malaria in senegal

This topic was created by birgit (
[Sun 23 May, 1:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

.... I am getting confused about malaria precautions for
Senegal. I will be south of Dakar for 2 weeks in a beach
resort and probably take some day trips to the "country
side" but will not travel overland.
I am makiing my way through recommendations in the internet,
our doctors in Germany and America but I cannot decide what
to do. I even have asked the beach resort inn Senegal but
they bounced me back to German doctors.
They tell me that there is a Resochin resistance = no need
taking that, Paludrine is an option (2 tablets a day) or
Lariam. But I believe Lariam is too strong and what can you
take in a case of Malaria?
Any suggestions or experiences? Thanks, Birgit

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 11:19]

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  1. NO LARIAM Added by: Robin
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 19:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Stay right away from Lariam if I were you. I went to
    Thailand last year and my mate was prescribed Lariam.
    Whenever he took them he would suffer major hallucinations
    at night, to the point that he just threw them away after a
    week. For example, one night he woke up thinking he had
    spiders crawling all over him. 1 Hour later he woke up and
    asked me to check if there were snakes in the bed because
    he was sure he had felt one slither over him. A couple of
    hours later he woke up yet again positive in the belief
    that some friends, who happened to be in Australia at the
    time, were standing in the doorway. I shit you not. A
    better place for these things would be the back pocket of a
    Colombian dealer and not a chemists. Other than that, I
    can't really help you out. Have a good trip (it'll
    certainly be a good trip if you're on the Lariam!).

  2. Lariam Added by: angela
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 22:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's true that Lariam does give some people bad side
    effects, but it's very rare.
    You could get your doctor to prescribe you 1 tablet whilst
    you are at home, before you go. Try this, and if you have no
    side effects you will be safe to use Lariam on your trip.
    Another option is Cloroquine and Proguanyl (one daily the
    other weekly) It's side effects are less dangerous, but it's
    not nearly as effective either!
    Enjoy your trip.

  3. Doctors in Germany Added by: Fritz (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In Germany the best source of information (besides the
    well-known "Tropeninstitut") is the
    "Verein fⁿr Tropenmedizin", Dr., Frⁿhwein, Munich, Tel
    For Senegal (and rest of West-Africa) I took Resochin
    (daily) plus Paludrine (twice a day); additional Halfan for
    the "worst case" of getting catched of a rsistant fly...
    Like everybody, I strongly advice to stay away from

  4. Doxy Added by: Hayley
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I spent two months in Senegal. I took Doxycycline. It's a daily pill and an antibiotic too. I also took a packet of Lariam in case I did in fact get malaria and then I could use the Lariam as an emergency knock out cure. I was fine. I recommend Doxy...I had no side effects.

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