Santorini & Mykonos

This topic was created by Ray
[Wed 5 May, 19:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi there!
Well I will visit Santorini and Mykonos, Greece in mid May.
However, searching from the ferry schedule on the net, I
just could not find any direct ferry service connecting the
2 islands. (i want to take an early morning ferry) But the
tourist guide tells there are plenty of daily ferry between
these 2. So anyone here can give me some advise and schedule
please? Moreover, are the ferry tickets gone fast in May? Do
I need reservation or simply buy the tickets at the island
port right away whenever I want? I will be leaving to Italy
at this weekend and your prompt reply is highly

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 21:55]

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  1. Ferries on the greek islands Added by: TGD
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 21:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are always ferries connecting the Greek islands
    directly. However Mykonos and Santorini are on different
    ferry routes from Pireus (they are Pireus-Syros-Tinos-
    Mykonos and Pireus-Paros-Ios-Santorini). This means you
    must get one of the smaller ships that do the island
    hopping. These tend to vary their schedule a lot and are
    run by smaller companies, so getting accurate information
    on their schedules is difficult. Just go to a ticket office
    when you are on Pireus to get the info, then cross-check
    and by the ticket in Mykonos. May 27-31 will be very busy,
    due to a holiday on the public sector. They hardly ever
    leave you out of the boat, but if you ar eplanning your
    return on those days, book your ticket back to Pireus in

  2. ferries Added by: Michael
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 16:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I also didn't think that there were ferries from Piraeus via
    Mykonos to Santorini.
    On the other hand, according to a Greek Ferry website, at
    there are conections at least from Santorini to Mykonos. You
    can explore further to check the connections in the other
    direction. But many of these are highspeed Fling Dolphins,
    that is, hydrofoils. They're less reliable because even with
    moderate winds they don't run.
    Anyway, I can also confirm that, whatever the situation is,
    there are many ferries, and all you have to do is walk into
    a ticket office on the morning of departure and get a
    ticket. (to save rushing, get the ticket the day before)

  3. Ferries Added by: shelly
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 6:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Santorini is an iffy place to go be ferry. I tried to get
    there from Crete and never made it because of the rough
    seas. Its more expensive, but flights between the 2
    islands are reliable, save time, etc.

  4. greece Added by: mel (ozmadmel)
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 21:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    preferably you should not ferry at get from
    athens to mykonos,it costs you the same to catch a
    plane than it would to catch a ferry,and you save 7
    hrs.also the ferries are dodgy,i would seriously
    warn you about the long overnite ferries.not really
    worth it.

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