Hotel recommendation in Scandanavia

This topic was created by Sam (
[Tue 18 May, 5:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi fellow travellers,
My wife, 2 kids (2.5 yrs and 7 months) and I are travelling
to Helsinki (4days), Stockholm (4 days), Copenhagen (4days)
and Norway (8 days).
As we are travelling with kids, we don't plan to stay in
hsotels but would like to get recommendations for
moderately priced hotels/pensions/b&bs in the heart of the
cities we are visiting.
In Norway, we would like to see Oslo and Bergen and if
possible go up to Arctic circle. is that possible in 8
days? How cold is Arctic circle in the first week of July?

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 5:56]

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  1. a site to look at Added by: karen
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 8:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I found a wonderful sounding apartment in Bergen I'll be
    staying at in early September. 65kr/night for 2, sleeps 6
    and has a kitchen... Near the Aqaurium - a great cheap kid
    Look at Amund's Apartment in this site>>>
    Have fun!

  2. Norway Added by: Maia
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 22:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I used to live in Oslo, now live in Bergen, but since I
    live here, I don't use hotels very much and don't know much
    about them, might be able to give some other tips, though.
    About your planned 8 days, I would say it is possible but
    somewhat short, if you plan to use any other transportation
    than plane up north, to short.
    What do you mean by the arctic circle, do you actually want
    to stay on the circle or what? (no airports close by and
    not much else either except for a few souvenir shops, just
    an imaginary line like the equator) I would say pick a
    destiantion north of the circle, there are plenty of nice
    towns and beautiful nature up there.
    About the temperature, well, Norwegian weather is quite
    unpredictable, anything between 5 and 30 degrees pluss
    (Celsuis) might be possible.

  3. Oslo Added by: Euro
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 0:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To start with, here are some links

    If you want to go up past the artic circle in order to see
    the midnight sun, you might consider taking a train up as
    far as you can. Try visiting to find out about
    train times and prices. Oslo is also very "bright" in
    summer. At the moment we have daylight until about 10.30 PM
    and then again from about 3 AM.

    If you are into museums of different kinds, you will have no
    problem spending 8 days just in Oslo. There is a fun park
    outside Oslo (busses from downtown) called Tusenfryd - and
    next to it you have Vikinglandet (The Viking Country) which
    has a nice flavour to it with "real vikings" wandering
    around and showing different things they did "back then".
    The kids would probably enjoy that a lot. It is quite
    expensive to get in the first day, but you get very reduced
    rates if you come back the next day.

    There are lots of parks and such to "hang out" in here. As
    for hotels/hostels, there is a nice one at Haraldsheim.

    I don't think staying there with children is any big
    problem, really. There are several good places here (with
    star ratings) for both Oslo and Bergen

    Wishing you a very nice stay with your family here in our
    "fair country"!

  4. HAY4U Added by: SOS
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 0:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Try this service. They rent out flats or just rooms in flats. I used them 3 years ago for subletting my flat for 4 months and they were totally reliable. I got my rent paid every month, no problems at all. You can see examples of prices as well and the homepage is in English and everyone speaks English at their office. They accomodate rooms all over Copenhagen. Hope this will help you, enjoy your stay.

  5. Arctic circle - nonono Added by: Christina
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 5:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi! I'd just like to say that I don't think you should
    waste any time going to the arctic circle! The weather in
    Scandinavia at that time of year is not cold (maybe not
    exactly warm either) and there's really not much to see,
    according to my opinion!!!!!

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