Volunteer work in Balkans

This topic was created by St@tic (nzrick@hotmail.com)
[Sat 22 May, 15:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am going from Australia to Greece in early September and
travelling north for a few months. I want to do some
volunteer work within Northern Greece, Southern Masedonia
or around the outskirts of the war region.
Does anyone have any suggestions about how to volunteer for
humanitarian agencies in these areas? - I have my own funds
and would only be after the basics when I hook up with an
aid agency.
I have a media communications degree but would be just as
happy digging ditches or working on a convoy as doing PR.
I have tried Greenpeace, Red Cross, Amnesty International
but they are right into the official line of applications
to set positions (which require loads of experience). I am
also 22 which is out of the range of some of the org's.
Also, I want to travel to Croatia and the general area.
How is it finding cheap travel - considering the war going
on in the region.
I am a New Zealander - how are the locals in the region
likely to react to my nationality??

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 4:04]

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  1. don't count on it Added by: lisa
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 4:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Any of the larger organizations who have a presence in the
    region rely on their own volunteers and workers (who
    frankly, have paid their dues over many years, and are
    trained for specific tasks.) If it were another part of
    the world, I'd say just go and show up -- you'll probably
    find something when you are there. If you do find some way
    you volunteer, don't expect any assistance at all.
    In Canada, there is an organization called CANADEM, which
    acts as a clearing house for Canadian professionals who are
    willing to take off for a few months to assist in emergency
    situations/monitor elections etc. Maybe there is something
    similar where you are from?
    Otherwise, my experience is that there are a lot of people
    who want to help, and therefore organizations can choose to
    be picky -- ergo long application processes (that's how I'm
    going -- been researching and applying since January!)

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