Independence for Kosovo

This topic was created by Antonis
[Thu 8 April, 3:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Yes, let's all fight for an independent Kosovo. And then,
there are other places that are waiting to be freed. So,
let's free Kosovo from Yugoslavia, Kurdistan from Turkey,
Padania from Italy, Corsica and Bretagne from France, the
Basque Region from Spain, Lapland from Finland, Flandre
from Belgium, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland from the
United Kingdom, and let's not forget, California from USA.
If there is an independence movement that I forgot, forgive
and correct me. Let's follow the nationalities principle
to its full extent. Let's change every border there is.
See what happens then.

[There are 33 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 21:08]

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  1. oh yea.... Added by: Jay
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 6:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    well..if 90% of the people who live in California wanted to
    seperate from the United States ...most likely it could
    happen........throw in some ethnic cleansing and it would
    happen..welcome to America

  2. what the bloody hell?! Added by: that don't matter
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 7:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    what the fuck's the matter with everyone.....
    just because people were mindwashed by some politians who
    either want trouble or land where to exercise their power,
    or some other sick political games to cover some dirt, and
    told them that it's their land.....which eventurally they
    will never get anyways......that doesn't mean we all have to
    follow.....if we will go on like this we will end up with
    thousands of little countries......where the hell are we
    going to end up......
    well I'll tell you were........after years and
    years......these nations are again going to discover that
    the neighboring lands speak the same language and have the
    same traditions and will want to reunite...........
    ......and thousands of people sacrifice their lives.....and
    for what?. because somebody wants to play games or because
    of somebody's greedyness...........
    you want to separate? for what? what are you going to get
    out of it? nothing.

  3. Correction Added by: SF Native
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 7:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Not to nit-pick, but actually, SOME Northern Californians
    want to form their own, new state (to separate from Southern
    California) - not to gain independence from the United
    States of America. Just thought you might want the facts.

  4. old story Added by: uncool
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 7:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yea, and the South will rise again, too. They were just
    ahead of their time in the war for independence.

  5. Go Away Added by: Disgusted
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 9:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Lonely Planet website is for travelers, not political
    commentators. There are other places at which you may
    expound on your beliefs until you are blue in the face.
    Stay off the LP website!

  6. STUPID Added by: Paddy
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 9:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hey you stupid slime ball. how dare you compare what is
    going on in the kosovo with any struggle for freedom like
    other braindeads like the padanians or the quebecians do?
    if you would know just a bit of politics you could see the
    difference and drown yourself in the toilet!
    milosevic is a bastard who should remove himself out of the
    gene pool before it is too late!
    the massacres he has been responsible are a cruel act which
    only a pervert can bear on his shoulders!
    tell me, antonis, if YOU would have had the chance to kill
    adolf hitler before he could get to power, would you have
    done it or would you as well have said no way, this is not
    my conflict and killing people who think different is just a
    normal way to complete once political targets?
    give it a thought!

  7. Shame on you Added by: Cami
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 9:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's a shame that you trivialize what is happening in
    Kosovo. These are people's lives, and they will never be the

  8. You don't know what your talking about Added by: A Lapp
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 20:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've never heard of any Lapps who'd want to separate from
    Finland, Sweden or Norway

  9. PADANIA???? Added by: Alessandro
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 0:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am italian (from Milan) and I must say that PADANIA
    exists only in the (small) brain of Umberto Bossi and

  10. Padania Added by: Antonis
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 6:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    what you say about Padania is exactly the same thing that
    Yugoslavia said about Kosovo a couple of years ago - that
    the problem does not exist. Having lived in Italy for 4
    years, and not being Italian, I think that I see things
    more clearly - at their full perspective.
    To the others, the only thing that I have to say is that
    you should try not to divide persons and actions in "good"
    and "evil".

  11. how Added by: huseyin
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 9:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I know the Kosovars are suffering and Milochevic is an
    asshole ...However, how bout this question ? The number of
    ethnic groups on earth is more than the number of
    countries..So what must we do ?
    Can or must every individual ethnic group have the right to
    establish a country ? If yes , can or must I declare my own
    independence ? How bout that ?

  12. Antonis support of Padania? Added by: Alessandro
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 17:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Antonis, credimi la Padania non esiste: non ha confini
    (nemmeno Bossi sα dire dove comincia e dove finisce...) non
    ha una lingua comune, non ha una stirpe etnica comune. Il
    Kossovo Φ un'altra cosa. Quattro anni in Italia sono
    tanti...(sei greco? studiavi all'Universitα di Pavia
    forse?). Per≥ io di anni ne ho 45... sono lombardo ed ho
    vissuto quasi sempre qui, in Italia del Nord. Bossi Φ
    molto furbo, sai che tre o quattro mesi fa ha detto che non
    vuole pi∙ l'indipendenza della Padania? La 'Padania' non α
    la Catalogna (che rimane con la Spagna!).

  13. everyone's welcome in australia Added by: aussie
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 18:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Australia is made up of every different culture on earth. I
    was thinking the other day if we were to go through ethnic
    cleansing here, there'd be no one left, apart from a small
    number of aboriginals. I'm now beginning to realise how
    tolerant and multicultural we are here.

  14. Australia not so Tolerant!! Added by: Canadian
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 1:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Actually, Aussie, your country has quite a shameful past of
    intolerance. Up until the 1970s, Australia's government
    had a racist policy towards people of Asian decent and I do
    not believe that you are doing too well with the
    Aboriginals. Also, your last election... One of your main
    party's, headed by a woman (forget her name) was running on
    an anti-immigrant racist platform!!!!
    This is not to say that Canada has a clean record. We are
    just as guilty when it comes to our history of dealing with
    First Nations.
    I guess what it comes down to is that all nations are made
    up of people and some (or most) are racist, which means
    that NO nation has a clean record and could be deemed truly
    tolerant. I'm sorry, but its a bit of a stretch to label
    Australia as tolerant!!!

  15. The biggest opression of all Added by: Angelino
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 6:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't forget the San Fernando Valley's bid to separate from
    Los Angeles!!! They've been stepped on long enough. Even
    the name "San Fernando Valley" implies living in the shadow
    of the "City of Angeles" once they win their fight, they'll
    forever be known as "North Los Angeles."

  16. pretty discusted Added by: a canadian
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 9:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'd like to start by saying that first of all i pretty
    pissed off with my own government for going along with the
    americans all the time, for the first time in fifty years
    canada has attacked a soveriegn nation.
    but on another note lets talk about the states, you think
    they would have learnt by now abount interfering in civil
    matters in other countries, but no, it continues. I do see
    that there are problems in the balkans, and no i'm not
    triing to trivialize it, but these sort of things are
    supposed to be delt with by the UN not by an alliance of
    western powers. Lets just face another fact about the US,
    their foriegn policy is a kind of hippocritic oath. They
    will support some of the worst dictators when it suits them
    and go after some of the more fair dictators i.e. cuba(lets
    face it there better off now than when they where under the
    americans, and they would be even better off if the
    americans would raise the trade restrictions).
    The last time alliances were involved in the balkans all
    s*&% broke loose, and as the books state history repeats
    As to politics not being relevant to travel, are you going
    to travel to belgrade this summer? I'm not.

  17. you can say that again, Added by: Sofia
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 16:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    my Canadian friend. I would just like to add, as far as US
    politics is concerned, that just a few months ago, the
    representative of the US in Yugoslavia stated that "the UCK
    (albanian revolutionary movement) are bloody terrorists and
    they must be stopped". Just a few months later, the US
    perspective changed dramatically. Now, they were eiter
    mistaken at the beginning, and the UCK was never a
    terrorist movement, which proves their incompetence in
    interfering in other countries' internal problems, or, and
    I think that is more probable, they just thought it over
    and decided that supporting the UCK against Yugoslavia
    suits better their interests in the area, and that proves
    not only the US incompetence in deciding what is best even
    for themselves, but also their malice. I am not referring
    to the american people, which I only consider naive, but to
    their government.
    And as far as news are concerned, I have to inform those of
    you that have the tendency of forming opinions without
    being informed, that two nights ago, NATO missiles hit
    populated areas killing more than 40 people and injuring
    far more, whereas bombs hit the Zastava car factory,
    injuring over 150 of its workers who were spending the
    night there hoping that they would protect it from being
    hit-and that they could thus protect their jobs. NATO is
    now responsible for hundreds of families losing their jobs
    and starving. These people will be probably forced by
    hunger to leave their country and emmigrate to some other
    state where they can find a job. Isn't that ethnic
    cleansing? Signed by Bill Clinton.

  18. but that's not the point Added by: that doesn't matter
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 7:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    all of you leave politics for politicians....
    mind your own business and leave other countries alone...
    the world is not don't decide what to do with
    it.......and nobody gives a shit what your opinion is
    anyways.......and you don't even know what's really
    going on - you have just been mindwashed by the NO SWEAT

  19. Aussie Hits Back Added by: Andy
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 14:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To the wanker who does not live in Australia and obviously
    listens to the press instead of finding out what actually
    is happening in a country"GET STUFFED MATE" I doubt that
    you have actually stopped sucking your mothers breast and
    most probably still live at home with mummy and Daddy.

  20. Hello! Added by: aussie
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 16:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear canadian!
    Pauline Hason was her name, and she is not in either of the
    two main political paries. Anyway she went really bad and
    didn't get many votes....does that show how tolerant we
    are!! It we were racist we would have all voted for her and
    her silly ideas. The biggest deal here involving racism is
    on the footy field, with a white australian calling an
    aboringal names, got fined $20,000 for that! We don't kill
    anyone or anything ike that. Name calling is as far as it
    goes, and even us 'aussies' get called aussies, skips and
    what ever else. I'm not yet sure of what an 'aussie' is.
    I've lived here all my life, but I'm pretty close to
    concluding that an aussie is someone who has australian
    citizenship, b/c nothing else could describe what an aussie
    is. Otherwise it would be an aboringinals, but then what am
    I, as I am 5 generations in australia from irish, german,
    polish, english decent! I call myself an aussie as do my
    friends who are 1st and 2nd generation in australia from
    every country in the world. We all eat in the same
    resturants, shop in the same shops, live int he same
    suburbs, who cares where we are from, and I don't need some
    canadian telling me what's going on here in australia!

  21. Alessandro, Added by: Antonis
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 3:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ho studiato per 4 anni a Firenze ma non sono stato in
    Italia da 1996. Percio non so se la situazione e cambiata
    negli ultimi anni. Nonostante il mio proposito era
    soltanto mostrare che simili problemi esistono anche in
    altri paesi e non solo in Yugoslavia.

  22. and whats up with the Canadian? Added by: Pink Left Shoulder
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 3:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Really its just like a canadian to talk about U.S.
    politics. You dont even have a voice, all you do is sit
    back and critique the states. Possible if your country ahd
    any clout, any identity, you wouldent haver to worry about
    By the way, if californians do seperate from the states can
    we give the ones that are living in seattle back?Please?

  23. WE ARE ALL ONE Added by: judith (
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 1:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ANTONIS makes a good point. WE SHOULD HAVE NO BORDERS. we are all brothers. why do we have to draw lines to exclude some? we all live on the same globe. the ethnic and national borders we draw are all contrived. in reality the earth is a circle that takes us all in. enough fighting and descriminating! we are all the same. we are family, whether we acknowledge it or not. and unfortunately, leaving politics up to the politicians is just what has gotten us in this mess to begin with and keeps us in it. politicians have forgotten how to be real people. they are after only what glorifies them, brings them more power, they don't care about even their own countrymen. they will use any means at their disposal to achieve their goals.

  24. ALASKA Added by: judith (
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 1:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it's ALASKA that would like to secede from the union. certainly enough land mass to be a country. but population? less than 400.000 to protect such borders?!!!! in their dreams...

  25. knowbeforeyougo Added by: East/West Traveller
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 15:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Antonis' ideas deserves serious thought. Any Serious
    traveller usually researchs the history and culture of
    places they may visit. The Former Yugoslavia has a
    fascinating and tragic history. It is one of a few select
    places in the world where East has met West face-to-face.
    Unfortunately, Western leaders have ignored this fact that
    attracts travellers and historians. In the most recent 10
    years, The West encouraged the break-up of a Sovereign
    Yugoslavia because the West did not think that a
    Multi-ethnic state could exist. Yet, it supported the notion
    of the Multi-Ethnic State of Bosnia-Hercegovina. There is
    no logic here. Later, The West (mostly US) helped Croatia
    ethnically-cleanse Serbs from the newly formed country. A
    much higher problem than the Kosovo situation. Now, All
    minorities (serbs, Jews, Romanis, Italians, etc.) have no
    voting rights, land rights, local rights. Only 3 generation
    (!) Croatians have citizenship rights. And the West
    Supports this cleansing. Less than 15 years before many of
    us were born, the Kosovo area was about 75% Serbian
    populated. The neighboring country of Albania was so
    ultra-communist that it only had diplomatic relations with
    North Korea. Albania believed that the (former) Soviet
    Union was too Liberal in The Communist way of life.
    I know, I tried to enter. Yugoslavia allowed refugees from
    Albania, who escaped or emigrated (rare), to settle in
    Kosovo. These refugees who became citizens had full voting,
    land , (etc.) rights. As more people arrived over many
    years, Albanians became a majority and cronyism became the
    norm (see SouthEast Asia) and Democracy went out the window.
    In return for their hospitality, Serbian residents in Kosovo
    have been slowly purged by New Arriving Albanians for many,
    many years. The KLA (or UCK) is a recent organization of a
    pre-existing trend which has formalized a drug pipeline
    through parts of Germany and Northern Europe. A Recent US
    Drug Agency Report said that 45% of the KLA money comes
    directly from Drug Operations. In peacetime, Many Albanians
    do not support the KLA and many Serbs do not support
    Milosevic. Many people on both sides have lived together
    peaceably for years, but are now forced to make a choice
    no one wants to make. The mistakes of the US and Western
    Europe are another good reason why many knowledgeable USA
    travellers have a Canadian flag sewn to their backpack.

  26. Where was NATO when... Added by: Frank
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 14:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...when millions of Native Americans were forcibly moved,
    dispossesed of their lands, and told how and where to live?
    Are we ready to right those wrongs in the 21st Century? Or
    do "crimes against humanity" have status of limitation?
    Our history is not exemplary in its respect for ethnic
    diversity. Why don't we clean house first?

  27. Lapland is a part of Finland! Added by: Kalle Perse
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 3:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would just like to say that Lapland is a part of Finland.
    They don't want to and will never be separated from us.
    What is your IQ Antonis? Fuck I'm tired of hearing this

  28. INDIPENCE ALSO FOR ISTRIA! Added by: Alessandro
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 0:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    All that is really interesting... But what about
    indipendece for Istria? This lovely country, that belonged
    to Venice since 1797 and after that to Italy and Austria is
    still under occupation of Croatia and Slovenia ...

  29. FLEMISH INDEPENDENCE NOW ! Added by: Joske
    [Timestamp: Sun 2 May, 6:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    And stop the ethnic cleansing by the supremacist
    Francophones which is going on already before Belgium even
    existed. Look at Brussels, where NATO has its HQs: 100
    years ago 90 % of the people were Flemish, now they still
    form 10 %

  30. Independence Now! Added by: AndyGator (
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 May, 11:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I live in Forsyth County Georgia, and I am tired of y'all
    educated people moving in here. I think its time we rised
    up and banned all people who graduated from the 6th grade.
    We like our dogs and don't need no city-fied technology.
    Screw all modern inventions - my horse works just fine. I
    have great moonshine, and two sisters, what more is there
    in life? Independent Forsyth Now!

  31. For Alessandro Added by: Meta
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 0:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    So, Alessandro, after Istra is liberated from
    Slovenian/Croatian 'terror', who should inhabit it?

  32. racism in oz Added by: oh , no
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 9:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    All you dickhead aussies You say you are tolerant towards
    new australians?? fuck off from here go back to you TT page
    and bullshit there not here this page should be for travel
    not for expressing political , racial religius wievs, you
    are not tolerant att al you hate everybody who was not born
    in OZ. I know i used to live there now i am back home in
    europe. i think australia is one of the
    worst country for racism you are even hate your own race
    why>?? because you are nothing but a convict son of a
    pome, go and play your stupid aussie rules abuse the abos
    and the wogs, but without us WOGS your shithouse place
    still would be nothing but a country shit house ,
    we build that country for you and now fuck it up proper
    with your racism .
    white australia policy has gone with MR MENZIES, Wake up you
    morons, its not the 50-60's its almost y2k now you still
    live in the dark ages you hate everybody blacks yellows and
    whites and even your own mother.
    go and sing iam you are all australian... tolerant my ass
    i know i should not write here about the aussies it is for
    travel but by doing this[writing here] i am lowering my self
    to their standards [ lower than the frog's ass]
    Iam glad i come home that country , stinks.

  33. Fuck You Alessandro Added by: Pissed Off
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 21:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Istria is part of Croatia, so fuck off it. Italy also has
    illegal possession of Trieste, which should be part of
    Croatia. Also, ethnic Italians in Istria are troublemakers
    and thieves.

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