diving in Europe

This topic was created by ninka
[Wed 19 May, 0:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Does anybody have any good ideas of where to go diving in

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 22:30]

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  1. Croatia !!! Added by: dugi (dugi@amg.gda.pl)
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 6:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You should consider Croatia. Definitely the best place to
    dive in Europe, and most bealtiful landscapes and people as
    well. Especially small islands southt of Split (Korcula,
    etc.) and Kornati. You need a permision but nobody checked
    it on us. Boat rental is fairly cheap (150 DM for a 120 HP
    engine speedboat per day, 8 prs capacity), you can also
    catch a ride with fishermen - they are really cheap and they
    give you free Rakija - killer vodka. Police is very
    unpleasent - stay only in camping places, don't sleep in
    marinas etc., as you may be granted with fine and "passport
    stamp" which disallows you to enter the contry for as long
    as five years.

  2. diving in Europe Added by: Caroline (pleic@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 22:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I can't believe that someone got there before me and recommended Croatia. I agree with everything that Dugi has said. Kornati would be amazing, as would anywhere near to Split, especially the islands.
    It's very safe there, the people are fantastic and incredibly hospitable, and there is no fear of war. I went to the Dalmatian coast for the summer during the war, and I was still safe! The food is fresh and delicious, and that goes for the 'burger bars' too which create the most amazing sandwiches.
    You'll love it.

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