Cheap flights and Greek Islands

This topic was created by Melinda
[Thu 13 May, 11:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

In August I will be arriving in Frankfurt to met up with my
partner and we plan to head straight for the Greek islands.
Does anyone have any information on cheap flights from
Frankfurt to Athens (one way.)What are some islands within
the Cyclades that are not as much part of the huge tourist
scene as Mykonos and Santorini - my ideal place is a fairly
secluded beach with beautiful scenery etc etc. Am I dreaming
that I can escape the hordes??? How much more expensive is
it to catch a flight from Athens to one of the islands?
Any responses to any questions would be most appreciated.
Also - while I am here I may as well ask about
Russian visa's. Is it better to get one in Australia before
I leave? As it is a seperated document from your passport
can I get one by proxy for someone else? How much does it

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 7:21]

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  1. Cheap flights Added by: TGD
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 17:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is better to look for seat-only tickets on charter
    flights straight to the island of your choice. All major
    tour operators offer them. Santorini, Mykonos and, I
    think, Paros have direct flights from Germany. The return
    fare on this flight will be cheaper than the Frankfurt-
    Athens one way!
    If you fly to Athens, Olympic has a virtual monopoly on
    small islands. Other greek airlines only fly to major
    destinations. But I doubt if the price of the air-fare is
    worth it when you're on holidays, with the possible
    exception of Santorini, which is a long sail from Pireus.
    You can escape the foreign hordes in August by selecting
    off-the-track isles, but not the greek ones, August being
    the month that most greeks take their holidays.
    As for the visa, I am sure that you need to produce your
    passport to get it, so you should apply for it in person.
    Although you can get it in every consulate, I believe that
    you'd better contact the one in Australia first for details
    and requirements. However, most visas are only valid for a
    short period of time, so you may have to get it later on
    your trip.

  2. Russian Visa Added by: Kevin
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 17:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is very easy to get a Russian visa in Greece. It is even
    easier than in United States. Just go to the nearest
    consulate or visit the Russian embassy in Athens and do the
    following; have your passpport, two photos, the fee, and
    you can show them either a letter of invitation from
    somebody who lives in Russia, or a confirmation letter from
    your hotel in Russia.
    Good luck.

  3. Non tourist islands Added by: Karen
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 21:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You might like to try Amorgos.
    It's some time since I've been, but I managed to spend a
    blissful 2 months there, and avoid the 'tourist trail'.
    I'm not saying there are NO tourists, but at least the place
    is still very Greek, pretty and plenty of beach (though not
    so much sandy beach, more pebbles). You can get a room
    cheaply, or there is a campsite at the village at the port.
    There are only a couple of villages, an interesting
    monastery (cover up to get in) and some lovely walks plus
    the feeling that you really are getting the sea breeze and
    fresh air.
    I travelled by ferry from Naxos, and returned to Piraeus by
    ferry. You can get to other islands from Amorgos.
    Another non-touristy island is near Amorgos, called
    Denousa(?) or something similar, I didn't visit but it looks
    even more remote than Amorgos.

  4. Russian Visa Added by: Brendan (bjluecke)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 7:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just successfully obtained a Russian Visa,and I
    suggest throoughly looking into what you need before
    leaving. Requirements change often (the last round was
    this April) so be prepared for anything, and I would
    suggest getting it before you leave.

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