Nigeria...west africa

This topic was created by londoner
[Tue 25 May, 20:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

HI there!
I am hoping that world travellers will be able to share
theeir experiences with me!!
Is it safe for a solo white traaveller to tour Nigeria?
Which west african country is the safest to travel through?
Thaank you in advance!!!!

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 12:55]

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  1. Nigeria Added by: beenthere
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 23:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I stayed in Nigeria for about 3 weeks... keep your expectations low. It is CERTAINLY NOT a place for solo travelers! You biggest hassles will probably come from the military (who are VERY militant, I might add), and at the airport. (customs is a pain, and trying to get your bags off the carousel is like standing in the midst of 100 monkeys fighting over 1 banana). If your planning a vacation... this is not the place. But if you are looking for a good reality check on the rough points of Africa, book your trip now. :)

  2. West Africa Added by: Maik
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 3:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I haven't been in Africa yet, but we are going to Ghana
    this summer. I never thought of going there, because it's
    not a well known country for traveling, but a friend of
    mine is living and working there now, and we are going to
    visit her. Since I made up my mind about going there, I
    have gathered a lot of information about Ghana, and from
    what I hear from the people who have been there, or are
    still living there, it is definatly the savest country to
    travel in, and it's very beautifull too. I don't know
    anything about any other west african country's, but Ghana
    is save and worthwhile to visit!

  3. West Africa Added by: jane
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Mali is excellent. Seemed safe when I was there last year
    but bloody hot. Really interesting stuff to see and vibrant
    people. A bit of French is useful - you can struggle by
    without it but it will be a struggle. Forget
    Nigeria. It is so corrupt. No petrol except on the black
    market, pay abribe for the "free" visa extention, pay a
    bribe to use the roads, pay a bribe to get across the
    border. Maybe things have improved since Abacha died but
    somehow I doubt it.

  4. safety Added by: Hayley
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I spent five months in Ghana and two months in Senegal recently. They were both incredibly interesting and I felt completely safe at all times. I travelled alone, met locals and stayed with families. I preferred Ghana but it was great to experience post-colonial British and French countries.

  5. Ghana Added by: Andy (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 12:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with those above in that Ghana is a great place to
    travel, and probably one of the safest countries in

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