Touring Zim/SA by bike

This topic was created by Motorcycling Ma (
[Wed 19 May, 8:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I've been away from Southern Africa for 12 years now and
feel it's time for a visit - to see family etc.... I'm
planning to visit in June/July 2000 and would like to take
a route along these lines: Cape Town, Garden Route to
George, Beit Bridge, Mutare, Vic Falls, Hwange game
reserve, Kadoma and then fly home, or maybe in reverse
order! Could someone offer advice on how best to do this on
a bike? Can I hire a bike in Zim/SA? What restrictions are
there? What are the best watering holes along the route?
Something like a Pan European would, I know, be ideal for
comfort and distance, but it's too tall for me - what would
be available/suitable (my current bike is a Triumph Legend
TT)? Any constructive advice gratefully received!

[There are 0 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 8:35]

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