arriving late in Nairobi

This topic was created by ananak
[Wed 12 May, 16:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am arriving late in Nairobi (11pm)......where is a
reasonable, safe place to stay so late in the evening? Or
is the airport open 24 hours? I am a single white female!

[There are 8 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 4:31]

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  1. airport Added by: angela
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 19:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Nairobi airport is open 24hrs, and untill you go through
    the gate after collecting luggage etc it is fine to be on
    your own. The area after the gate is open to the public
    and, when I arrived, rather intimidating. You are quickly
    surrounded by taxi drivers wanting to take you into town. I
    went to the Venture Africa desk and they got a taxi to take
    me to my hotel. I think they are more likely to get you a
    relatively safe/complete taxi! My advice would be to book a
    hotel or hostel for the night you arrive and when you get to
    the airport, get a taxi out as soon as poss. I have heard
    that the busses or shared taxis from the airport to town are
    very dangerous (ie you will be lucky to get into town with
    any of your money/luggage not stolen)
    Good luck and enjoy you trip,

  2. Nairobi Added by: Nathan
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 1:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have been to Nairobi several times and arrived late at
    night. I would definitely book some accommodation before
    you arrive - if your looking for a nice budget hotel try the
    Sirona Hotel (not Serena) in Parklands. It costs about USD
    30 per night (which is cheap for Nairobi!). I would ask at
    the travel counters for a taxi because you do tend to be a
    bit smothered when you come out of the airport. Most
    taxis are absolute rust buckets, but I have always
    managed to get a decent one. It's not that bad, just keep
    your wits about you and make sure that you have no valuables
    like watches and necklaces where the locals can see them.
    You should have no problems.

  3. Nairobi at night Added by: Katie (
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 1:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's really not that bad, just make sure you do not wear any
    jewellery including a watch and keep a beady eye on all your
    belongings. Obviously loads of tourists arrive and depart
    from the airport in the middle of the night and so the area
    is a prime target for theives. My advice on hotels is to pay
    over what you would normally be prepared to pay for a room.
    Nairobi during the day is totally different to Nairobi at
    night. We had a great time and it is an amazing town when
    you have just stepped out of the bush! we stayed at the
    hotel which has Buffalo Bills associated with it (can't
    remember the name, it's in the book). You get to
    associate with some of the colourful night dwellers in
    the bar/hotel while playing pool against the local
    hustlers! While we were there a bunch of Kiwis went looking
    for something better and cheaper and were back within a
    couple of hours! They have rooms up on the top floor which
    are cheaper than the others. They do not have a bathroom,
    but hey...who needs and ensuite when you're backpacking!?
    You have to specifically ask for these rooms because you
    will automatically get offered one of the more expensive
    Good luck!

  4. Similar quandry Added by: Kat (
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 13:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm also looking at the same situation in reverse, my flight
    flys out of Nairobi at 11:00pm. Any street savvy
    suggestions from folks?
    Thanks! Kat

  5. Airport Added by: Coconut
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 17:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To #4: In the airport is a sort of travellers rest room. It
    is downstairs and somewhat hidden. You will need to ask
    directions. It is a great haven away from the hordes -
    quiet, big comfy sofas, clean rest rooms and a well stocked
    bar. It costs between US$10-20 to enter but that includes
    tea, coffee and alcoholic drinks, maybe snacks too - I
    can't remember. I am not sure if it still exists but two
    years ago when I passed thru Nairobi it did and believe me
    it was like heaven when we had a ten hour stopover.

  6. yes, I forgot... Added by: angela
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 22:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    about that area. On my return journey (march 1998)I flew
    from Zanzibar into Nairobi and then had about 10hrs to wait.
    That was fine also. I don't know how you get to it from
    Nairobi obviously, as I had arrived on another flight, but
    if you ask I'm sure they'll tell you!

  7. getting in late Added by: Cathy (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 4:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Book a room at the FairView Hotel relatively a quick drive from the Air port. Clean , Safe, ad charming. Affordable too. Grab a big black cab. They are safe and reliable.

  8. getting in late Added by: Cathy (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 4:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Book a room at the FairView Hotel relatively a quick drive from the Air port. Clean , Safe, ad charming. Affordable too. Grab a big black cab. They are safe and reliable.

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