Getting work in New Zealand

This topic was created by Anna (COOLDAY30@HOTMAIL.COM)
[Sat 22 May, 22:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Anybody got any contacts about jobs in NZ? I am going with my partner
in October. We are looking for fruit picking jobs, you know mthe
usual, anything will do! Also doing a job at a holiday camp type thing
would be cool. Let me know if you have had any difficulties getting
jobs in NZ, and what about working without a visa? Anybody done it?
How easy is it to find jobs???
Also, got any suggestions about cool places to camp, and where to go.
Thanks in advance
Fellow traveller

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 7:05]

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  1. A kiwi girl's view. Added by: Kirsten.
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 7:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Anna,
    well, from a different point of view, I'm a kiwi, I live in
    From what I gather, it seems pretty easy to get a job if you
    want one enough.
    It all depends where you want to saty, down country, I don't
    really know...I suppose you just check around in the camping
    but in Auckland, there are a few options...
    If you stay at an inner city hostel, you'll definitely meet
    people and probably make a few contacts.
    Apart from that, there is a shop in Queen St (main city
    street) and another in Braodway, (Newmarket's main street)
    called Gelato Magic, which sells, obviously, gelato.
    The owners are Oskar and Giovanna and they often hire
    overseas travellers...why not ask if you're passing. Ithink
    you porbably have to stick around a while long
    are you intending on staying?
    Hope that's some help...have you tried posting on the
    Australasia thorn tree?
    Hope NZ gives a good impression!,

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