Questions on France

This topic was created by Kim
[Wed 19 May, 8:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I will be travelling for 6 weeks by myself in France and
wonder if a Europass is my best bet for travelling. I will
be using the train at least 6-8 times. When I am not with
friends should I use hostels or 1 star hotels? In Paris I
have heard varying tales of which metro passes to get.
Which one is my best deal? If you have any other hints I'd
be happy to hear them.

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 5:32]

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  1. RE: questions on france Added by: catherine (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 16:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    firstly, i would recommend staying in hostels when you are
    not with friends if you want to meet people. hotels don't
    really give you as much chance to have some company, however
    are good when you do want some privacy and to get away from
    the hustle and bustle of some hostels. in terms of getting
    around, a europass should work out cheaper than buying
    single tickets for 6-8 trips, however work out what
    the individual trips might cost, and compare them to a

  2. sncfvasmieux Added by: dickvis
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It all depends on how far you will travel and where you now
    live: if you are EUROPEAN, you can buy EURODOMINO for 3/5/8
    days unlimited train travel in the month. If outside:
    EUROPASS/EURAIL is generally much more expensive. Check
    distance: it cost around 10 us cents/km for a single. If
    you stay in France long enough you can buw much cheaper tix
    from SNCF (=French Rail) itself. Paris metro: for the
    occasional trip: buy a â•ŸARNET'of 10 tix for FRF 40 Or so),
    which is just $0,50/trip. Or check: for rail-

  3. Depends Added by: Josh
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 14:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It seems to me that a pass will likely pay off. It really
    depends on your plans. I found to be
    quite helpful with this kind of question.

  4. france railpass Added by: dkp
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 17:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    we went to France and Italy and found it much cheaper to buy
    individual rail passes for both of these countries rather
    than buying a Europass. Look into that before you decide.
    We are over 26 so would have had to buy a first class
    europass, so that may be different to your situation.
    I would recommend staying in hostels to meet more people.

  5. Under26Card Added by: Nikki
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 5:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you're under 26 years of age and not a student you can
    purchase a Euro under 26 card, valid for most museums etc in
    France, but not on the metro. We had a eurail which was
    great for getting ariound france/europe although didn't
    cover parisian CBD.
    Hostels are definetly better when you are alone, if you're
    sharing with one other person and need to get away from the
    crowds cheap hotels are great for a little privacy. A great
    town 88km sw of Paris is Chartres, with a very clean hostel
    well signposted from the station. Versailles is on the way
    so good idea to visit Versailles in the morning then head to
    Chartres in the evening/afternoon, cheaper, quieter
    accommodation...really pretty place with amazing church....
    not many Western backpackers around but lots of French
    Happy travelling :-)

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