Sweden,Norway,Finland - 2 months

This topic was created by Iwona (Biuro.Warszawa@halo.com.pl)
[Sat 15 May, 3:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I will going from Poland to Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and
Scandinavia.Now I have a lot of information about culture
this countries but I need some information about prices in
Sweden, Norway, Finland : food, chipper bars, campings,
bungalows , petrol , proms, museas etc.
Please, help me.

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 9:06]

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  1. Prices in Finland Added by: Tiina
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 18:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Finland is pretty expensive. I live in helsinki so the prices migth be lower in the smaller towns. In lunch hours the food costs about 40 mk. Cheapest places to eat are the university restaurants, where the food costs 20mk for not students and 10 mk for students (I pretty sure they don┤t accept international studentcards) Bear in bars cost 18-30mk depending from the bar. Petrol is around 6mk per litre, most of the museums are free or pretty cheap.
    Prices in Sweden are almost the same than in Finland, Norway is more expensive. Have a nice trip!

  2. Doing it ! Added by: slops
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 21:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey, I'm just doing the same trip (just arrived in Helsinki
    this morning). Norway is the most expensive, but absolutely
    magnificent (and VERY friendly), and cheap if you spend
    wisely. The Hostels are good, and you can cook for yourself
    to save heaps. Don't miss Bergen (YMCA hostel), Flσm (cheap
    hostel at the Camping store) or Oslo (go to the Ifo dest at
    the station). Sweden is great, but again expensive if you
    don't watch youself. Finland...ask again in a few days.
    Have a great trip, this is the undiscovered jewel of the
    world !

  3. cheap lunch Added by: Kathryn
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 8:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When my husband and I were in Sweden lunch specials were 40
    sek to 50 sek monday through friday from 11:00 to 2:00. tre
    smσ rum in stockholm was our favorite hotel (nice and
    Have f

  4. get out of the city Added by: aimee
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 9:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was in Stockholm and Helsinki along with Tallinn last year
    and while I'm glad I made it to Scandinavia, I think I would
    have rather gone up north. Camping would be BEAutiful up
    there and you wouldn't be missing out on much in the cities.
    By all means check out Helsinki (especially the wierd
    modern art museum) and Stockholm, but it's something to
    think about.

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