Bulgaria - info request

This topic was created by sandy
[Wed 19 May, 6:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

We have booked a charter trip to Bulgaria, and have been
informed that we don`t need a visa when joining a charter
trip. However we plan to travel around a bit, to see some
more of the country. Is there any "formalities" we need to
take into consideration? Will need a visa when travelling
like this?
We`ll also appreciate some hints & tips about attractions.
We`ll go in the beginning of June

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 22:23]

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  1. checknationality Added by: dickvis
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You should always state your nationality for a questiopn
    like this one: for EUROPEANS (from the EC) htere is no need
    anymore for visa (for stays till 1 month) whatsoever. For
    others; check with your local friendly embassy. However,.
    as you say you fly by charter, this will mean you come from
    Europe, as no other charters exist.

  2. Hmmm.... Added by: Another Rakia Please
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 22:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My first advice would be to make sure that you get to see more of the country than just Sofia. I figure most charters will cover the bigger towns, the Black Sea resorts, and Sofia, so I will leave them alone.
    Since you are going on a charter, I am not sure what level of uncertainty you are comfortable with. But I would advise traveling with an eye towards staying in smaller family hotels and private homes. This means avoiding the big, (formerly) state-run hotels that charge insanely high prices and offer lousy facilities. Plus you have a much better chance of actually meeting Bulgarians, which is probably the most important part of any trip here.
    I could go on and on, but let me pitch a couple of regions. First, Plovdiv-- more picturesque and relaxed the Sofia with almost as much to do. And an easy base for short day trips to Hisar or Bachkovo Monestary.
    And a base for longer trips into the Rhodope Mountains. Which I also recommend.
    In the western Rhodopes and Pirins, I recommend Melnik- a touristy (avoid on weekends) but pleasant village with great wine. There are lots of accomodations available, but one I found particularly amusing was the Uzounova Kushta, a cheap clean family run hotel, that used to be a prison ((359) 7437 270; no english spoken). Make plans to drive or hike to Rozhen Monastery in the next town.
    Another recommendation in that area is Bansko, lots of great hikes (many chairlift assisted) and restaurants. Again lots of accomodations-- one I liked was the Hotel Bisser ((359) 7443 28 17; minimal to no english spoken)
    Above all, try to meet Bulgarians and experience the amazing hospitality. The country has plenty of rough edges that you could complain about, or you could enjoy what the country has to offer. I hope you enjoy your visit. Cheers.

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