Cairo to Luxor

This topic was created by jan
[Mon 17 May, 21:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Is it possible to book a Nile cruise from Cairo to Luxor?
Most tour operators advertise with cruises between Luxor
and Aswan.
How many days would this trip last?
Thanks a Lot!

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 3:59]

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  1. You can't do it Added by: Will (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 7:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are no cruises between Cairo and Luxor, only between
    Luxor and Aswan (or vice versa) and on Lake Nassar south of
    Aswan. This is so because several of the provinces north
    of Luxor are home to some of the fundamentalist groups who
    have essentially declared war on the tourism industry. It
    may be a long time before such a trip is possible.
    However, several days cruising the Nile certainly gives one
    a feel for what can be seen. The boats go fast and stay
    pretty far from the banks when they are underway. Time
    spent exploring around Luxor and/or Aswan may be more
    enjoyable anyway. The cruises last anywhere from two
    nights to two weeks. My personal feeling is that less is
    more but it depends on your own tastes. e-mail me if you
    have any other questions. Will

  2. Oh yes you can! Added by: Neil Stevenson (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 3:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are a number of package holiday companies (including
    Thomas Cook, whose brochure for this trip arrived in my
    mail just last week) who do full length cruises of the
    Nile. The journey from Cairo to Aswan via the usual places
    including Luxor takes 11 days one way. In fact it is a lot
    quicker South to North because of the tides, but the
    journey is still billed as 11 days. So I assume you get
    more time at each stopover.
    Will is correct about the security situation but I don't
    believe it is impassible (or impossible).
    I did a one day cruise, this Easter, north of Luxor to the
    Temple of Hathor at Dendra. The security was impressive.
    Armed guards on the boat and a military escort for the
    coach from the boat to the temple.
    I hope this helps. I am planning to the full Nile cruisde
    myself at some point in the future.

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