Safe for Blacks to visit Russia

This topic was created by Herbert
[Tue 18 May, 8:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm a African American and I want to know whether Blacks are
safe in Moscow,St.Petersburg and other parts of Russia or
is it still dangerous because of the racism and crime. I
welcome replies.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 4:05]

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  1. Russia Added by: Dina (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 17:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Herbert,
    I'm ashamed to say, but Russia is a rasist country and you
    can have problems in realtion with some people but it
    doesn't mean that Russia is more dangerous for you than for
    Scandinavian. There are not many Africans (or African
    Americans) here so people (especially old people and people
    from province) are just unaccustomed. Racism in Russia is a
    little bit differ from racism in West countries. At the
    moment the problem you are thinking about is relate more to
    people looking like Caucasians.

  2. Russia Added by: Catharine
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 20:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have lived here in Moscow for several years, and
    unfortunately, it is a very racist country. Anyone with
    skin darker than the average Russian is a target. In terms
    of physical safety, you're ok -- but expect to be stopped on
    the street by the Militsia (Police) to have your documents
    checked numerous times per day. A Pakistani colleague of
    mine who was visiting was stopped 2-3 times a day and
    detained (wrongfully) twice.
    That being said, I definitely think you should make the
    trip. For all its faults, Russia is an amazing country, and
    if you can grit your teeth and put up with/ignore the
    harassment, you will have a great time.
    Good luck -- hope you have a wonderful (and hassle-free)

  3. Should be safe Added by: Walter (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 4:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I (white) shared a train berth with a young African man - I forget which country - in 1994. He didn't express that he had any difficulties, and it didn't occur to me to ask. But he also mentioned that he had been to Kiev, and again, didn't mention any problems.
    Like Dina says, there aren't many African or African American people at all in Russia. So you will stand out. But I wouldn't take that to imply that you will have problems. I wouldn't pass up the opportunity if I were you.

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