Selling my car in Romania

This topic was created by Vera
[Mon 24 May, 7:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm thinking of driving my car to Romania and sell it there
before continuing by public transport to Asia. Anybody
sold a car already in Romania ? Any good places to sell it?
Any advice ?
Thanks !

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 19:09]

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  1. When you will enter Romania Added by: Marcin
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 17:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it will be noticed in your passport that you enter by a car and the registration number of the car. I am afraid that it is very difficult to leave Romania without the car and not to pay the tax. In fact I have never tried this so mayby I am wrong...

  2. Selling cars in Romania Added by: Adi
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 19:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You have to notify that you intend to export your car to
    Romania at the custom point. Then you have to pay taxes (30%
    of your car value, which will be established due to the
    manufacturing year and the ccm of the engine; this tax could
    be reduced to 18% only if the car is made in the UE and
    exported from UE so, if you come from the Czech Republic
    with a VW or from Germany with a Skoda the tax will be 30%,
    but for a VW from Germany ->18%; to obtain this reduced tax
    you have to certify that the car is made in UE by a note
    from the manufacturer; than you have to pay a small tax for
    the custom operation and then the VAT, 22%, applied to the
    value of the car + the importing tax + the custom tax; all
    of them are about 50% form the car value).
    AND NOW PAY ATTENTION! In Romania can not be registred
    cars which are not complying the ECE pollution norms (Euro2)
    it means that a car older than 3 - 4 years can not be
    registered so there will not be many buyers. Take care!
    Places to sell it: any major city has a car fair in
    week-ends. As far as I know, two large car fairs are near
    Brasov, at Tarlungeni and in Bucharest (but I think you will
    not be able to enter in tis last one: it's extremely crowded
    and the places are "sold" by gypsies).
    I bought a car from Germany last year and brought it to
    Romania so .... I know well the things! Good luck!

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