
This topic was created by Richo
[Fri 30 April, 1:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

OK, I have a chance to pick up a longish-term contract in
Croatia. Should I go for it? Which city should I try and end
up in (Zagreb? Somewhere on the Dalmatian Coast?)? What's it
like cost-wise, skiing-wise, beer-wise, cafe-wise,
party-wise, hassle-wise, sun-wise? Oh, and getting

[There are 13 posts - the latest was added on Fri 14 May, 21:15]

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  1. Take the job Added by: Tanz
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 8:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We've just returned from Croatia and loved it. Zagreb is
    quaint and beautiful but my pick would be Dubrovnic. The
    food is fantastic. Lots of beer. Lots of cafes. Beautiful
    scenery. Idyllic islands. It's not cheap but it's still less
    expensive than western Europe. I don't remember there being
    any skiing (and I will go to extraordinary lengths to find a
    mountain) though there are plenty of good slopes in
    Oh and NATO would really have to screw up for you to find
    yourself dodging bombs.
    Have fun ‰

  2. Croatia Added by: Gennaro
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 20:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you MUST go there try to stay in Istria (Pola or Fiume)
    or Dubrovnik (really beautiful venetian town), Avoid
    Zagreb, there is nothing of really interesting.
    But if you can choose...go to Italy! It's better, safer and
    as expensive as Croatia, In fact I find Croatia too
    expensive for the standars offered.

  3. Croatia Added by: Mark
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 0:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Go for it!!! You are going to LOVE it, from Pula to Zagreb
    to Dubrovnik it is all equally beautiful. Ohh yeah there is
    skiing, in Delnice they are building a HUGE facility which
    will be done by next winter...however the skiing must be
    better in Slovenia (because of the Alps and all) but no
    problem. Obviously Gennaro had not seen all of Zagreb it is
    so amazing, it is like a mini Prague. I'm canadian and I
    fell in love with croatia, any opportunity I can get to
    visit again I'll go for it. Tanz is right, you have not to
    worry about your safety and war.
    go for it!!!

  4. Take it! Added by: Maggie (
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 2:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've visited Croatia many times. I loved Zagreb, Dubrovnik
    and basically everywhere else, except Rijeka. It's not the
    most beautiful of cities. Things are easy to find in Zagreb
    and the people are very nice. There are a lot of foreigners
    now working and living there so finding people to speak to
    shouldn't be a problem. Dubrovnik would be a great place to
    live and work, but remember, it is at the southern tip of
    the country and travel times will be very long and more than
    likely uncomfortable if you don't have a car. (though the
    trains aren't bad. I recommend taking the train from Zagreb
    to Rijeka. You'll see some of the most beautiful scenery
    around.) I'd also like to recommend the island of Rab. It
    is in the north and very small. Usually a German holiday
    site. Try to go during the off season to find a room.
    Good luck!

  5. Take it! Added by: Maggie (
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 2:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've visited Croatia many times. I loved Zagreb, Dubrovnik
    and basically everywhere else, except Rijeka. It's not the
    most beautiful of cities. Things are easy to find in Zagreb
    and the people are very nice. There are a lot of foreigners
    now working and living there so finding people to speak to
    shouldn't be a problem. Dubrovnik would be a great place to
    live and work, but remember, it is at the southern tip of
    the country and travel times will be very long and more than
    likely uncomfortable if you don't have a car. (though the
    trains aren't bad. I recommend taking the train from Zagreb
    to Rijeka. You'll see some of the most beautiful scenery
    around.) I'd also like to recommend the island of Rab. It
    is in the north and very small. Usually a German holiday
    site. Try to go during the off season to find a room.
    Good luck!

  6. Take it! Added by: Maggie (
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 2:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've visited Croatia many times. I loved Zagreb, Dubrovnik
    and basically everywhere else, except Rijeka. It's not the
    most beautiful of cities. Things are easy to find in Zagreb
    and the people are very nice. There are a lot of foreigners
    now working and living there so finding people to speak to
    shouldn't be a problem. Dubrovnik would be a great place to
    live and work, but remember, it is at the southern tip of
    the country and travel times will be very long and more than
    likely uncomfortable if you don't have a car. (though the
    trains aren't bad. I recommend taking the train from Zagreb
    to Rijeka. You'll see some of the most beautiful scenery
    around.) I'd also like to recommend the island of Rab. It
    is in the north and very small. Usually a German holiday
    site. Try to go during the off season to find a room.
    Good luck!

  7. Take it! Added by: Maggie (
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 2:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've visited Croatia many times. I loved Zagreb, Dubrovnik
    and basically everywhere else, except Rijeka. It's not the
    most beautiful of cities. Things are easy to find in Zagreb
    and the people are very nice. There are a lot of foreigners
    now working and living there so finding people to speak to
    shouldn't be a problem. Dubrovnik would be a great place to
    live and work, but remember, it is at the southern tip of
    the country and travel times will be very long and more than
    likely uncomfortable if you don't have a car. (though the
    trains aren't bad. I recommend taking the train from Zagreb
    to Rijeka. You'll see some of the most beautiful scenery
    around.) I'd also like to recommend the island of Rab. It
    is in the north and very small. Usually a German holiday
    site. Try to go during the off season to find a room.
    Good luck!

  8. Go for it! Added by: Mike
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 8:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree, Croatia is great. See for
    an interesting article on this beautiful country. It may
    give you some ideas where to go. Lonely Planets Eastern
    Europe is a fine source also.

  9. take it Added by: Sanjin (
    [Timestamp: Sun 2 May, 23:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm from Rijeka,Croatia so I can't be totaly objective but I really think you should come here.I recommend you Zagreb,Istria(especially Porec and Rovinj),Dubrovnik and Hvar.Although I have to admit that when it comes to skiing Slovenia is still better place to go in the last few years skiing tracks in Croatia are getting better-especially Bjelolasica.
    When it commes to bombing belive me there is nothing to be affraid of.Most of people are scared because they still think that ex-Yugoslavia countries are somehow connected.
    Be free to contact me if you want any first hand advice.

  10. And now for the Important Stuff! Added by: Richo
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 17:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thank you all very much for the excellent info, I'm now
    busting to get there. But nobody's answered the most
    important question - what's the BEER like?

  11. Beer hog Added by: Vic
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 21:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well Richo..I am taking a pot shot and thinking you just
    might be an Aussie ... either way, the beer is not a bad
    drop...I can't recall the brands but Union and Lascko do
    the rounds of most former Yugo countries and they are pretty
    palatable by the pallette!

  12. Beers Added by: Maya (
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 9:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Richo....I can't agree more with Vic. Union and Lascko are slovenian beers (great though, I love Lascho!!!) but croatian aren't bad. There is so many of them you'll just have to try every one of them and decide for yourself. The best time to do it is summer when you drink it cold in a shadow somewhere on the coast...Go for it!!!! If you'd like some more infos, contact me.

  13. Karlovacka is beter Added by: Tomislav Mikic
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 21:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Bok!! Karlovacka is the better of Croatia is
    quite nice. Enjoy the people are the very
    friendly and the food is ok. Once the NATO has stopped
    bombing the Serbia, then go on trip to Montenegro
    and visit Sveti is beatiful!!
    Alos, see Sibenik

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