scotland! for around one week

This topic was created by wanderlust
[Sun 23 May, 13:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hello, can anyone give me advice on how and where to spend
a week in scotland? i'd like to go up to the highlands, do
some walking and exploring, on a limited budget. flying
into edinburgh. do you know any budget-oriented web-sites
for info, or do you have any personal experience? I've
heard about the haggis backpacker tours, anyone ever done
it? how was it?
thanks in advance

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 5:58]

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  1. Wrong box Added by: Geographer
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Scotland is Western Europe, not Eastern. Add a topic there.
    Wenn du schon deutsh kannst, kennst du doch europaeische

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