Sofia - is it safe?

This topic was created by Mike D
[Sat 15 May, 5:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm going to be in Sofia two weeks and I'm wondering how
safe the place is. I've heard about drugged drinks and
gassed train compartments. What's the real story?

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 21:59]

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  1. Cherck on consular opinions Added by: Ben Haines (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 22:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The consuls of four countries hear of scams, thefts, and
    dangers, so give good advice. This is found
    from Australia on
    from Britain on
    from Canada on,
    under "Travel Reports"
    from the USA on, under "travel
    Some experienced American travellers find the American site
    over-cautious. It is therefor useful to check all four
    Ben Haines, London

  2. scant info Added by: A
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 12:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When I was there, everyone kept looking after me - telling
    me how evil people in Sofia were. Consequently, I
    experienced no hassles, but I understood hassles to be out
    there. Sorry I cannot offer more. I found it a great place.
    If you like mountains, food or beer go to Bansko (in the
    Rila mountains). All three are excellent there.
    PS I hope that you are the DJ operating under the name 'Mike
    D'. If you are not, I suggest that you take a new name
    which is not already taken.

  3. careful Added by: ld
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 4:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    my sister that lives in Hungary has warned me about
    Bulgaria since the war has started. There is more
    corruption including the police and there are people who
    hate NATO. try to blend in

  4. Ease up on Bulgaria Added by: Another Rakia Please
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 21:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My suggestion is to relax and enjoy the trip. Its important to take precautions-- but its important to take these whenever traveling in Europe. My idea of precautions is-- no ostentatious jewelry, try not to stick out too much, conceal your wallet, remove yourself from situations that make you nervous, and if that babe looking to have you buy her a drink seems too good to be true, she probably is.
    There is a high level of corruption in Bulgaria relative to many other coutries. However, this should not affect you too much. At worst, a cabbie might nick you for a dollar or two.
    However, the country is beautiful and the hospitality can be overwhelming. I can't urge you enough to travel outside of Sofia.

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