Red Sea boats?

This topic was created by duncan (
[Mon 24 May, 9:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

`Does anyone travel by boat anymore, im planning to go down the red sea from Suez. I want to get as far as India. I know that there are ferrys and other ships that go from suez to Jedda in Saudi Arabia and Port Sudan in Sudan. and that from there some travel on to Dubai and Karachi in Pakistan.
Has anyone out there travelled this way or does anyone know if there are many travelling this way. If so can you get boats straight from Egypt to India.Do you need visas for all stops on route or can you get access at the port, ie in Jedda. What are the prices to travel on these boats and how safe are they.
What would you say are the chances of arriving at a port and try to hitch a ride soouthwards on the red sea, would you need visas to enter countries on the coast, are these places dangerous.
have you any advice on this

[There are 0 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 9:29]

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