Tanzania Infos update

This topic was created by Giorgio (hippopool@cybernet.co.tz)
[Sun 23 May, 3:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Dear Lonelyplaneters, I've been away for some days.
Back I am and..
Now a few infos:
1) When in Arusha, come to see me or go to TTB (Boma Rd)
for infos. Take a lot of care of people you meet on the
road, at the bus stop, at the Shuttle attival and so on.
Some of them are good, but it's plenty of conmen. How can
you discern? If you want to run the risk, try to avoid
negotiation in the late afternoon or on Sunday. Be
absolutely sure that they'll give you a car belongin to
them, not to a friend of a friend. Use all the tricks that
you know in order do uncover the plot. If they're honest
they'll not take offence of your request.
2) Lariam&Co. Make a test with one lariam before leaving.
If you don't have side effects, go ahead. If you have, take
paludrine or don't take anything and buy a bos of Artenenam
or Cotecxin for treating the bloody malaria.
3) Arusha To Zanzibar or DSM: Precisio Air daily
(precision@cybernet.co.tz) or Air Tanzania (daily).
4) Nbi to Arusha : Shutlle bus from TNT, Davanu, Riverside
and others from Norfolk Hotel in Nairobi (daily 8.00 a.m.
and 2.00 p.m.)
5) Visa. You can get it at the custom (Namanga, KIA, DSM)
6) Vaccinations: for mainland : Yellow Fever. For ZNZ add
7) Very few dangerous places in Arusha.
8) You can't go by BIKE into the parks
9) Most parks daily fee is 25 $ for 24 hrs.
10) Single women. Tanzanians are firendly. But don't offend
them. Here, that you like it or not, women are considered
in different way from the western one. Please respect also
the muslim habits, altough you could feel your righjts to
be insulted. This is their country.
11) Where to stay and tz tour operators. e-mail me please
Any other infos, including Zanzibar, e-mail me.
Once in Arusha, welcome to Mambo Jazz cafΦ, Old Moshi Rd.,
Ciao, giorgio

[There are 0 posts - the latest was added on Sun 23 May, 3:29]

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