trekking in the Alps

This topic was created by marcos (
[Wed 19 May, 1:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Where is the best country to go trekking in the Alps ?
Austrian Tirol (Innsbruk) or Switzerland ?
Any sugestion will be great. Thanks

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 20:53]

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  1. Good everywhere Added by: Lothar (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 18:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Marcos,
    it is good almost everywhere. Living a few kilometers from
    Innsbruck I am maybe somewhat biased, but I think it is good
    in all Alpine countries, and there are seven of them (in
    alphabetic order: Austria, France, Germany, Italy,
    Liechtenstein, Slovenia, and Switzerland - I tried them
    all). It is more important to choose the right season and
    the right trek according to your trekking experience,
    physical fitness and company. You can also choose between
    overcrowded treks with lodging problems and others quite
    lonely with a lot to discover.
    From your address I see that you are from Brasil, probably
    this will be your first trip to this region of Europe.
    Generally it can be stated that it is a good idea to choose
    a period when virtually all mountain lodges are open and
    that is from mid June to mid September. On all interesting
    trails you can find them separated by convenient walking
    distances of half a day or less.
    There are loads of excellent guidebooks (for Austria and
    Switzerland mostly written in German). Excellent maps (best
    suitable scale 1:50000), often with brief descriptions of
    the access to the lodges and the principal long-distance
    treks you can buy in the respective areas.
    In an future e-mail I shall provide you with suitable
    homepages and other suggestions, tell me please which of the
    "Alpine" languages you can understand. (Eu falou tambem

  2. Just for a second post Added by: Mⁿnchner
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 20:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There is nothing to add. The post above sounds very
    professional, and I can just confirm he's right.
    Greetings to Brazil and have a nice stay.

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