Sports Spectacle in Hungary

This topic was created by Curious
[Mon 24 May, 7:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

In Hungary last year a bar had a televised event I had not
seen and would like to know its name. The contestants rode
in rickshaws pilled by a man with a large headdress which
was used to break open a pinata like object. When the puller
was beneath a pinata, the passengers would rare back and
lift the puller up to the pinata so he could puncture it.
There were about five contesting parties in a laned off
arena. The crowd was going wild, and getting a drink in the
bar was impossible during the event. The bartender said it
translated to "The game that knows no international
boundaries, but I haven't been able to get the real name or
a place where it could be seen.

[There are 0 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 7:58]

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