Dangerous Afrikanner Places

This topic was created by Raymond
[Fri 9 April, 3:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm planning to visit South Africa and I want to know where
in that country are the most racist? Since the Afrikanners
have not moved out, I wanted to find out the location where
I would stay away from. Apartheid is gone but the evil
Afrikanner remains. I welcome all sugestions.

[There are 32 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 22:58]

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  1. Ha Added by: Ah
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 7:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Brakpan, a suburb of Jo'bug is full of racists. It is
    important realize that we may consider racist may not be
    considered racist is SA. It's similar to the deepsouth in
    the US. They consider themselves to be superior creatures
    to that of the blacks but don't consider themselves racist.

  2. Wondering Added by: Curious
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 12:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Where would you have expected the "Evil Afrikaners" to have gone? There is evil everywhere and to say white South Africans are particularly bad is silly. In every country on earth there is fear and predjudice towards different races. At least the Afrikaners are honest about it! I always thought the ideal goal was to win the hearts of our "enemies" not categorize them as EVIL and write them off.
    Grow up!

  3. . Added by: randy
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 12:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't think that the comments of curious are fair..before
    i went to SA i thought that all the white people there were
    a bunch racists and extremists. the way that the media
    represented SA during the apartheid era was wrong. they
    bundles all the whites together into one category even
    though without the support of much of the white community
    and apartheid would not have ended. From what was being
    said about the whites is SA you can't blame anyone for not
    wanting to see the hatred that they are told of.

  4. Racism Added by: PITA
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 20:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, gotto tell you one thing!! The centre of Johannesburg
    is full of racists - That's why it is so dangerous to be in
    If you feel like this "Moenie na Suid-Afrika toe kom nie,
    die boere sal jou moer!!"

  5. NOT! Added by: G
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 23:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In the tourist areas you won't find any of the people you
    refer to. RELAX - every country has it's evil people -
    simply be wise!
    I work in Johannesburg - the real inner city. Just don't be

  6. racist Afrikaaners. Added by: anja
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 6:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are racists everywhere in South Africa, as there are
    in every country in the world - (What about Kosovo, Bosnia
    Rawanda to name but a recent few.) It's true that the
    Afrikaaners kept the Apartheid regime going for a long time.
    Many have come to think differently since the changes but
    some will never change. You'll meet both kinds everywhere
    you go in South Africa. Go there with an open mind - it's a
    beautiful country, most people are very hospitable and they
    are grateful that tourists are still going there inspite of
    the bad publicity about crime. Enjoy it but take care
    especially in and around Johannesburg - and to Ha (above)
    Brakpan is not a suburb of Johannesburg it's a satelite town
    on the Wit

  7. ' Added by: Me (')
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 6:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Your type of mentallity should maybe not leave your OWN
    front door!

  8. More Sugestions Added by: Raymond
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 9:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I wished there are good Afrikaans like Fugard but, there are
    more Verwoerds,Malans and Tereblanches to make South Africa
    a bad place. As a Black American, I believe the Afrikaans
    made Jim Crow a science in South Africa. Thankfully the
    Slovos and Sussmans made the country a better place. If the
    Afrikaans hate the Blacks so intensly why not move to a
    White country like Australia or Russia? To the people who
    informed me of the dangerous area I give my thanks and
    welcome more info-knoledge is indeed power.

  9. Raymond... Added by: Plasticpaddy
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 9:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    believe it or not according to Eddie Smiths book 'Native
    Stranger' you should have more in common with White
    Africans as a Black American. Read it, it's an eye opener...

  10. Me thinks Added by: Another view
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 23:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When we visited South Africa we were so warmly greeted I
    couldn't really comment on racism. Sure ,we met some whites
    with racists thoughts. But on the whole I would have to say
    of all the places we have been the hospitality shown in
    SA was fabulous. For example, we would pitch our tent in
    the afternoon, and before we were finished we would have
    been approached by other campers from SA to come and have
    tea with them. We really felt so special. Most folk were
    so happy to have contact with the outside world and tell
    them they are not as bad as everyone believes.
    And to Raymond, you mustn't have been to Australia for a
    while, its white territory no more. We are truely the
    multicultural country - you need only to open your eyes
    and see how many Nationalities - white, black, yellow
    are on the street on any given day.

  11. Some words to say Added by: Raymond
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 2:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To the person above I'm pleased you had a wonderful time in
    South Africa. Are you White or Black? The treatment is much
    different if the traveller is Black. As for Plastic I don't
    have anything in common because my parents and grandparents
    lived in racially segregated state and took a civil rights
    movement to free them from the oppression. Mississippi had
    a South African spying system from the 1950's to the 70's.
    I've wished the Black Americans started the santions after
    Soweto than under the Reagan regime.

  12. just enjoy the country Added by: mikey (m_silk@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 10:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you'll find a certain number of annoying people anywhere; you just have to deal with it as you would in america. as for how a black american gets received there, i have no idea but would be interested in hearing of the outcome. i suspect anglo whites will be just fine, but afrikaners and blacks would act weird. (i am white, born in SA but brought up in canada).
    another view, above, has to be white australian. 'black' there means aboriginal and not african (despite claims to multiculturalism there are almost zero africans in australia). "wog" is the local putdown for those of greek or italian descent -- even that is too dark to be considered normal. i've a very good friend who is of chinese/singaporean descent and grew up in australia thinking the locals seemed reasonably tolerant of 'outsiders.' that is, until she arrived in toronto and discovered that most people don't care where you came from, just who you are.
    i've dared to be the first on this thread to post a real email address because i don't mind answering same. raymond especially, enjoy the trip and tell me about it later.

  13. Race-Obsessed American Added by: Curiouser
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 11:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Americans are obsessed with race. If there is no problem, one will be invented. I can say this because I am an American and am totally sick and tired of this diatribe. There is TOO much invested in the "Racial Problem" to ever let it go. Too many people make their living by fanning the flames. If you go looking for problems, you will undoubtedly find them. Try and have a good time and enjoy your visit without getting overly paranoid.

  14. A little more words Added by: Raymond
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 1:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To the American racism still exists as long as White
    Americans do nonething. It's people like him who thinks
    Apartheid santions "hurt" Blacks and lets Afrikaans off the
    hook for so long. A lot of people like curiuser make their
    living telling folks that racial oppression is a figment of
    Black's imagination. Because the Afrikaans who dislike
    Blacks are still here in South Africa, I need all the info I
    need to avoid them. I know what "kaffir" means and it's not
    a nice greeting.

  15. Raylmond: Start with the right terms Added by: Kickstart
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 20:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Afrikaans = the language
    Afrikaaner = member of the group
    kaffir = check out the Arabic origin of the word
    After reading your posts I note that you are quite familiar with the literary, historical, and political people of SA. However, your English language usage is uniformly rough and not what a native English speaker from the USA would would produce. It is hard to beleive that a person familiar with Fugard, Tereblanche, Slovo, Sussman, and Verwored needs to ask for travel and demographic information. However, you did get a number of people to "bite."

  16. LIVE AND LEARN Added by: LR
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 April, 7:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  17. Dumb-ReallyDumb Added by: yOSHI (YOSHIDAMAX@HOTMAIL.COM)
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 1:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am not sure where you get your info.
    Sounds like from 10 years a go
    Go to SA and get an education in whats wrong with your
    picture. I am from Japan and have SEEN AS MUCH RACISM IN
    Infact it is not exclusive to SA.
    Travel Well and Learn.

  18. Raymond....... Added by: stereotype evil Afrikaner (abasson@csir.co.za)
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 4:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    With the term racists, I assume you are specifically referring to the white South AfricansÆ alleged views on Africans.
    You seem to be very well informed on the evil Afrikaner. Your opinions may bear some weight if you wish to share your sources of information with the rest of the readers. Personal experience and exposure may also have some clout.
    We would be happy to receive suggestions as to where the Afrikaners might move to.
    You can start off your travels in the dangerous Afrikaner heartland of Pretoria. Try out places like Maropa Afrika in Lynnwood Road, where Afrikaners along with Africans dance to, enjoy traditional African music. Examples of tolerance, understanding, co-operation, people trying to build a better South Africa can be seen all over the country. I am not saying that the country is free of racists, but your question here implies that all Afrikaners are racist. We (all South Africans) share the same destiny and we need each other.
    I believe that we (South Africans) have peacefully resolved a volatile political / racial situation and avoided a civil war. In fact the previous president (F.W. de Klerk - an Afrikaner) negotiated the road to democracy along with Nelson Mandela - He also abolished the remaining racist legislation. This relatively peaceful process will serve as a lesson and example in future history books. I, under no circumstances condone the injustices of the past, but to blame all evils on a single group of people is rash. I suggest that you read history books on SA with specific attention to the period of 1850-1950.
    My suggestion would be to chat to other travellers while here, do the things that you want to, interact and mix with all the South Africans and enjoy the country. Worry more about retaining your wallet in city centres at night time than about racism. Respect of differences, understanding and tolerance comes in quite handy. Travel with an open mind an we will welcome you over here. If you are ever in Pretoria I will be glad to show you around.

  19. This is stupid! Added by: Teapot
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 22:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am of mixed heritage and have come to realize that people
    will only be "racist" to you if you give them a chance...I
    live in Germany and was beaten up quite badly by some
    unpleasant elements a couple of years back but still see no
    reason to give such an outdated concept a thought..If you
    do experience "racism"...you are certainly dealing with
    stupid and backward people...Best thing what can do is not
    let it get to you and not give them a chance....There are
    plenty of normal people around making contact with such
    primitive people is real blessing...It should really give
    you a chance to laugh!

  20. Peace and Harmony? Added by: Bonny
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 1:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well hello and what an interesting topic I appear to have
    stumbled into although a tad late to join in the fun.
    Saying hello to all you evil afrikaaners (although not
    afrikaaner, I'm white and live here, does that mean I
    To whoever started this, Been to our country often? Have ANY
    fucking idea what you're talking about? Nope, didn't think
    I personally hate the racist bullshit over here, but hey
    lets not dwell on me right now - I was just wondering, when
    you come to our beauitful (albeit fucked up, but we're
    getting there) country
    Will you be planning to keep the racist fires still burning
    be coming and talking all your bullshit?
    So my forefathers were racist tossers. And why? Because they
    were TAUGHT to be. Let us teach our children what we now
    believe to be right in the name of peace and understanding -
    and stop blaming ME for the problems of a society that
    fucked up long before I was ever on the planet.
    LET people try to make peace.

  21. Black? Added by: Joaana
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 1:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think the fact that you are American is your first and
    biggest problem. Anti-Americanism being the biggest and
    probably most deserved form of racism around and far more
    likey to get you mugged by one of my fellow brothers in SA.
    Especially if you keep spouting this kind of crap.
    I watch TV too. But I also can form my own opinions.

  22. Wants to learn more Added by: Louis
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 8:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What Raymond is trying to do is avoiding the Afrikaaners who
    did not change and still dislike Blacks. He wants to see
    people like the Suzmans,Slovos,Hofmeyers,and Fugards of
    South Africa not the Bothas and Tereblanches who still hate.
    Joaana sounds like a Afrikaan woman rather than a Black
    woman unless she is a "coloured" and she does not make
    sense. Bonny,the laws of Apartheid ended just six years ago
    and you and the Whites who let the Affrikaans rule benifited
    from that oppression. When Mandela went to jail the Jim Crow
    laws were still in affect in the Southern state I've lived
    and two years later after years of stuggle it ended. I hope
    that more Blacks would be in the positions that used to be
    for Whites only.

  23. racism rules, OK? Added by: thandi (thandib@global.co.za)
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 3:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You're in more danger, sweet Raymond, from being taken as a
    Tourist, and thus a victim, by the Nigerians, Mozambiquans,
    Zaireans and other assorted brethren.
    Racism rears it's ugly head in all sorts of ways. And
    quite frankly the majority of white New South Africans are
    too frantically struggling for survival to worry about the
    colour of your skin.. It's the colour of your money that'll

  24. The "Good Whites" Added by: Dina
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 11:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You can probably find many of the whites that Raymond would like to meet and thank living in the UK, Canada or Australia.

  25. Correction Added by: Dina
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 11:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Many of them are NOW living in the UK, Canada or Australia!

  26. Awake Ye Trollees! Added by: Kickstart
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 14:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Brace yourself and read Raymond's posts again. Have you known any American or other speaker of English from birth on who writes like that? If he is well informed about the pollitical and literary people of SA why does he need to ask for travel advice? However, he did pull off a slendid troll job and got lots of folks to bite in the form of responses.

  27. huh? Added by: clueless american
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 6:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    what's so non-native about his writing?

  28. Orango Added by: ClintY
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 7:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I read in the New York Times about a all white settlement in
    eastern South Africa called Orango. It's weird since it is
    desolate and dry. I hope that this is the only place where
    those racists would live. I want to know myself what is so
    non-native about Raymond's writing? Black-Americans are
    college educated too.

  29. For Clueless Added by: Kickstart
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 13:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Check out the way Raymond writes. At times he says that he is outside SA and plans to visit, at other times he says that he is in SA. How about "Where in the country are the most racist?" An American student who can navigate this net would probably end that sentence with a noun, or add an "s" and make racist into racists. How about the title of #14: "A little more words." Do you know any native speaker who would say "little" rather than "a few words."? It certainly sounds to me me like Raymond is thinking in a language other than English, and that the transition to English is too rough to be native. However, it was good enough to pull in lots of suckers, so good troll, Ray.

  30. For Kickstart Added by: Raymond
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 6:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, I sure pulled you in not once,but twice. Do us a favor
    and make South Africa a better place instead of picking on
    one person. Go to a Black neighborhood in your town and
    teach them English. That's a better way to be part of the
    solution not the problem.

  31. My two cents Added by: Aussie girl
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 22:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just wanted to add my two cents worth about Australia. It has its problems (Paulin Hansen being one of them ) and it has its positive side (the younger generation ). Every country has racism and I hope that through education and interaction throughout the world the level of racism will continue to drop.
    You can not avoid racist people because they do not congregate in specified areas, but mix with the rest of society. To ask how to avoid racists and the areas in which they congregate is rather a stupid thing to ask. Also by requesting this information you are being narrow minded yourself. You are putting a label on all Afrikaans. I realise that you specified that you wished to avoid the "evil" ones, however you are giving the impression that they are all associated with evil.
    Travel is about expanding your horizons and educating yourself through new experiences. What a lot of people tend not to either consider or realise is that they are educating the people whom they meet by bringing their culture with them. If you enter South Africa with an open mind I am sure you will meet many people who are racist and many who are not. If you enter South Africa with predudices of your own you will be tarnishing your countries reputation and will probably end up on the page further up this thorn tree which has been dedicated to Americans. And the joke will be on you!

  32. My two cents Added by: Aussie girl
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 22:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just wanted to add my two cents worth about Australia. It has its problems (Paulin Hansen being one of them ) and it has its positive side (the younger generation ). Every country has racism and I hope that through education and interaction throughout the world the level of racism will continue to drop.
    You can not avoid racist people because they do not congregate in specified areas, but mix with the rest of society. To ask how to avoid racists and the areas in which they congregate is rather a stupid thing to ask. Also by requesting this information you are being narrow minded yourself. You are putting a label on all Afrikaans. I realise that you specified that you wished to avoid the "evil" ones, however you are giving the impression that they are all associated with evil.
    Travel is about expanding your horizons and educating yourself through new experiences. What a lot of people tend not to either consider or realise is that they are educating the people whom they meet by bringing their culture with them. If you enter South Africa with an open mind I am sure you will meet many people who are racist and many who are not. If you enter South Africa with predudices of your own you will be tarnishing your countries reputation and will probably end up on the page further up this thorn tree which has been dedicated to Americans. And the joke will be on you!

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