Mauritania/Western Sahara

This topic was created by Ed (
[Thu 13 May, 6:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Does anyone have any uptodate information on travelling
overland between the western sahara/mauritania/senegal,
particularly on going from mauritania to morrocco, e.g.
visas, permits to travel, good places to find lifts, I have
conflicting information from the Morroccan embassy and the
Foreign office travel adv

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 6:41]

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  1. Check this out Added by: Sven
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 6:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ed: You're right about the conflicting reports between
    Morc and Mauritania. But check out this site as it is
    quite useful for your purpose and the fellow who runs it
    does a nice job of it.

  2. grazie Added by: ck
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 4:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks Sven!

  3. Up to date info from Rabat Added by: gregg (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 6:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We're in Rabat and just spent the day trying to get the
    elusive visa for Mauritania. Our plan was (is?) to go
    The embassy is up front about the fact that they can only
    issue visas if you've got an air ticket even though they
    know you're going by land. They advise you to get a ticket
    and, after getting the visa, returning the ticket for a
    partial refund.
    But something has changed. No travel agents will issue an
    air ticket unless you give them your oath that you won't
    cancel (apparently, by regulation, they must honor a
    cancellation request). We don't have the heart to screw
    them over.
    We visited a dozen travel agents and they all said if we
    don't have a visa they can't issue a ticket. Classic catch
    22. We should've tried in Madrid.
    We went back to the embassy to tell our tale and they
    shrugged saying it should be no problem to get an air
    ticket from any agency in town. But the main visa guy
    wasn't there in the afternoon so we'll try again in the
    morning. I'll try to follow up here if there is anything
    further to tell.
    Oh, and by the way, an air ticket Casablanca-Dakar is about

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