if I dont get the mail I'll get back to you. I
    wont leave you hanging on.
    Folks, gotta go. Wont be back for a few days. I'll check in
    as soon as I return; cant wait to find out if it's Steff!
    J :)

  51. Hey all Added by: Kay
    [Timestamp: Sun 20 Dec, 9:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wow, it's so neat that everyone likes the east coast! That's
    where I'm from so it's very flattering :) Thankfully we've
    just gotten snow here so hopefully I'll get to go skiing
    over Christmas break. I hope we get through Christmas before
    it rains again, but around here that's pretty wishful
    thinking. MERRY CHRISTMAS! (or other holiday of your choice)

  52. Oooh, those Spanish men! Added by: Kerry (
    [Timestamp: Sun 20 Dec, 15:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I must say that a good Spanish accent really melts my butter! And Spanish and Latino men are so damn sexy anyway! Especially Andalucian guys! Second place, a good southern English accent and I love the formality of British English! I would also say a French accent if all the French guys I knew weren't such dicks! (sorry if I offended anyone!)

  53. Apt 909?!! Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Mon 21 Dec, 4:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jake, this is too wierd. I lived in apt.814! The pool out in
    the back is where I learned to swim with the best life-guard
    of all time-Rhonda. I used to swim everyday in the summer. I
    went to Keele Public School for kindergarden, and to
    Mountview(the school attached to it)for grades 1-3. I do not
    believe this! Our vets vary over the years. I'll try to
    check back and see if we had or even now have a vet named
    Steff. If you can believe it, I think we did! If you drive
    up to Huntsville, I think, you can still see the fish swim
    upstream. Yeah, it sucks that they closed the trails!! Now I
    have to bike "undercover". I've got to make sure that I
    enter a trail when no one sees me or where there's no sign.
    I still don't bike that much anymore though, it's not nice
    to break the rules. I stick to Lake Shore and think of it as
    Tour de France training ;)
    Meg: I woke up the morning after the rain and just about
    fainted! The snow disappeared! I can't believe it! This
    sucks, but doesn't, all at the same time! It would be
    perfect if it snowed heavily for the Christmas break so
    everyone could go skiing and stuff, and then it all went
    away, just like it's doing now. Christmas without snow is
    wrong! Speaking of....I've got to go buy presies for
    everyone and finish wrapping the ones I already have! I will
    talk to you people later!
    By the way, I have that Latino flare in me and I don't think
    those men are good at all. Their accents are cute, but their
    egos are too big! Sorry chica!
    Kay, you rock!! East coast rules! I love the people there
    and the attitude and everything!! Gotta love kitchen parties

  54. Canada rules eh! Added by: WendyV (
    [Timestamp: Mon 21 Dec, 6:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Gidday fellas,
    I am an Aussie (from Brisbane) living in Canada on a 12 month work visa. I've been in Toronto for 4 months and I think the great thing about this cosmopolitan city is that I have hardly heard the same accent twice. Of coarse I love the oot and aboot eh, but I also enjoy the multitude of nations that reside in this happenin city. Unfortunately I am out of the action up here in Thornhill but when I can get downtown I love the scene. My favourite area is Little Italy. You wouldn't believe how ecstatic I was to wake up on Thursday morning and see the thick blanket of snow over everything - You see it is only the second time in my life, and I have faith it will return in time for the 25th!
    Back to the accent thing though - I absolutely agree with the Ewan McGregor obsession I seem to share with you all. Can't wait to see him as Obe Wan.
    I definately don't go for the whole Italian, French, Spanish sound. I really don't know what you all see in the Aussie and NZ accent but in my travels it seems to be quite popular (even if they do think we are from England until we inject a few giddays in there) I hadn't realised how much I say 'Oh Yeah' and totally understand the Canuks trying to curb their 'eh' habit. But believe me what makes you cringe about your own accent is what everyone else seems to dig.
    By the way - has anyone in Toronto got any tips for me regarding a 7 day trip I am doing in Algonquin Park. I am dog sledding and staying in log cabins - exactly how freezing and I going to be? Where can I get some cheap thermal pants - as I definately won't be using them back in sunny Oz. (Sorry I have kinda gone off the topic) And way cool for you guys who've found a common link across the miles in Toronto. I love it here - although BC was fabo too!
    Great topic Jas - look forward to more !!

  55. i'm so jealous Added by: megan (
    [Timestamp: Mon 21 Dec, 7:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i am so jealous of you wendy...7 days in algonquin park is
    going to be great. hopefully you'll have some snow by then.
    the farmer's almanac is predicting a cold winter (when it
    arrives) so be prepared for cold. i don't know if you are
    planning on buying gear for your trip so can you borrow
    anything. but i recommend that you do not bring anything
    cotton if posible. cotton retains moisture and if you're
    damp, then you are cold. I would suggest a layer of
    polypropolene underwear (totaly synthetic, it wicks moisture
    away from your body), next layer would be fleece in my book,
    (you can use wool) the thickness would depend on how much
    exercise you are doing. next layer should be waterproof,
    breathable outer layer. remember that if there is no
    ventilation you can get just as wet on the inside (from
    sweat) as you can on the outside. if you have a few layers
    on, if you get warm you can strip off a layer or open some
    zippers and things for ventilation. definately wool socks
    and warm boots! sorrels if you can. email me if you have
    any quesitons.
    kay: where on the east coast are you from. i really liked
    halifax and i'm not a city person at all. sorry to those of
    you who love toronto..i just don't like it.
    only 5 more sleeps until christmas!!!

  56. Back to the accent track... Added by: Kerrie
    [Timestamp: Mon 21 Dec, 14:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Be gentle - this is my first post here. Just had to jump
    in and place my vote for any of the following: Irish,
    Scottish or English. I agree with Jason - we Aussies don't
    have an accent - its everyone else who does!!
    Merry Xmas to all

  57. surely... Added by: madja
    [Timestamp: Tue 22 Dec, 0:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ..scottish. Im myself portuguese, and speaking english with
    an american accent (dunno why). Portuguese accent is
    terrible, italians (when they can speak english fluently at
    all), have a charming accent, specially if they are male.
    for girls, im sure a french accent in a sweddish body will
    do wonders...
    -canadian? aussie? jesus...

  58. Algonquin... Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Tue 22 Dec, 4:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    will be fabulous!!!! Just make sure not to get eaten by
    bears! ;) Seriously though, they're not hibernating yet this
    winter, it's too warm yet. Meg's advice is great, that's the
    gear you should need. In place of wool, I use polartec/
    polarfleece. It's a lighter material, synthetic and easier
    to manage. Wool makes me too scratchy! For the outer layer,
    gortex would be good-2 ply does you fine. It's wind and
    water resistent and it wicks moisture out. Another good pair
    of boots would be solomon, but it depends on how you deal
    with the cold. Stick with the sorrels. Your clothes,
    pullovers, jackets, should have "pit-zippers" to help
    ventilate your taosty body too. Silk underwear supposedly
    works well. I don't wear long johns or anything, so I
    couldn't tell you about that. Water/wind proof pants are
    good too, just a thin layer. For gear, I go to Mountain
    Equipment Co-op. It's on King and Peter in Toronto. It's got
    everything...just don't get sucked into buying things you
    don't need! Where ever you go, things will be rather
    expensive, but that's the price of stuff like this. Do some
    shopping around first. Well, have a good trip Wendy!! Hope
    that we get the snow that we're all looking for.
    Meg: I don't particularly like To either. It's just not my
    scene. I was in Halifax a couple of years ago in summer and
    I loved it!!!! I can't wait to go back.
    Portuguese isn't that bad..what do you mean by "canadian?
    Aussie's have amazing accents Kerrie. You know, I just
    thought of something. The people in the world who have great
    accents don't hear their own accents and therefore don't
    enjoy them like the rest of us! That sucks!!! Ah well, just
    a little thought...

  59. once again... Added by: megan
    [Timestamp: Wed 23 Dec, 5:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hey cc: did you get a big dump of snow in the middle of the
    night? it is absolutely beautiful here now. it's begininng
    to look a lot like Christmas (if i may quote the song). the
    forcast is calling for scattered flurries everyday until
    Christmas. yeah!!! i bet the ski hill operators are loving
    it. you may get to go skiing this holiday after all.
    three more sleeps until christmas!

  60. have to say it again.. Added by: diesel
    [Timestamp: Wed 23 Dec, 8:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the scottish accent is the sexiest!

  61. MMMMMMMMM Added by: Francine
    [Timestamp: Wed 23 Dec, 15:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If your Italian baby I'm yours forever!!

  62. No snow.. Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Thu 24 Dec, 2:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ..we never get snow. I cant remember the last white
    Christmas here. We could export rain though! Just got back
    and nice to see the thread going strong. And Flame-free!
    I miss Canadian winters. At least you know when they arrive.
    Here it's grey. It was grey yesterday. It'll be grey
    tomorrow. CC> That was me upstairs from you. Sorry about all
    the noise and mad parties! Is the "Jame's Gate" pub still
    open there on Bloor?
    To all here; have a cool Yule and happy Hogmanay.
    ps. Meg> Lots of info for you. I'll send it later.

  63. Sleigh bells ring... Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Thu 24 Dec, 4:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    are you listenin'? Hahaha!!! Yeah Meg, it did snow on the
    middle of the night!! I love it! I went to Sporting Life
    yesterday to check out some I want
    one so badly! The guy showed me a beautiful Burton GS/Slalom
    board!!!! DroolDroolDroolDroolDroolDrool! Ah well, I do hope
    to go skiing/boarding this winter. I'm also going to get
    together with a bunch of friends and have a snow ball fight
    in High Park! Oh the fun of reliving your childhood! Jake:
    I'll check about the pub, I'm sure it's still open though.
    Snow Snow!! It's everywhere and it's sunny!! Well, have a
    great Christmas or holiday, or whatever you celebrate!! Bye!

  64. almost here... Added by: megan
    [Timestamp: Thu 24 Dec, 6:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    cc: you'll be even more impressed to find out that the snow
    belt (barrie, horseshoe) got an incredible amount of snow
    the last few days. hope santa brings you a new snowboard!
    jake: sorry that you don't have a white Christmas. it is
    one of the best parts about Christmas! i was in australia
    this time last year and it was hot (being summer and all)
    but it didn't feel like Christmas at all. i'm glad we'll
    have a white one.
    i hope that this post doesn't get pushed off the bottom of
    the list any time soon.
    hope everyone has a very festive season!

  65. I love them ALL! Added by: Jay (
    [Timestamp: Thu 24 Dec, 8:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just have to say...the ONLY accent I've ever heard that
    didn't do it for me is the mid-west US accent...ala
    Wisconsin, Chicago, etc...
    I met a Turkish girl that said "yesh"...and that's all I
    needed. I rode on that memory for about three
    weeks...smiling the whole time. *sigh*
    All this talk about the Irish brogue has gotten me
    incredibly interested. I'll be there in a month. Can't
    say I've ever really heard the definitive Irish
    accent...but I do one helluva mean Ewan imitation.
    Happy holiday(s) to all...don't get nothing on ya'!

  66. Jay has never been to Nebraska Added by: SuperK
    [Timestamp: Fri 25 Dec, 9:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jay, if you don't like the mid-west accents, you obviously
    haven't been to Nebraksa. (ha!)
    I would have to say I go for English or Aussie!

  67. 'Tis the season... Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Sat 26 Dec, 6:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well Meg, I didn't get a board, but I got a minidiscman
    instead. Pretty sweet! I'll have to drag my friends over to
    your part of the woods and have some adventure fun!! The
    snow here has stopped and now we just have ice. AHhh...those
    wonderful Toronto winters, where old ladies slip on every
    corner...I've discovered that you're less likely to slip
    while wearing heels than while you're wearing hikers.
    Strange...So, Christmas has been fun. Going to visit the
    grandparents now! Jake: there's no CIBC on the corner of
    Runnymede and Annette, anymore..and the pub is still open!
    Hope everyone gets what they want from the fat-man!!
    Happiness to everyone, peace :)

  68. Italiano Added by: Latina
    [Timestamp: Sat 26 Dec, 7:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My vote would be for Italian, with Irish second.

  69. all i got for christmas... Added by: megan
    [Timestamp: Sat 26 Dec, 10:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    was a trip to the dentist!!
    hey cc: sorry about the board. my parents paid for me to
    go see the dentist because since i finished university i am
    not insured anymore. therefore i can't afford to go.
    dollar for dollar, it was probably the worst present i have
    ever received. However, i will have to admit that i was
    i leave to go back to the uk on mon. leave all of this snow
    and trade it in for rain. yippee. i did get a pair of cool
    mitts for christmas also so i am taking them back over.
    gotta go eat some turkey now. all the best in the new year!

  70. AHhhh!! Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Sun 27 Dec, 10:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The dentist????!!! That's terrible and good at the same
    time. I mean, bad because it's the dentist, but good because
    you didn't pay for it. Yeah, I spent so much money on gifts
    for all my people that I didn't have much left for myself!
    Hhmf! Need to get rich! need to make it to med. school!
    Mitts are a cool thing! I always need them yet never have
    the gumption to actually go buy them. I also wanted a tattoo
    but didn't know what of yet. Anyways, You're going to the UK
    on Mon?! Do you have internet access there? You've got to
    keep posted! We can't lose you Meg!! Meg!!!!! So I like to
    be dramatic..:)If I don't catch you on this branch tommorow,
    then I hope you have a good flight over and all the best!
    *Sniffle* I'll miss you *sniffle*

  71. i'll be with you... Added by: megan
    [Timestamp: Sun 27 Dec, 12:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    thanks cc i am touched. i can usually find a computer
    around to get on-line. unfortunately i sometimes have to
    pay for it. occasionally you can go to the library and use
    the internet for free. i don't know where i am going when i
    get over there. i can't go back to the job i left b/c i
    left it to come here for christmas. soi will try to find
    something else. adds a bit of excitement to my life
    (excitement? stress?'s a fine line really).
    i don't know where i'll find you though. i think this post
    is about to hit the end of the line.
    maybe jas will create another childish but fun topic for us
    to answer.
    hey jas what country won? where is the first country on
    your list to visit? myself...i'm going to ireland!

  72. Jamaica! Added by: Heidi (
    [Timestamp: Mon 28 Dec, 1:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A Jamaican accent, dreadlocks a cute smile. I'm weak at the
    knees just thinking about it.

  73. Take it as exciting! Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Mon 28 Dec, 9:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Meg, sure it may be stressful, but you should look at it
    as exciting! You'll be starting fresh over there. It will be
    great, you'll have a cool new job, things will change for
    the better-they always do, it just doesn't seem that way at
    the time-and you'll be in Ireland!! Meet a hot guy and
    listen to him read the phone book all day! *Drool* hahaha! I
    know that we have free access through libraries here in
    Can., but I didn't know that they had it in Britain. That's
    pretty neat. Well, pull a mission impossible, break into
    some big network computer thing, and then post us! Oh yeah,
    get the secret files while you're at it. :) Have a great
    time and I hope to hear from you soon!
    Heidi: you know, I never thought of that, it is actually
    pretty cute!

  74. ? :( Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 4:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Now who will I talk to? It rained last night and all the
    snow is gone. :(

  75. Bloody wind ! Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 20:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey folks. Christmas was good, but busy. We had a bastard of
    a storm on the 26th that did a lot of damage. I spent almost
    3 days trying to clear up and make repairs afterwards. Give
    me snow anyday! Now I'm back in work and could do with a
    real holiday.
    CC> My bank is gone! Hope they have'nt thrown my money out
    with the building. That was my retirement nestegg! At least
    my "local" is still in business on Bloor. Is'nt it funny how
    the Jamaican accent was overlooked for so long? It's a great
    one, I can listen to Jamaicans all day. They use such
    colourful words.
    Megan is coming to Ireland. Maybe we'll meet up for a "Thorn
    Tree" party! Would'nt that be a first? And Jas is supposed
    to be coming later too. We're supposed to share a pint on
    the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Small world really.
    Better go do some work. I've revised my top 3 accents now to
    1) Kiwi
    2) Danish
    3) Jamaican mon!
    Slan, Jake

  76. Top 3 Added by: Paige
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 21:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    #1 - male or female, South African is the best.
    #2 - Scottish
    #3 - North Carolina
    I have none of those accents myself and I've been to 62
    countries. Believe me

  77. Aussie accents don't Added by: paul
    [Timestamp: Thu 31 Dec, 3:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    have a chance do they. For me any thing foreign is sexy,
    especially europian. But I have fallen for IRISH girls a
    couple of times because of their fun outlook and of course
    their accents.

  78. On the 26th.. Added by: Canadian Chick (
    [Timestamp: Thu 31 Dec, 5:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was shopping because it was boxing day!! The sales were
    great. We just had a terrible rainfall last night and now
    everything has frozen over!! It dropped from -8 to -20 in an
    hour. It's pretty bad with the windchill....Meg is so lucky
    that she left when she did!! Yes Jake, your bank is gone,
    but the one on Runnymede and Bloor is still there, along
    with my money! They probably moved your account to that one.
    So everyone seems to be meeting in Scotland? Well, my next
    trip was to be to Italy to hike Cinque Terre, but I need to
    take an NLS(life guarding) course over the March break. Too
    bad, huh? Or should I say, "eh"? :) Well, Jamaican is quite
    nice. It's soft, unlike other accents, or rather languages.
    I can't believe that I forgot about that one! I'm still
    going with Irish though. Finally got my e-mail back, later

  79. Italian!!!!! Added by: Krista
    [Timestamp: Thu 31 Dec, 11:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have to vote for the Italian language when it comes to
    accents. I travelled in England, France, and Italy last
    spring, and i was weak-kneed over the Italian accent.

  80. ****** Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 10:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Happy new year everyone!!!!

  81. Paige...North Carolina!?!? Added by: Jay (
    [Timestamp: Sat 2 Jan, 13:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    North Carolina!?
    That's odd. I've been here all my life and never thought
    of my accent as "sexy". Mildly erotic, maybe...but sexy?
    Thanks for the regional ego boost. You want I should send
    you some wav. files of me and my friends for you to swoon
    to? You should hear me order Lexington Style

  82. Not so hard really... Added by: Montanan mistaken for a Canadian
    [Timestamp: Tue 5 Jan, 20:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Almost all travelers know that the IRISH hands down have
    the sexiest accents around. I once asked the girl who
    worked at the Great Western in Galway City to book ahead
    ten nights of travel, just so I could hear her talk. Of
    course let's not forget the aussies, who are just so damn
    fun, not to mention the incredible way that they say cheers
    all the time. Interested to see how this turns out...I am
    going to Spain and southern France this may, maybe I'll
    change my mind (Though I don't think so...)
    Oh-- I'd vote for the Scots, if only we Americans could
    understand them ;)

  83. I'm baaaa-aaaack! Added by: Jas
    [Timestamp: Wed 6 Jan, 4:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi all and happy new year!
    I just got back from visiting Kelowna (I was studying the
    exotic accents of the British Columbia interior) and had a
    great time skiing, relaxing in the hot tub, and generally
    clearing my head out. Wow, 2 weeks of time off is just
    enough to convince one that they need to take a year...
    Its cool to see so many posts! What have I wrought???
    CC, maybe you could teach me how to snowboard? It dumped
    about 3 feet of powder while I was at Big White and it
    looked like the boarders were having a much better time than
    the skiers!
    At the request of Megan, I think I'll post another topic
    just for fun. I'm sad that my All I Want For Christmas one
    got deleted, though :(
    take care everyone, and I hope that the year is everything
    that you hope it will be...

  84. Trinidad Added by: Js
    [Timestamp: Thu 7 Jan, 14:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I once met a trinidadian (is that right?) girl with 3 years
    of English convent school education under her belt, the
    accent made me melt...

  85. IRELAND Added by: Ella
    [Timestamp: Thu 7 Jan, 19:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ireland definitely!
    You can listen to programmes (in english and irish) from

  86. another vote Added by: Mich
    [Timestamp: Fri 8 Jan, 2:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I haven't got to Europe yet, but so far the Scottish then
    the Irish have it (men at least);
    and of course Kiwis don't have an accent!!

  87. Let's make it to 100... Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Fri 8 Jan, 4:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Back in work. Dog tired after a very busy few days off.
    Lousy weather still. God, I've got to stop moaning.
    Welcome back Jas, good to see ya. You seem to have had a
    ball. B.C. is pretty spectacular. Did you make it to
    Whisper? I have'nt been but I believe it's tops.
    CC> Thanks for the info on the pub. Good to see some things
    have'nt changed. How's the snow? Hope you get lots of board
    My house is almost complete. Should be moving in 2 weeks.
    I'll be up to my eyes for a while but will try to drop in
    here occasionally.
    Anyone heard from Megan?
    J :)

  88. Icelanders, maybe? Added by: Brendan
    [Timestamp: Fri 8 Jan, 11:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Love this site - nice bunch of people you are. Great topic
    Jas. Nice to see so many folks giving the Aussies a nod, as
    much for our temperament as for the way we speak. And here
    was me thinking we all sounded like a bandsaw going through
    a frozen housepet....
    As an Australian going on his first big adventure overseas
    soon, I'll soon be able to compare a few more accents to the
    ones I'm familiar with. I really rather like a German
    accent, although Scottish and Greek accents are lovely.
    What I'm looking forward to is hearing how Icelanders speak
    - although I've been led to believe that they are generally
    a little reserved - and my total lack of fluency in
    Icelandic ain't gonna help. However, I strongly suspect that
    meeting any girl with a friendly voice, bright eyes and a
    happy disposition while I'm travelling is going to reduce me
    to the state of simpering idiot, regardless of accent.
    Cheers, see you on the road
    BK : )

  89. Icelanders, maybe? Added by: Brendan
    [Timestamp: Fri 8 Jan, 11:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Love this site - nice bunch of people you are. Great topic
    Jas. Nice to see so many folks giving the Aussies a nod, as
    much for our temperament as for the way we speak. And here
    was me thinking we all sounded like a bandsaw going through
    a frozen housepet....
    As an Australian going on his first big adventure overseas
    soon, I'll soon be able to compare a few more accents to the
    ones I'm familiar with. I really rather like a German
    accent, although Scottish and Greek accents are lovely.
    What I'm looking forward to is hearing how Icelanders speak
    - although I've been led to believe that they are generally
    a little reserved - and my total lack of fluency in
    Icelandic ain't gonna help. However, I strongly suspect that
    meeting any girl with a friendly voice, bright eyes and a
    happy disposition while I'm travelling is going to reduce me
    to the state of simpering idiot, regardless of accent.
    Cheers, see you on the road
    BK : )

  90. I'm ba-ack! Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Fri 8 Jan, 15:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, the snow basically reaches my shoulders over here.
    It's pretty fun trying to walk, drive or just move in the
    snow banks! Fun!! Threw my back shovelling, then did it in
    with swimming!! Argh! Nice to see you back Jas, you should
    take up boarding-it's loads of fun. I know what you mean by
    taking a year. Boy would that be swell!
    Jake, thanks for the snow-wishes! I haven't heard anything
    from Meg yet. She left at the best time! No planes have been
    able to leave or land at our international airport for the
    last week. I'm sure if I can scrape up the $, then I'll go
    boarding. I also need to find time!
    ugh. I've got to catch some sleep while I can. I'll talk
    to you guys later! Irish still #1, going to check out that site! Thanks!

  91. !! Added by: Mac
    [Timestamp: Sat 9 Jan, 3:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  92. Trinidad / Argentina Sexiest Added by: Alli (
    [Timestamp: Sun 10 Jan, 22:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well for native English speakers the Caribean does it for me
    a nice guy from Trinidad or Jamaica definetly has the
    sexiest accent. After the Caribean Australians get a nod.
    In Spanish, Argentina has the sexiest speakers. There is
    nothing like a tall, dark, long haired Argentine dude to do
    it for me!
    I'm currently living in Holland and Dutch has to be my least
    favorite accent.

  93. Almost.... Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Mon 11 Jan, 8:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ..there! Few more to 100! Hey, my mom is Argentinian! I
    speak that kind of Spanish! Those guys aren't too sexy for
    me. Probably because I know them all too well....ugh. Black
    hair is good!! We got more snow!!! I threw my shoulder out
    of whack shovelling-again. So much for that archery carreer,
    huh? Or should I say, "eh"? :) Well, keep it going..we
    haven't been kicked off yet. Still haven't heard from Meg.

  94. room for a few more? Added by: jon
    [Timestamp: Mon 11 Jan, 11:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I feel like I'm intruding on a private party here but I've gotta have my 2 cents worth...
    sexiest accents for women? Give me Quebecois anyday. Hello Montreal, grrrrrrr.... and those other Canadians aren't so bad either. Worst? I dated a girl with a fake posh English accent once which eventually left me limp!
    (for the record: I'm Australian)

  95. Except Australian... Added by: Karen
    [Timestamp: Mon 11 Jan, 20:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The English is always a favourite.
    I pretend to be Irish every New Years (reason being??) and
    love it!
    Scottish accents are adorable.
    South Africans and New Zealanders have a charm.
    The Australian accent is one i would be pleased to be rid
    of down under, but it stands out in a foreign crowd enough
    to grab gorgeous attention, so i shall try to retain it for
    the time being. At least until i get my sweet talking
    Dutchman (Tuern!!).

  96. Almost 100... Added by: Marika
    [Timestamp: Mon 11 Jan, 23:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have a few favourites...
    Italian, mmmm.....
    Australian (my boyfriend :)
    Greek and irish is also cute...
    So how are the scores now??

  97. yup Added by: matt
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 8:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    North carolina accent is definitely the coolest for guys.
    Australian is definitely the most annoying for females.
    Irish = best for females. Does anybody know why the accent
    is so different between any two adjacent towns that lie on
    opposite sides of the canada/us border?

  98. 100!!!!!! Added by: Candian Chick
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 9:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Even though I feel like I'm stealing it. What's with the
    Quebec Accent? It's kind of cute, well, really cute for guys
    actually....but anyways! I'll drop that because I suddenly
    realized how nice they are. They speak fake french though.
    At least that's what we were taught in grade school...
    You know matt, I really don't know why we have different
    accents. It's interesting to think about, but you can always
    tell a Canadian from an American no matter how slight the
    difference. I went on a road trip to the east coast and
    decided to go through the states on the way there. I must
    admit, New York was scary as hell, but the rest was
    beautiful. Funny thing is, as soon as I crossed the
    US/Canada border, everyone in Can. sounded normal. When in
    the states, they had sort of "southernish" accents. Weird.
    Maybe it has to do with the English colonizing and you guys
    gaining independence from them in 1776. I guess we have more
    of the English accent influence because we dealt with them
    longer. Then again, we don't have accents up here. It's you

  99. Thanks everyone! Added by: Jas
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 5:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, we did it. 100 posts!
    It looks like Ireland wins, with Australia coming a close
    second. Fitting, as I'm seriously considering ditching the
    job at the end of the year and doing a year around the world
    and visiting both of those places.
    Canadian Chick wins for most posts, would you believe 17?
    The running was pretty even with megan and Jake for awhile,
    but CC went on a tear at the end. Were you bored over the
    So lets keep going anyways, its nice to hear from you guys
    and what you're up to. Helps break up the work day ;)

  100. Best accent(e)s Added by: another Jake (canada.somewhere)
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 5:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For guys - Welsh. Hearing it from a guy it's not as gutteral
    as Kiwi or Aussie (sorry folks, but they are extreme!), as
    strong as the Scots or Irish, but harder than southern
    England or South Africa. Try Richard Burton on for size. You
    listen to a guy with that sound.
    For the girls - Belgian. It's so wondorously lilting, almost
    a Dutch accent when they're trying out English and with a
    beautiful rising tone and softness, common but overdone in
    the French, n'est c'est pas? There was a Belgian woman I met
    named Sylvie in Thailand. Sounded a little like Julliette
    Binoche of all things. It was lovely.

  101. Scottish Added by: Claudia
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 2:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    is the winner for me - just love the accent. English spoken
    with a slight French accent is nice as well. Oh, almost
    forget I do like the Kiwi accent as well, can't tell you why

  102. Hmm... Added by: Pip
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 7:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1. Danish
    2. Kiwi
    3. Scottish

  103. geordie Added by: georedie
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 1:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    wey 'ey, man. it's gotta be geordie, like.

  104. geordie Added by: georedie
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 1:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    wey 'ey, man. it's gotta be geordie, like.

  105. Because I live with it.... Added by: Nikki
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 23:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Living in Australia, I gotta say the accent isn't that great - either that or it's the yobbo's attatched to it (sorry to any decent Aussie guys out there -ps: where are you?). Anyway, I'll give my vote to the Irish, Scottish (unless they have an extreme affilitation with the word 'lassie' - bad experience in a nightclub), and of course Italian - and if the guy has an un-hairt chest, it's an added bonus!!!!

  106. Snow, snow everywhere! Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Sun 17 Jan, 2:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, I spend about two hours everyday shovelling the snow
    around the house. Three hours on Friday! I love it though! I
    think it's absolutely wonderful to have all this snow. I
    only wish I could have some fun dog-sledding! Now is the
    time when I go down to front street and drool at all the
    winter gear in Europe Bound, Trail Heads, Hiker's Heaven,
    Mec, etc... I only wish that those stores were my personal
    walk-in closet. *sigh* How I wish.
    Well Jas, let us say that I had time over the holidays. It
    sort of makes up for now because I have no time. Things are
    getting pretty busy. The Oz is no more! I told him to go
    away because he was starting to think about things. I didn't
    like that much. It's been what, a month and a half now?
    Yeah, the accent is still nice. The guy isn't, anymore.
    Well, looking towards greater things now! I think my next
    trip will be to New York. Can you believe that I've never
    been there? I'm meeting up with a friend. All the best, talk
    to you guys later!

  107. Here's another Added by: j
    [Timestamp: Sun 17 Jan, 18:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well it is definitely not australian.....b/c we have no
    accent at all! It is the rest of the world that does! But
    I have a boyfriend who has a belgian/irish/english
    accent which is faaaaantastic! After that Nthn Ireland!

  108. Here's another Added by: j
    [Timestamp: Sun 17 Jan, 18:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well it is definitely not australian.....b/c we have no
    accent at all! It is the rest of the world that does! But
    I have a boyfriend who has a belgian/irish/english
    accent which is faaaaantastic! After that Nthn Ireland!

  109. MINE Added by: centrene
    [Timestamp: Sun 17 Jan, 23:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...yes, it's me saying BISCUITS!!!

  110. What are accents? Added by: K from Canada
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 10:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why is it that everybody refuses to believe that they have
    an accent? I don't think anybody has an accent - everybody
    just talks differently.

  111. AUSSIES !!!!! Added by: DUTCHY (
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 0:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have to say that i like the aussie accent the most and a close second is Irish.
    If have lives in Melbourne for 2 years and have loved that accent.
    But dutch people speaking english is great to

  112. AUSSIES !!!!! Added by: DUTCHY (
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 0:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have to say that i like the aussie accent the most and a close second is Irish.
    If have lives in Melbourne for 2 years and have loved that accent.
    But dutch people speaking english is great to

  113. to be sure... Added by: ali
    [Timestamp: Thu 21 Jan, 13:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    irish...hmmmmm!!!!! scottish...
    the Aussie"accent"????? Only for yobbo's from the bush
    (sorry, but try finding a decent Aussie male - even in
    Sydney...where are all the nice boys?)?????

  114. Latin Added by: Barb
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 Jan, 21:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Spanish and all Latin-American accent. Bravo for the great
    topic, Jas!

  115. CASTILLIAN SPANISH Added by: kwanderlust (
    [Timestamp: Sun 24 Jan, 16:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Castillian Spanish is very sexy. Enough said.

  116. In a nut shell Added by: Janine
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 2:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ewan McGregor, Ewan McGregor, Ewan McGregor.
    That's all I have to say about that.

  117. Hey! What about us midwesterners?? Added by: Gracie
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 3:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am soooo disappointed that no one has said
    American - hehe
    Really, though, there are some terrific accents that
    are not the typcal Irish, Scottish, Spanish, yada
    yada ya. Don't get me wrong, those vocals melt me in
    an instant. Meow. Did I say Meoowwww??!?
    But let's not forget about the other billions of
    beautiful people on this planet.

  118. I'm so sick and tired... Added by: Jas
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 9:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...literally. I've had some nasty plague-like illness for
    the last 5 days and have been completely out of it. Guess I
    should avoid those Bolivian brothels from now on...
    (kidding, obviously) :)
    Glad to see that everyone is still having fun here. It
    doesn't look like Irish/Scottish will be beaten. Too bad
    about Mr. Oz, C.C. Wasn't up to the task, was he? Canadian
    women are pretty demanding, come to think of it. In what
    respect, exactly, did he not measure up? ;) And how dare he
    start thinking!!! Oh well, it frees you up for a nice Irish
    guy... have fun on your trip!
    Gracie, the "meow" thing is veeeeery sexy. Woof!!!!!
    Bye all!

  119. Well.... Added by: Canadian Chick
    [Timestamp: Sun 31 Jan, 8:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Jas! Welcome back to the land of the living! I can
    imagine you in bed with a red nose and a million mugs of
    tea....How I wish I had the time to stay in bed and drink
    tea....oh well! He was thinking about stuff like marriage.
    He was engaged before and it was going well until she
    cheated on him. He told her to screw off. The thing is, (I'm
    not the rebound) he found the ring and he started thinking,
    and he just started moping and then I told him to screw off.
    I'm not into that just yet. Not to mention that I was pretty
    demanding ;) hehehe! Well, let's hope I do find that Irish
    guy who will read me the phone book! *Sigh*
    My trip has been post-poned! I have too much work right now
    and my schedule is hectic and unsure. I can't leave until I
    know what's going on. So, I'll just have to wait in this ice
    castle I call my home until a big snowman decides to rescue
    me. (every canadian girl's dream) ;)
    Talk to you guys later!
    pS-anyone heard from Meg yet?

  120. Completely off topic... Added by: Jas
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 Feb, 4:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was in Victoria on the weekend to visit a friend who
    works for Disney and I must say that Vic has to be one of
    the most beatiful cities in the world. I've been there many
    times before (even lived there while I was going to film
    school) and guess I have always known that it was amazing,
    but just spending Sunday walking along the ocean and through
    the parks made me realize how lucky I am to have such great
    places so close by. Oh, and no snow on the ground (hee hee
    This thread has gone really well, I think. Anyone have a
    great topic for another potential 100 replies?
    Take care everyone, and stay warm wherever you are!

  121. Those sexy Canadians Added by: Amber
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 Feb, 8:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Got to say Canadian,American and Dutch accents make me go
    weak at the knees. And I have to say Scottish accents are
    of course great too - but then again I have one so I guess
    I am biaised!!

  122. LOL! Added by: amanda
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 Feb, 9:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    for me, Its ITALIAN. WOOOOHOOOO!!!! God bless those young
    italian men

  123. MMMM/// Added by: J.H.
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 Feb, 1:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My favourite accent for a guy? JAPANESE!

  124. did you ever notice.... Added by: suzanne
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 Feb, 10:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    how the northern-midwestern accent (Minnesota, Wisconsin area) sounds a lot like a Canadian accent? Location is everything. Personally, I agree with the genteel Southern accent for a guy (HARRY CONNICK, JR!!!!) Spanish is also pretty hot.

  125. accents Added by: Aussie babe
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 Feb, 0:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I LOVE south American, say Argentinians, the SEXIEST DAMN
    CREATURES for guys and girls.
    Scottish again for guys.
    Israeli guys for guys.
    Australian for girls
    BTW I find American accents really heavy and exhausting,
    like speaking in that accent would make you really tired at
    the end of the day! But a slow sexy southern drawl never
    goes astray.

  126. Whatelse? Added by: Lynn
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 6:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    South African guys, Russian girls....

  127. Am I the Only One? Added by: Katie (
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 Feb, 9:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For men, West Indian, in particular Jamacian .... that's what weakens my knees.....

  128. sweetest thing Added by: just a girl...
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 Feb, 13:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I must say that the loveliest accent i have heard for a man
    MUST be that lovely way my Finnish sweetie speaks English...

  129. best:scandinavian, worst:cockney Added by: haatem
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 Feb, 9:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    wow, what a huge thread! anyway, i think the nicest accents
    are probably swedish/finnish ones. definitely the WORST
    accent is british cockney, where the "th" is pronounced "f".
    it just sounds very, well, unintelligent no matter what the
    person is saying. btw, has anyone seen fargo? now there's an
    interesting accent, eh?

  130. Scots whey aye! Added by: Ermintrude
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 Feb, 2:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A male Scottish accent (but not too strong) is definitely the sexiest around in my opinion. For some strange reason I also find the male Aussie accent quite attractive. Least sexy accent in the universe must be the Birmingham drone!

  131. OHMYGOD Added by: TLee
    [Timestamp: Sun 21 Feb, 11:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well I stayed away from the best country, worst city, best
    food category because I just don't have enough travel
    experience under my belt to voice an opinion, but this
    accent thing...I couldn't resist, I haven't read all the
    posting, (but will). For me almost any accent will turn my
    knees to jelly but those Latinos win hands down, don't get
    me wrong Scottish, British, Irish, Aussie I love them all,
    even the French, and let's not overlook the southern
    American accent, (justj slap a mint julip in my hand and
    y'all come back real soon). For Brendan, the Icelandic
    accent is interesting, there is a site where you can listen
    to some Icelandic. And yes I quite agree, the person
    speaking makes all the difference to the accent. For the
    moment I am overfond of the Portugese accent.

  132. Seems that I'm the only italian guy... Added by: Gianni (
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 13:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...and I've noticed that when a girl loves italian accent,
    goes crazy for it!! Like someone else said, email me and
    I'll send you wav. files; sounds funny to me.
    It's pretty hard for me to realize if someone is English
    rather than Irish: anyway, I love Kenyan and Tanzanian
    accent and I really can't understand Jamaican. I think it's
    another language.
    But one of the few I find extremely sexy 'n exiting is
    Indonesian. I mean for girls, I can't find nothing sexy in
    To all you canadians of the posts above: I've met Canadian
    girls in Miami in summer 1997, from Toronto, are you out
    Jan-you got a future on the net...

  133. RUSSIAN Added by: Maria
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 9:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't believe that noone has voted for the russian
    accent! Slav accents are generally sexy (at least for
    guys), but Russian is really something else. Have you seen
    the film "A fish called Wanda"? Well, I can sympathize
    with Wanda. Even John Cleese sounded sexy speaking russian!

  134. fake french? Added by: jacques
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 4:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm sorry but it's and insult to say that Quebecoi"s french is fake french(as mentionned a few posts above)
    i dont take it personnally,its alright.i speak french with the Quebecois accent that's all.

  135. Accents: aaah! Added by: a New Yorker
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 15:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've always been a sucker for virtually any accent. I myself
    have a NY accent, which unfortunately will never be viewed
    as beautiful, but i do like it. Now, guys with Spanish
    accents are the best (Antonio Banderas). I lived in Lombardy
    (N. Italy) for a long time, and will say that Italian
    accents are also great, but not Southern accents which i
    really can't stomach. And i can't listen to southern
    american accents either-it's kind of funny. Now, I knew a
    guy from Hertfordshire, England and he had a wonderful
    accent, so sexy. And guys from Glasgow also speak
    beautifully. And Ireland too.
    PS--in response to the post way above, i too think it's
    terrible when it rains and all the snow disappears...

  136. Guys Added by: Suzanne (
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 March, 5:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Definitely French men who are trying to speak English. Great and very sexy!! I met one travelling around France (I'm Dutch myself) and he was so sweet!!
    The accent I hate the most is the German one. I know that for some people German and Dutch sounds almost the same, but it doesn't. If a German guy comes to me and starts talking, he'd better leave right away. No change he has a change!!

  137. A few more to add to the list... Added by: saskia (
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 11:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In no specific order:
    English (the further North, the better)

  138. North Yorkshire by far sexier than any one else Added by: kazza (
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 16:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I lived in Yorkshire for a year and still when I hear a
    Yorkie talk I absolutly get pantie soup. Not that I hear it
    much now in Western Canada.

  139. French-Belgian? Added by: Fab
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 23:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi mates! I'm a Belgian French speaking gal, and I'm in Australia at the moment, the Aussies Loooooooove my accent! When I say that I'm not a frog, they don't believe me! No worries mate, you know that a English speaker , speaking in French, is extremely Very sexy!
    Happy travels, Darrrlings!
    The Fab

  140. GERMAN LOVER Added by: American traveler
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 March, 11:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I absolutely love the German accent preferably from the
    north. There is nothing like a tall German guy with
    beatiful blonde hair (in that long Euro cut that only they
    can do) whisper in your ear, "Du bist echt geil!!" LOVE
    IT, LOVE THEM!!!!! I guess that's why I seek them out here
    in the states as well. Try it, you'll like it!! Spanish
    is a close second.

  141. Scottish through and through Added by: Matt
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 March, 1:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wow, its nice to know that so many people think that the
    Scottish accent is one of the sexiest. May I point out that
    they are all absolutley right. Being Scottish myself,
    perhaps I have a slightlt biased view, but hey.
    More specifically, within Scotland these are the order of
    accents in terms of sexiness:
    1. Banff/Cullen/Fraserburgh
    2. Aberdeen/Peterhead
    3. Inverness
    4. Western Isles
    5. Edinburgh
    6. Fife
    7. Selkirk/Borders
    8. Ayrshire
    9. Dumfries
    10. Perthshire
    11. Fort William
    12. Dundee
    13. Stirling/Falkirk
    14. Lanarkshire
    The others I have either forgotten or dont warrant a
    mention. Well, there you go. If anyone is interested, I
    have an accent akin to Ewan Mcregor's, if a little more
    West coast oriented. Scotland the brave and all that.

  142. Schexy Schcots Added by: Jane
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 March, 10:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This is classic, have just stumbled across this site and
    will have to return and read it all....but I'm a kiwi chick
    and am quite surprised that there's a few dedicated voters
    out there. Must say i love the scottish accent. When we
    were on the Isle of Skye a scottish guy we met got us
    hooked on imitating sean connery - was classic when we
    played "I'm so sexy" on the juke box at Saucy Marys pub.
    Have any of you guys done a "saucy mary"???!!! Great
    memories (no not mammories!) of my time in scotland. Have
    a good one guys, Cheers

  143. Anythingl... Added by: hula girl
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 March, 0:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    anything that is out of hawaii. no to be a drag on my own
    hometown but people just don't know how to talk here

  144. dutch Added by: pegboy (pegboy23)
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 March, 14:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  145. Wobbly knees... Added by: afrikagirl
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 March, 15:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Italian, Spanish (pref. Sevillano), Brit. South African.
    Irish. Scots. In that order. Preferably with a nice bottle
    of wine.
    And what a great post! I'm also with the "A Fish Called
    Wanda" crowd - if you haven't seen it, you simply must!
    Also, for you boys out there - just know that a little of
    your 'native tongue' goes a looooong way...use with
    discretion! ;)

  146. SCOTLAND Added by: SCOTLAND
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 March, 1:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  147. what a post! Added by: thor
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 20:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Any accent sounds sexy , as long as it's not attatched to a
    complete BITCH

  148. I might as well be 150 Added by: MI
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 2:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My vote is definately Irish or Scottish. I know you have
    already made up your mind, but I had to get my 2 cents in.

  149. dutch and german Added by: mitch
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 9:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    dutch and german- irish accents are NOT sexy- they sound
    cool, but not sexy

  150. Koryak Added by: al (
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 1:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Koryak is the most sexy accent in the world. It flows like
    smoke, soft and silibant. A beautiful and hypnotic tongue.
    The Circassians speak a more powerful, yet still consonant
    language and to hear the women speak in anger or sorrow is
    to listen to the sirens call

  151. How Sweedish is! Added by: TRIBAL (
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 March, 18:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    SWEEDISH GIRLS!! Long legs, great ass', Blonde hair,
    great smiles and their uninhibited ways.

  152. How Sweedish is! Added by: TRIBAL (
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 March, 18:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    SWEEDISH GIRLS!! Long legs, great ass', Blonde hair,
    great smiles and their uninhibited ways.

  153. How Sweedish is! Added by: TRIBAL (
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 March, 18:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    SWEEDISH GIRLS!! Long legs, great ass', Blonde hair,
    great smiles and their uninhibited ways!!

  154. Keep it coming! Added by: Jas
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 March, 4:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi all,
    I haven't visited this post in quite a while and was glad to
    see it up above 150. Glad everyone is enjoying it!
    Oh, and africagirl? I take any chance that I can get to
    practice my "native tongue". Perhaps we can get together and
    have a "chat" sometime?

  155. Luck of the Irish Pt. 2 Added by: Ruby
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 March, 12:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, I haven't been to this site (I'm post #41) in a
    while but I'm delighted (and a bit surprised) to see this
    post is still going! I still cast my vote for the Irish
    accent as the one most likely to weaken my knees, but in one
    of my classes this term at university there was a Quebecois
    guy speaking English and it was very attractive....I find it
    so cute the way the "th" sound can't be pronounced by French
    people very well, so it all comes out as "ting" and "tird",
    etc... So that's my two cents worth....I'll keep coming back
    if I meet any more delicious sounding foreigners!
    Keep it going...there's how many countries in the world
    and everyone has to have an opinion!

  156. Luck of the Irish Pt. 2 Added by: Ruby
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 March, 12:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, I haven't been to this site (I'm post #41) in a
    while but I'm delighted (and a bit surprised) to see this
    post is still going! I still cast my vote for the Irish
    accent as the one most likely to weaken my knees, but in one
    of my classes this term at university there was a Quebecois
    guy speaking English and it was very attractive....I find it
    so cute the way the "th" sound can't be pronounced by French
    people very well, so it all comes out as "ting" and "tird",
    etc... So that's my two cents worth....I'll keep coming back
    if I meet any more delicious sounding foreigners!
    Keep it going...there's how many countries in the world
    and everyone has to have an opinion!

  157. JAPANESE!!!!! Added by: Audz
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 March, 15:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Japanese accents work for least from them
    extraodinarily pretty androgynous Japanese boys with perfect
    skin, eyemake-up and lipstick. YUM. :P~

  158. kiwis Added by: casp
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 21:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    a kiwi accent is pretty good if only the guys didn't have
    such a thing for sheep. second would have to be english and
    third is irish.

  159. Scottish Added by: Groundskeeper W.
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 March, 8:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nothing like a good Scottish accent (v. happy to be marrying
    a man with one) or a good Scottish sense of humor (thanks,
    Matt in #143).
    But I must say, I've met a few Dutch people who can say
    anything in English and all I can hear is "come vit me to
    the bedroom." A very close second!

  160. music Added by: world
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 7:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the two Yale Slavic Chorus members singing in my kitchen ...

  161. not welsh Added by: preen
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 1:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    welsh accents suck

  162. The Sweetest Girl Added by: Joel
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 6:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The sweetest girl i ever knew had an Israeli accent - turns
    me to mush (both the accent and the girl). Second would be
    french - from France, makes me shake in my hiking boots.

  163. Newfie's don't say 'eh' Added by: Mayday
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 18:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This is to clear up any confusion, as I am a true travelling
    Newfoundlander. Although 'eh' is Canadian, it is not
    Newfie. Nobody here says "eh" as it is replaced using
    "by'e". Canadian Chick should know that. Its just like
    other Canadians don't have a clue what "whattya at t'day
    by'e?" means. For those of you who don't know it is the
    official Newfenese greeting. (Often followed by "hows-sha

  164. Aussie Men! Added by: Laura
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 17:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would have to say a man with an Aussie accent is a
    definite turn-on. Greg Norman for example. A South African
    accent would be a close second.

  165. Irish Added by: Mary
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 0:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Irish accents in the following order:
    Northside Dublin
    Ballyjamesduff, Co Cavan (always a favourite with the boys)
    Thurles, Co.Tipp (A big hit with girlies everywhere)

  166. Irish 1 - ROW 0 Added by: Nomad (
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 14:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    No contest at all - Irish boys have *the* sexiest accent in
    the world. They are also the sexiest boys in the world
    Oh, J. (107/108), After living away from Australia for the
    past year, I promise you that Australians definitely have
    an accent and it is truely revolting. It gave me shudders
    up my spine to think I speak like that.

  167. Thanks Nomad! Added by: Dublin hunk
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 17:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Me thinks you write the truth Nomad..

  168. Shalome Added by: Bells
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 11:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How come noone has said Hebrew?
    It is by far the most amazing accent in the world!!!!!

  169. Shalome Added by: Bells
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 11:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How come noone has said Hebrew?
    It is by far the most amazing accent in the world!!!!!

  170. Wow Added by: Gemini
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 20:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I get excited just thinking about lush scottish and irish accents -I think Ewan Macgregor has turned on the world's female population with his lush lilt. By the way- what is the name of the guy who played the love interest in Sliding Doors and starred in McCallum. He may not be great looking but his accent just makes me close my eyes and weep. That man is beautiful. He makes me want to go to Scotland and Ireland to just sit and listen

  171. Girls, girls, girls Added by: Hungry
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 4:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The most sexiest accent by far is...
    Thank you. thank you very much.

  172. Dutch Added by: EBG
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 21:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Dutch have the most beautiful accent and language!
    Wonderful people!

  173. Isle of Man Added by: LISA
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 7:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Isle of Man has the best accent hands down, British with a
    touch of Irish, who could ask for more?

  174. Scotland of course, but specifically - Added by: Sid
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 18:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wherever you go,
    Let them know
    Glasgow's Miles Better
    And don't you forget it.

  175. NZ Added by: Eva
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 17:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the kiwi accent is my favourite

  176. what about Norwegian? Added by: Rubee
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 2:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i hope you're still checking you'll reach 200 soon
    i enjoyed reading all the posts
    Mmmm definitely
    English - the boys from Worcester
    ( two who make the word "fock" sexy )and,
    but what about Norwegian?
    i definitely find that sexy.
    it's also so cute when they are looking for the right word.
    i have to agree though with the numerous others who have
    said that if they look good the accent sounds better.
    i love most accents and i must admit my favs are slightly
    biased because they're the ones i've heard most recently -
    all coming out of the mouth of sexy guys.
    As an Ausralian i have to agree that the "yobbo" accent is
    repulsive. there are some nice aussie accents but i guess
    accents pretty much follow "the grass is always greener..."
    i think the aussie accent can be very mixed at times...
    i've been thought of as english, canadian and american - go
    as a side point
    Ruby post #39 i hope you check this again
    you'd be one of the rare others i share a name with although
    they're spelt differently. i was wondering how old you were?
    the only others i've heard of have been grandmothers or
    anyway try to keep this going
    it's always interesting to check on it

  177. Egyp Air Stewardess Added by: elmsaafir
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 7:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This may sound crazy, but the absolute sexiest accent I've
    ever heard was the Egypt Air stewardess doing the English
    translation on the safety video. She was....Kwaiess
    ktir!! Great question, I haven't thought of that in a long
    time. Thanks.

  178. My list Added by: vicky
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 0:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Canadian . American
    Used to like Scottish until I worked with a load of 'em;
    Don't usually like Irish (surprised how popular it is);
    Really dislike South African; Surprised at popularity of

  179. East Coast Added by: Anita
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 20:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How about East-coast USA accents? Specifically Boston. Is
    a Bostonian accent sexy? I think so.

  180. Top 3 for WORST accents... Added by: Anita
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 0:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi all,
    I`ve read a few letters in favour of danish accent...Wonder
    if any of theese people have a hearing-problem?? I`ll give
    you one clue: Peter Schmeichel. A well-built(!) man, rather
    sexy - until he opens his mouth. BIG turn-off!! Almost as
    big as if you hear men from Oslo,Norway speaking english
    with the typical southeast-tone. Blargh!
    But then again - if the man himself is..interesting enough,
    any accent gets extremely attractive. For instance the ones
    in the northern part of England an ALL of Ireland and
    Well - this became only a top 2 for worst accents- but I
    haven`t got the time for number three now. Will do it later!

  181. My fav accent Added by: DHII
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 19:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    would have to go to the Irish

  182. To be sure... Added by: Molly Malone
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 1:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    'tis the fair tongue of the Emerald Isles that fair knocks
    me reelin'. I once ordered pizza and the pizza guy had THE
    sexiest Irish accent, when he offered me Haagen Daaz with
    my pizza I could've had his babies right then and there!!
    Sean Connery as 007 might've done it if he wasn't old
    enough to be my grandfather now....sorry Sean.

  183. Sexy... Added by: Anne
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 8:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Definitely a tie between Liam Neeson (yow!) and that sweet
    guy from Kent (UK) with whom I used to work.

  184. That's easy Added by: dickie doright
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 9:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A Texas drawl in the mouth of a beautiful - and there are so
    many - red haired woman...

  185. definitely.... Added by: landlocked
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 12:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    jamaican, mmmmm, love to hear a dreadlocked cutie say
    "ire", makes me wet...yum

  186. ...definitely Dutch! Added by: femalefinn
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 1:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The sexiest accent for males that I have encountered
    is definitely DUTCH - soooo intriguing. And as a
    female I'd love to sound like those IRISH girls...
    (Unsexiest: Swedish for men, German for women).

  187. one vote for Israelis Added by: Betty
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 15:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've got to go with the Israeli accent, especially for men.
    Plus, Israeli guys are goreous, a little on the macho side,
    but they're lovely people.

  188. hmm... Added by: Matt
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 23:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Any tabulations coming this way in the near future?
    I would also like to take this opportunity to re-iterate
    that there is absolutley no contest. Scottish wins it hands
    down. The rest of you are all wasting your time.
    Go home.
    Na na na na na.

  189. Hard One Added by: Roger
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 13:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well it appears that a lot of people like a lot of different accents which is probably good as if we all liked one their would not be enough of them to go round would there. Any way I agree with some earlier posts that just about any accent thats not your own sounds good but Sth African and Europeans I think have the jump on most accents for a nice aussie male (there are a few of us nice guys in this lucky country for those of you who did not think there were any of us here) But the top of the all time list would have to be Irish or Scotish girls I'd turn to butter. And did I meation I'm going to the UK in July so I'll be able to give you a first hand impression when I return

  190. What About the Aussies????? Added by: voja
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 16:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How come no one says the Australian Accent. Do we sound
    dorky or something. Or just so silly that you can't imagine
    it coming form anything sexy.
    Hmmmm. This does a lot for my morale.

  191. What About the Australians!!!!! Added by: voja
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 16:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why doesn't anyone say the Australians!!??
    Do we sound dorky or something. Or is it so silly that you
    can't imagine it coming from anything sexy??
    Hmmmm....this does a lot for my morale.
    PS-where did my last post go?

  192. heh heh sorry.. darn computer Added by: voja
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 18:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  193. South African Added by: Canuck
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 13:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nuff said, eh.

  194. BOSTON! Added by: Ivy
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just kidding! Yes, I'm a Bostonian, and I'm not proud, but I do have that Kennedy accent. I know it's annoying, but someone could at least humor me and vote for it! :)
    I love those Aussie's, Scottish is very sexy on boys, Norweigan for girls, South African is nice too.

  195. It all depends... Added by: Jas
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 4:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Only a few more to 200, keep it up guys (and babes)!
    Accents are a great first impression, but I gotta say that
    once you meet someone great, you start thinking that their
    voice is by far the sexiest on the planet...

  196. I'm a sucker for any accent! Added by: Accentaddict
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 10:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1. Russian (lived there once...fell in love the first time
    he said my name in that thick accent)
    2. South African/Zimbabwean (same reasons as above)
    3. Scottish (haven't lived there, haven't loved a
    Scottsman, but I'm still young?!?!)
    By the way, I'm moving to Turkey next month, so I'll keep
    you posted if my list changes)...
    In order to continue this, how about shifting it a bit to
    sexiest/most seductive languages when spoken by a native?!?
    (My vote for #1 on this would still be Russian, incidently)

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