I'm Bored ! So....

This topic was created by Jaco (wom@mweb.co.za)
[Sun 17 Jan, 10:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

....Where do you come from and what do you do???? Who the
hell reads this page?? Add a post and i'll do the rest!

[There are 62 posts - the latest was added on Fri 7 May, 13:37]

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  1. Rainy Day Added by: zorro
    [Timestamp: Sun 17 Jan, 11:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Read the hundereds of posts here and you will find some terribly interesting people posting questions and giving very good current answers. If you are bored here, find some place that interests you, and go for it. It's a big world out there, -- and in here.

  2. Saving Jaco's rep. Added by: gistak
    [Timestamp: Sun 17 Jan, 21:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Zorro, I don't think Jaco meant that he was bored in HERE.
    He meant that he was bored because it was a rainy day (or
    whatever) so he decided to start a new post about the
    people here.
    If YOU read the hundreds of posts here, you'll find that
    Jaco has written many of them himself.

  3. Thanks gistak Added by: Jaco (wom@mweb.co.za)
    [Timestamp: Sun 17 Jan, 23:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    zorro mate - no offense but if you follow the tree for a
    month you'll see the same q's. most the answers can be
    found on my site http://www.travelinafrica.co.za
    So what i do want is something different like: hi - i'm
    zorro from Mexico, i farm with prickly pears, drink mescal
    and i read this page 'cause i want to go to Timbuctoo in

  4. Well Jaco... Added by: Plasticpaddy
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 3:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...I live just outside London with my lovely Zim girlfriend
    and I work for a magazine. And you?

  5. I'm an Idiot Added by: Jaco (wom@mweb.co.za)
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 5:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry but I have not been myself lately. My name is Jaco and
    I am an idiot. Cheers

  6. Smile, you're NOTon Candid Camerad Added by: Mr Ben
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 7:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Lighten up there little brother. Life's a real bastard sometimes, but it's the only one we've got.
    My African (Sudanese) students were non-plussed when I swept into their classroom on that first day and wrote my full name in large chalked capitals on the blackboard. And when I'd finished, I turned to face them, smiled at them , and said, ". . .But you can call me 'Mr Ben' ."
    And that's who I have been ever since. Mr Ben from New Zealand. Pleez ta mee cha, Jaco. I don't think you're an idiot at all.
    At the moment, I'm a desk-top publishing executive in an international company but tomorrow I could be back in the Army trotting through the jungles of South-East Asia, or performing in Peter Pan in a touring theatrical company in Scotland, or being the head chef on an oilrig a hundred miles off the coast of Norway, or feeding dead-from- extreme-old-age chickens to sick saltwater crocodiles in Australia. Whatever. Feel better? Any time you want a bit of a chat, give me a call. Regards, Mr Ben.

  7. Rain here Sun somewhere Added by: zorro
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 18:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry Jaco if I wrote too fast. My apologies.
    I world traveled Asia several decades ago. Since then I've
    been stuck in a US office. Surfing reciently, I discovered
    this Thorn Tree and have gotten so turned on and excited I
    couldn't imagen anyone bored here. There's millions of
    moments of discovery buried beneith these links. It's gonna
    be hard to sit still at work tomorrow (Monday). So many
    other places to be and see. Soon... See ya on the road
    somewhere. Thanks to all for your

  8. Hi! Added by: Katrina (kajohn345@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 2:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm Katrina, 24 years old from Canada and just got back from
    spending 6 months on an international internship program in
    Cote d'Ivoire. I travelled a bit but not as much as I would
    have liked and finally fulfilled my dream to go to africa,
    but now i need to find a way to get back! I guess my lurking
    here in the thorntree helps me feel a bit back there.
    Have a great day and feel free to email me if you like:)

  9. thanks Kat & co Added by: jaco (wom@mweb.co.za)
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 4:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi # 5 - you not only think that you're me but that you're
    an idiot as well - strange.
    So zorro and gistak --- where ARE you from??
    mr BEN you sound like crocodile dundee
    Katrina girl - keep lurking and one day soon when you wake
    you'll be here
    Plasticpaddy - i own word of mouth backpackers in pretoria
    but i'm getting restless - i really need to travel soon

    Thanks for the posts - even you # 5

  10. I'm a Jill of all trades Added by: Hurricane (Hurricane_63@hotmail)
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 16:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Mistress of none
    Hi my name is Lou (Louise) and at the moment I work at the
    Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney. I've travelled a
    bit all over except Asia (I know crazy because it's our
    closest neighbour and it is on my agenda for end of this
    year or next year to go there.) I have a MA in Theatre
    Studies and am currently doing a Dip Ed - hope to teach in
    Africa some day long haul but will try some short term
    volunteer stints in Asia first to give me an idea whether or
    not I can cut it.
    Anyway 18 months ago went to Zim, Zambia (only made Zambezi
    river - great pity I wanted to go on), only saw JoBurg and
    then went to Gueckedou in Guinea via Abidjan in Coite I'voie
    (HI KATRINA - it's a pretty special area isn't it?)
    Anyway like Katrina I want to get back see more, do more, do
    less - you generally hang out but finances (or lack there
    of) will keep me in the land of OZ for a little while yet.
    What else? Oh yes. I don't mind a beer or vino sitting on
    a balcony watching the sun set -
    Did that at Noosa Heads over new year - mightn't be Africa
    but it was quite pleasant. We also took our picnic
    baskets and champagne to a thing called SYMPHONY in the PARK
    which is a part of our Sydney Festival- it's a free concert
    and we had 120,000 people. The last piece is ALWAYS the
    1812 - I know it's Russian but it's great. Anyway for the
    climax we have real cannons and the church bells ring and
    there's fireworks - all in all not a bad place to be on a
    hot summer night. Well enough of the trivia about the land
    of OZ - hope everyone is have a great time whereever you are

  11. Q & A Added by: Zorro
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 18:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    At the end of a very long boring Monday in an office here
    near Seattle, Washington, USA. Feels good just to be
    traveling the thorn tree. I've crossed Asia, but have very
    little experience with Africa. Interesting how diverse it
    seems to be - which shouldn't suprise me. Just never got
    there - yet.
    Short question: Is a total transit, via LandRover, or Public
    Transportation, down (N-S) one side and back up the other
    possible. Or, are there impassible sections (physical or
    political)? Using reasonable world travel skills, of

  12. Mostly to Zorro. Added by: Mr Ben
    [Timestamp: Wed 20 Jan, 6:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Zorro. When the world was less complicated and everybody was a little newer and a little more innocent, I would have said that a total circumnav of the African continent---across the top,down one side, round the bottom, and back up the other side---would have been the experience of a lifetime.
    Today however, with land squabbles and long-festering civil wars in many of the countries to be traversed, together with the hostage-taking, kidnapping and assorted muggings and murders which appear to be an integral part of everyday life in contemporary third-world Africa, I suspect that a lot of serious eyes-wide-open-and-no-romantic-nonsense planning would be necessary for such an adventure. Not to mention a hefty suitcaseful of visas and assorted paperwork.
    But . . . what a fantastic, truly epic, journey it would be. Regards, Mr Ben.

  13. Kenya/Tanzania Added by: Becca
    [Timestamp: Wed 20 Jan, 17:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi - I live in Winnipeg, Canada, and I work with an airline
    in a reservations office here. A coupla friends from the
    office and I are planning a trip to Maasai Mara, then on to
    Zanzibar, in May. It will be my 1st trip to Africa, and I
    can hardly wait!

  14. Its me !! Added by: Nicky (wacko@harare.iafrica.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 20 Jan, 19:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Jaco
    I think you know who I am - Nicky I own Wacko Travel in
    Harare, Zimbabwe. We operate from the Internet Cafe in the
    Eastgate Centre. I am 23, a South African with Zimbabwean
    Residency. I also reply to many of the postings here on the
    page. You think you're bored cause its raining - it hasn't
    stop raining here in Harare for 3 1/2 months now - at least
    Pretoria has some sun - so have fun!!

  15. a virtual date or what? Added by: jaco (wom@mweb.co.za)
    [Timestamp: Thu 21 Jan, 7:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi Nicky ---- i've crossed your path many times.
    hi Becca ---- your heart must be beating faster every day!
    mr. Ben -- you left the middle out
    Zorro --- ....of what????
    Lou ---- glad to see there's some educated people on the
    tree ! are you gonna be in Sidney for the Millenium ?

  16. Canadians? Added by: Pita
    [Timestamp: Thu 21 Jan, 8:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Looks like us Canadians are ahead. Are we more literate or
    are we just being civil ?

  17. OK Pita Added by: Louise (louise.rush@flinders.edu.au)
    [Timestamp: Thu 21 Jan, 16:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you want a competition heres another one for the Aussies.
    Just happens to be another Louise. Does that mean the
    Louises are in front. I live in Sth Oz and we have had some
    dam hot weather, not too bad today but Sunday I felt as if
    someone had a blow torch to my head. I am sitting here at
    my rather mundane job dreaming about travelling around
    Africa later this year, that's why I am on the Tree right
    now and not working. But I better start doing something
    before the boss gets back.

  18. Louise Added by: Pita
    [Timestamp: Fri 22 Jan, 8:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Are you pretty? We're freezing our nuts off and if you ARE
    the thought will keep me warm!

  19. On ya Aussie Added by: Hurricane (hurricane_63@hotmail)
    [Timestamp: Fri 22 Jan, 10:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes Louise it up to the Aussie Louise's to keep up the side.
    Better than Aussie Bruce's (sic). Do you work at Flinders
    I don't know about more literate but Canadians are
    definitely more forward!
    Jaco, I think I might be going to Penang or somewhere for
    the millenium and for the Olympics there is talk of REALLY
    cheap deals out of here to Europe or America - like the
    equivalent of $US300-$500 RETURN - at the moment the
    cheapest deal you can get is about $US1,000 and that's
    travelling OFF OFF OFF Peak. I don't know if we can make
    Africa as a stopover but I'll do my best. Want to check out
    Zambia and Mozambique (dreaming again)
    Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that we have the Olympics and
    all that but I figure I'll be one less person in the crowd
    and the people that are really into it can enjoy it while
    I'm somewhere else sipping on champagne.
    Jaco - you haven't said where you're from and what you do
    apart from claiming to be an idiot?
    Have a good day guys

  20. Reply Added by: Louise
    [Timestamp: Fri 22 Jan, 10:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Pita - please feel free to use your imagination, I wouldn't
    normally feel that way but I pitty the condition you are in
    at the moment.
    Hurricane - you got it, I work at FUSA. How do you know it?
    Jaco - sorry I forget to say hello and thanks for your web
    site. I bookmarked it some time ago, it's going to be a
    real asset for African travellers.

  21. Louise you Added by: Hurricane (Hurricane_63@hotmail)
    [Timestamp: Fri 22 Jan, 14:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    are a flirt! Poor Pita will be in a right state on hormone
    overdrive (tee hee) Anyway, your email address says
    "edu.au" - I'm doing a Dip Ed through Charles Sturt and the
    e mail is @csu.ed.au - so I added two and two. So when and
    where do you want to go in Africa? I'm jealous - I'm
    still saving.

  22. thanks girls Added by: jaco (wom@mweb.co.za)
    [Timestamp: Fri 22 Jan, 18:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi, looks like the Louises are definately in front - any
    more out there????? Louise, thanks for giving my site a
    punt - hello and you live where? Sth - where's that?
    hurricane Louise - that penang deal sounds fantastic - go
    for it. i did say in post # 9 ; i run/own Word of Mouth
    backpackers Pretoria http://www.travelinafrica.co.za and
    the idiot in #5 helped making this Topic the most posted!!!

  23. You Added by: charlie
    [Timestamp: Sun 24 Jan, 11:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sad git

  24. KHANCOBAN Added by: BRO
    [Timestamp: Sun 24 Jan, 17:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  25. Allo Added by: eh! (bradleywallis@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 7:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello, I am a Canadian male, I surf this for any ideas on
    travelling Europe this fall. I plan to work and travel for
    the rest of my life, kind of nomadic wouldnt you say? There
    is way too much out there to see and experience. To be
    locked down is a shame.

  26. My thanks to Jaco Added by: Valerie (brownvr@email.uc.edu)
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 8:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just wanted to thank Jaco for the trend he has started. I
    am a University student in the US studying fine art. I lived
    in Africa in 1995 and traveled Malawi, Bots, Zim and SA. I
    am applying for a scholorship to come back to Africa during
    our summer break. Reading all the messages on the TT makes
    it seem so much more possible. I await the magic!

  27. Bored??????? Added by: Swazi Babe (swazi_babe@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 25 Jan, 23:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jaco, you poor thing - why on earth are you bored? We live in one of the most beautiful places
    in the world - I am biased, I know. There is too much to do, too much to see, too little time! Come
    and play at ESSA (Exploration Society of Southern Africa) email: pamarais@global.co.za
    and see what happens - you never know.....!!!!

  28. Thanks boys &girls Added by: jaco (wom@mweb.co.za)
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 10:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    .....for all the posts.
    canada replied 3x - propably 'cause they're snowed in
    austalia 2x - cause aussies do
    usa 2x - cause they get free internet!
    uk, nz, zim, swazi all 1x
    unkwown a couple
    idiots 2x
    it's been most educational!!! cheers jaco

  29. Hurricane Lou Added by: Louise (louise.rush@flinders.edu.au)
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 16:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Email me Lou, I tried to send you one but it wouldn't go
    Jaco, I'm in South Australia. Creative name ah!

  30. Cdn and chilly Added by: Tammy (tammyskrub@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 30 Jan, 16:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am headed for Zim on Feb 24...for volunteer stuff. I
    can't wait to get out of this cold! This is my first time
    on this thorn tree, and some of the neg stuff has been a bit
    inimidating. But it's mostly good, so I am going to be
    optimistic. I'm Tammy, 30, and I love to travel.
    Unfortunately, this is my first really exotic destination
    (although I guess exotic depends on which side of the world
    you see things from!) I have seen parts of europe (Danmark,
    Germany, Holland, Norway, Sweden, and a sunset/rise on
    Iceland), parts of Canada (Alberta and east), the eastern
    seaboard of the US, Cuba.....now Zim...
    I like to see the "real" places I am going to...I am tempted
    to skip Vic Falls for Great Zim - I will be limited in my
    travel time outside of Harare. But I am playing it by ear!

  31. this is what we need! Added by: vic (viclo@hotamil.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 30 Jan, 23:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Jaco, good job man to get a few people chatting. You can
    make that strike three from Oz. I'm talking from Melbourne and
    am leaving for a 5 month trip to Egypt, Europe and the States
    in two week's time. Anyone who'd care to correspond, drop me a

  32. The topic still lives ! Added by: jaco (wom@mweb.co.za)
    [Timestamp: Sun 31 Jan, 16:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    unbelievable - Vic ; thanks for the nice punt before it
    dies. Tammy --- where didn't you say you were from?????

  33. Cdn=Canadian Added by: Tammy (tammyskrub@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 Feb, 12:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry...shouldn't have used the short form of Canadian I
    guess. I live in Ontario, not far from Niagara Falls. 24
    days and counting to my trip. By the way...for Zim...is
    there any cultural dress codes for women? I am going to be
    working at an orphanage, and they require pants or long
    skirts, with shirts that have sleeves (tshirts ok, but not
    tank tops or sleeveless blouses). This kills my wardrobe.
    But is this common throughout Zim? Or are these just my
    work directions? What does one wear roaming around Harare
    as a single white female?

  34. i should have ... Added by: jaco (wom@mweb)
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 Feb, 16:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ....picked up on that but i didn't read your title - even
    the chilly bit is a giveaway !!!!

  35. Tammy Added by: Hurricane (Hurricane_63.hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 Feb, 12:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You should be Ok - when I was there it was pretty casual.
    Although in in the heat etc and if your not used to the sun
    it would be best to cover up at first. It's like Australia
    - one step at a time - otherwise - pink and peeling is the
    name of the skin game. Also, if you are on malaria pills
    some versions take you resistance to sun totally away (well
    that's what my doc told me) so slip on the screen quite
    Have a wonderful time

  36. Tks Lou Added by: Tammy (tammyskrub@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 Feb, 22:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks Lou...
    My countdown is on, and I am incredibly excited. 19 days,
    12 hrs, but who is counting???

  37. Fun Post Added by: Zorro
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 19:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jaco, Thanks for the interesting topic. Travelers are
    fastinating people. - - - - as this thread slips into the

  38. dreaming... Added by: olga
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 Feb, 20:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi! I'm Olga and I live in Athens. It's been six months since I returned home from Pakistan and I am stuck here. I can't quite my job cause I have no money now, so the only thing to do is dreaming and reading the pages here to "smell" destinations and people!
    The wheather is great and it's making my day!
    It's like sunny days in Indonesia!
    To anyone who's leaving, I wish the best of the best time!

  39. what fun Added by: peter (peter@explor.co.za)
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 Feb, 10:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Jaco looks like you started a good thing, it sure makes
    a change from just reading travel questions regards to all
    who made this a fun read.
    cio peter.

  40. S.Sinai or fuck off! Added by: HANY (pavanna@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 7:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear there,
    My messege is within the title.

  41. Another one Added by: Lizelle
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 Feb, 3:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am just another South African living in London and wish
    that we could have a day's sunshine. I visit this site not
    as often as I want to. I work in a research company. And
    there is not as much work as I hope to have. I think it's
    great chatting with travellers all over the world.
    Especially to people who would like to know more about SA.
    I am not an expert like Jaco but I try to help as much as I
    can. You really need all the help you can get. If you
    don't like the place: LEAVE!! Then you are obviously not
    the right person for it. A traveller is suppose to enjoy
    every trip. By all means it was your choice to go to the
    country you went to. But don't try and make other people
    I really hope to read some more mail from South Aricans.

  42. Re: last mail Added by: mmm,no
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 9:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just what our England needs - another miserable bloody South
    African living in our capital and moaning constantly about
    the weather. If South Africa is so great why not fuck off
    back there?
    Go there to earn your Pounds did you? Hope you're skint and
    living in a shithole in Clapham.
    How dare YOU moan about travellers, who've just had a couple
    of shitty experiences, when all you're doing is being
    amongst the mind-numbingly BORING crop of assholes who are
    stupid enough to think they'll make it in England. Shame eh,
    you naive and pointless individual.
    In case you hadn't realised, this is a page for TRAVELLERS.
    Understand the concept? No, thought not.
    No address cos I can't be arsed with the shit. And you're
    dull anyway. My god, I'm bored this evening.

  43. PREVIOUS MAIL Added by: Lizelle
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 0:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If this page is for travellers why are you logged on. And
    by the way. This topic is just to find out what people are
    doing round the world at the moment. Not to critisize
    their intensions of visiting a country.

  44. An innocent bystander Added by: (Another) Kat
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 March, 10:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi everyone. I am here accidentially, I usually 'live' on
    the Indian subcontinent branch. By the way, I think many of
    you will enjoy the discussion under 'Is there life after
    backpaking?' post there. I think there are over 150 replies
    now. I just decided to take a glans at the African site. To
    check out the crowd. You all seem very nice, but I guess
    every branch got psyco's like mmm.
    Anyway, I am Russian and I live in Copehagen. I have
    travelled to India, S.E. Asia and Central America.
    I have always had this feeling that Africa should be saved
    till last, I feel somehow that that would be the last
    continent to go after visiting all the others. I feel one
    should be prepared for it somehow. What do you think? Now,
    there is only one thing left to say: GO TO INDIA IF YOU
    HAVEN'T BEEN THERE!!!!! Happy travels, all of you!

  45. Seems like I'm the first... Added by: Barbarella
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 March, 3:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    German to reply to this post :) Right now i'm stuck in this
    real horrible job, can't leave so easily, 'cause I'm broke
    and not entitled to any benefits really (happens if you
    haven't payed your contributions here for over 2 years).
    Can't complain, had almost 3 great years in the UK and 5
    months travelling down under and Asia during the past 5
    years. The TT (whatever branch) makes my job bearable
    (sp???) and gives me ideas for my next trips.

  46. Virtual travel is all I have these days... Added by: Suzanne
    [Timestamp: Sat 13 March, 8:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Suzanne, 34, Minnesota USA. Yes, there's snow on the
    ground here. I've travelled extensively in Asia and
    usually hang on the Indian subcontinent thread. I also was
    a Peace Corps Volunteer in Morocco, so I like to hang in
    the Africa web now and then. Mostly I just wish I were
    "out there" right now, but it'll happen, so for now I'll
    just web hang in between work.

  47. Canucks Added by: Shazzer
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 March, 7:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I guess I'll throw in my lot with the Canadians. There
    seems to be a lot of us lurking on this site....and I
    haven't even been snowed in yet this year. My middle name
    is Louise, so do I count as one of them, too? Hi, everyone.

  48. Shit, I'm sorry. Added by: Shazzer
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 March, 7:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    And I know better than to do that, too. 'Scuse me.

  49. The Netherlands Added by: Edwin (EdwinK@ixchange.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 March, 17:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Had not seen Dutch guys on this follow, so here I am.
    Also called Holland by stupid tourists for some reason...

  50. #42, you're a chump Added by: Big Al (alaric@stones.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 9:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi all!
    I was reading through a bunch of happy posts (respect to
    Jaco)when I come across a fellow Brit.. (Tasmanian Standard
    Time?) doing the whinging pom thing- "Just what our England
    needs" OUR England, OUR capital. Bog off.
    Frankly, the weather IS shitty in London at the moment, as
    ever... Tell it like it is - don't let petty nationalistic
    impulses cloud your judgment, and leave your mail address
    if you're going to be vitriolic, I love a verbal scrap -
    but in private.
    Everyone else, I'm Al done a bit of Oz., Thailand, Europe
    and am looking at spending the summer in Italy doing the
    whole language, culture, signoritas thing. Possibly Beirut
    and the Middle East thereafter.
    Is there anywhere a tad more permanent for likeminded souls
    to get together and have a yarn and does anyone else use
    Yahoo Pager? (id alaricdavies)
    Regards, a friendly Brit!

  51. D'oh! Added by: Big Al (alaric@stones.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 9:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Looks like I'm in Tasmania as well! Funny that, it always
    LOOKED like London!

  52. Virtual Traveller Added by: Jo (jo_ervine@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 1:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi there, I'm a Kiwi who has moved across to good ole
    London. Did a two month stint in Malawi and Zimbabwe on the
    way over in the hope that the travel bug would bite the dust
    by the time I arrived in the UK. Unfortunately it hasn't
    but work commitments are preventing me from heading off
    anywhere for quite a well. Boo hoo. But I do get to travel
    the Lonely Planet site and read of everyone else's exciting
    adventures. Better than nothing me thinks. Anyway, happy
    travels to all and sundry, be that via the wonders of
    technology or not! Toodles, Jo

  53. So this is still here! Cool. Added by: Plasticpaddy (pp@cooke47.freeserve.co.uk)
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 7:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've just booked my flights to Jo'burg for Nov 7th.
    Travelling thru' SA, Namibia, Botswana and then christmas
    in Harare with my girlfriends family. Can't wait.
    So, who else is taking off this year?

  54. Phoenix Arizona USA Added by: AmberCat (ambercomp@compuserve.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 29 March, 8:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    After growign up all over the USA, I have spent my entire
    adult life in Phoenix, Arizona which is mostly high desert.
    If anyone is headed this way, drop me some mail. I love to
    tell people about places that aren't in the travel guides!
    I choose to live in the city because that is where I can
    most quicly earn the money I need (as a softwaree engineer)
    to get to heck out of the city to play. My favoriate place
    on the planet is Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, in
    January when there are very few other people around.
    Second favorite is Scotland; the further north you go and
    the further away from cities you get the more wonderful the
    people are! Next choice is Alaska; Denali National Park in
    particular but most of the state is fabulous.
    I'm now saving for a trip to Batswana. Ask me again in 18
    months what my favorite is.

  55. About me!! Added by: Smiffy (mattsmith@cyberdude.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 31 March, 3:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm a 26 year old bloke who is going to Namibia on my next
    set of travels!
    Why? Never been and looks lovely but the main reason is
    that my girlfriend will have just finished a 3 month
    expedition with Operation Raleigh! She has only been gone
    for 4 days and I am quite lonely! Also have just given up
    smoking for 4 weeks and am very proud!!
    Any tips 'n' trick for when I'm there and I will be
    eternally grateful!
    Cheers peeps
    Matty (UK) ICQ=34438298 AOL IM = pugsy999

  56. Me too! Added by: Catherine (carlisle@1earth.net)
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 12:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Matt and everyone else! Catherine, 31, here from about an
    hour south of Sydney. Pooh-y rainy day but that's OK because
    I'm doing indoors stuff at the moment. I'm up to my eyeballs
    in LPs, tablecloth size maps, brochures and e-mails trying
    to sort out the when/where/how of a two-and-a-bit month trip
    to Namibia, Sth Africa, Mozambique and a little bit of
    Zimbabwe (squeezing that back in - loved it so much last
    time) from August to early October 1999. I'm going by myself
    this time and I'm freaking out (so are my parents - they
    didn't have a spare). I so wanted to do it more
    independently (ie. drive) than the last time but my travel
    buddies have fallen by the wayside (last month) and it's
    just me. My employer also told me (last week) that we're
    re-structuring (read: reducing staff) and they can't
    guarantee me my job will be waiting for me when I get back.
    I've been saving my leave and money for 2.5 years and I just
    can't face not going so I'll leave it up to fate. Shame
    really, unlike other posters above I really love my job, but
    Africa calls me back...
    Plasticpaddy - Christmas in Harare sounds cool bananas but
    won't you fry Nov-Dec in Bots and Namibia ????
    Anyone going over who wants to chat, mail me.
    Regards to all, Cath.

  57. so much to see... Added by: John (je_newman@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 0:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Reading all these posts has made my feet unbearably itchy
    (although that could be the athlete's foot I got from the
    swimming pool...). I've so much to visit! Still, only 2
    more months of this job (which the word dull was invented
    for) and then it's sunny, dirty and inspiring Egypt. Oh,
    and #56, good on you -I'd hate myself if after saving for
    so long I didn't go through with it.

  58. Zim Added by: Katie (katied1979@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 1:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi I'm from Perth western Australia.....just wanted to say
    hi...I read this stuff cos I went to Zim last year and have
    fallen in love with th eplace and love to read anything
    about it!!

  59. for sale... Added by: barb
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 10:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have two months to go working as a teacher in an Ontario, Canada board of ed. Took an x over y (4 over 5) to afford a one-year around the world experience. Sick of the political situation so looking for an 'out'! Just sold the motorcycle last night (snf,snf,...) and next the car. Hmmm, maybe the skis and the bicycle (computer, toolbox, etc) Can't wait for some solo adventure.
    So, it's April and where's Jaco? You haven't sent since Feb! Are you travelling or just enjoying the show? Hey 57, how are the feet??

  60. Arse! Added by: Nerd
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 7:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Bleedin' load of cobblers you're all spouting

  61. Wandering through...? (59) Added by: Rosanne
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 0:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Barb:
    What is it like to work as a teacher in Ontario. I have
    been living in Taipei for 2 years, and my mom keeps trying
    to tell me that I should come home and go to Teacher's
    College. She claims that there are a lot of good teaching
    positions opening up there? I don't know, sounds fishy if
    I remember things with Harris? Sounds like the kind of
    thing a mother says to talk her kid into coming home.
    BTW...Very fun posts here, I am usually on the SEA branch.
    My favourite country being Vietnam. Why???....Vietnamese
    men. Although, there are a lot of them back home in
    Toronto....nothing like going to the source!

  62. Only developing nation in whole USA Added by: Elmsaafir
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 13:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm calling from Louisiana, USA...I've seen a lot of
    similarities here to some of the lesser developed countries
    I've been in...bad roads, history of less than honest
    governments, large animals that will kill you and drag you
    off to eat you later...I'm headed to Morocco this summer
    for (unfortunately only) 2 weeks. The current job doesn't
    really allow for a whole lot of long trips. Someday,
    though, the dream is to do Cairo-Kampala-Capetown-
    Casa...we'll see. Great site. Laissez les bon temps
    roulez!! Aaaaaeeee!! (That was Cajun)

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