visum for the ukraine ?

This topic was created by Fro (
[Mon 24 May, 23:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

In the summer of '99 i'm going to volunteer in an orphanage in Iasi, Romenia. Afterwards I would like to travel to the Ukraine. The embassy of the Ukraine in brussels told me that I should have hotelreservations or an invitation by a private host to apply for a visum. I'm going to travel to the Ukraine by train. My questions are:
- Is it possible to obtain a visum without reservations/ invitations?
- What should I do to obtain an invitation?
Does someone have good advises concerning this topic?
Fro, the Netherlands

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 1:39]

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  1. Visa Added by: Hande (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey !
    We were there last summer and hope this story helps you..
    We booked hotel rooms from Kiev & Odessa (from web we found
    fax numbers to them) and put them with visa applications ..
    We didn't get all, so I made myself few reservations :-) We
    were there and there was no problems ! We didn't go to
    those hotels which we booked because they were so
    expensive. There is very much cheap hotels, but you cannot
    (at least we didn't :( ) find any information 'bout
    them ...
    Hope this helps, have a nice time in Ukraine !

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