
This topic was created by overlander
[Tue 18 May, 23:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

basically- is it possible still to go overland from London
to Cape Town? Or is DRCongo still impassable?

[There are 7 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 15:31]

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  1. overland via east Added by: current traveler
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 0:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you go down the east coast you will have problems in
    Eritrea, Ethopia (border closed), going down from Egypt
    into Ethopia bypassing Eritrea, going through the Sudan
    (though I have heard that it is opening up now) and in the
    Good luck and be prepared to fly over.

  2. Overland Added by: Jane
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 2:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is possible to go from Egypt to Eritrea but you have to
    fly. The Sudan border is closed. You can then go to
    Djibouti and from there by train to Dire Dawa in Ethiopia.
    You can fly from Asmara to Djibouti (on an interesting
    little airline called Daallo). I have also heard that it
    is possible to go across the land border between Eritrea
    and Djibouti provided that you are not Eritrean. Get a
    Djibouti visa in Cairo because the Embassy is now closed in
    Asmara and in December 98 no one else had been assigned to
    issue visas. You can't get a plane ticket without a visa.
    I have also been told that there is a ferry from Egypt to
    Jedda in Saudi Arabia and then onwards to Masawa in
    Eritrea. Eritrea is a great country to visit and shouldn't
    be missed if you get the opportunity.

  3. It's possible... Added by: Mart
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 20:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's is possible. There is a couple currently doing the
    trip. They obtained a visa for Sudan! Have a look at the
    following website for a link to the site called "African
    Adventure". The url is
    Another couple is also heading South but via West Africa.
    On there site they posted an article stating that they had
    heard that there is a route through the Congo. They are two
    vehicles called "Viking and Chief"

  4. Appeal to Mart ! Added by: Paul (paul.whitelegg@excite.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I read your post and was intrigued by the revelation of a
    possible route through the DRC for those planning a West
    African route. You mentioned there was a reference to this
    on the Viking and Chief web site - well unfortunately I
    couldn't find it.
    Do you have anymore details of where the reference is ?
    Cheers - from someone planning a Europe to South Africa

  5. Yeah, but... Added by: BarbieGirl
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 2:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Its a bloody long way and a LONG LONG time to be travelling
    so intensely. Maybe looking into shorter, more manageable
    sized chunks at a time? London - CT is about 27 weeks.
    But for more info I recommend you check out the following
    web site:
    http://www.travelinafrica.co.za or that could be .com, I'm
    not sure)
    or email Jaco directly at wom@mweb.co.za, this guy really
    knows his stuff.

  6. Oops Added by: Mart (solms@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 21:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Paul,
    I think I was mistaken about the Viking and Chief site.
    They might have a route through Niger, Mali and Sudan (I
    think). When I went through there site again (last update
    on Star date) I only saw the east posting.
    Let me check some of my other overland URL's for the congo
    one. I am sure I read it somewhere....
    When do you want to leave?

  7. good luck Added by: Ian (Iantownsend@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 15:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've just come back from west Africa after attempting an
    overland trip south from London. With a few mates and a
    Landrover we abandoned the overland idea in Ghana...having
    found out from various embassies and other people that the
    Congo was deadly, and the chance of getting carjacked in
    Nigeria, Cameroon and Gabon was quite high. That's the
    stories we got and we chickened out. My mates decided to
    ship their vehicle from Accra to Capetown and fly to Sth
    Africa, and do the south and east coasts of Africa that
    way. It may be possible to backpack through Congo. But the
    dangers are police and army checkpoints, and wandering
    bands of bandits from all sides of the on and off civil
    war. You'd need lots of American dollars cash to make the
    journey, which would take weeks if not months. I hear the
    bribes would cost a fortune. That was the state of play two
    months ago, and I wasn't game to risk it. But if you could
    do it, what an adventure. I know one bloke who is an Afro-
    Canadian, who is giving it a go, and he may stand a chance.
    Things seem to change quickly in DRC and you never know, it
    could become relatively safe again soon. Good luck, I'd
    love to hear from someone who's made it overland from Ghana
    to, say, Zambia or Uganda, because that means you can now
    go all the way south, and I'd like to try it again.

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