Where to learn French?

This topic was created by Alexis
[Wed 26 May, 8:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'd like to spend about one month somewhere interesting
(and cheap) learning French. It needs to be someplace safe
for a woman travelling alone. I've travelled through Asia,
but I don't know the first thing about Africa. Where is a
good place - a city where I could stay, hire a tutor, be
immersed in the language (I assume it will be somewhere in
North Africa), and take a few two or three day trips? I'll
be travelling in September / October.
Thanks for any advice -

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 8:39]

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  1. west africa Added by: gav
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 8:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Places like Burkina, Togo, and Ivory Coast a relatively
    cheap and safe (Lome and Abidjan are big cities that can be
    dodgy and care is needed). I dont know much about formal
    classes, but informal would be easy, every one would be
    glad to teach you for a few $$. There are radios and
    newspapers in french in many of the cities, and Tv in the
    bigger cities. Re taking trips, Ivory coast had slightly
    better/quicker/more comfortable transport than Burkina or
    togo, and a greater array of things to see within a close
    If you could get in with PCV or other aid/volunteer org's
    there, it will be a good way to immerse yourself in the
    local, non-city culture!
    No doubt other people will give you some other, better
    ideas :-0

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