Lamu to Zanzibar

This topic was created by ina (
[Tue 18 May, 20:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm planning a trip from Nairobi to Lamu and want to follow
up with Zanzibar. Have anyone done that trip recently?
What's the best way to go from nairobi to Lamu (is it still
unsafe with the bus, is there any cheap flight?)Can I take
a ferry to Zanzibar or is there any other possibility
What's the best place to stay in Lamu??

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 0:00]

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  1. Zanzibar Added by: beth
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 0:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was in the area last year. The chances of getting a ferry
    to Zanzibar for Lamu are close to zilch. The only way I'm
    afraid is from Dar.

  2. Paradise Added by: Jane (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 2:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Lamu is paradise! You will love it. I was there in Feb
    99. I flew from Nairobi but the bus was running from
    Mombasa/Malindi at that time. It was, however, considered
    unsafe because of intermittent bandit attacks. I can't
    remember what the flight cost - maybe $150? There is no
    ferry from Lamu to Zanzibar but there are ferries from
    Mombasa to Zanzibar. I could not find out about them from
    Nairobi and ended up flying Lamu-Mombasa then Mombasa-
    Zanzibar. The ferries were heavily advertised once I got to
    Zanzibar so they must run in the opposite direction. They
    didn't go every day - only twice a week I think. If you do
    go via Mombasa I recommend staying at the New Palm Tree
    Hotel. It was reasonably priced by Kenyan standards and
    very good once you got out of the bare downstairs lobby
    area. E-mail me if you would like any other info.

  3. Lamu. Added by: cathy (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 6:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Lamu is a wonderful place it used to be better though but it's an enchanting islad full and rich in history ad culture. If you want to stay at a nice place with a local feel. Yumbe villa is very nice. There is also Yumbe house but the villa is an old traditional home beautiful and quaint. The people are wonderful and the real swahili food is increadible if you can get yourself invited to a locals home for the traditional food. You'll never wat to leave. You'll have a great time write me if you need more info.
    PS Nairobi to Lamu is best to fly these days. I paid about 200US

  4. Lamu Added by: Ali (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Was travelling up the coast last year from Mombasa, did'nt
    make it to Lamu as the roads were really bad ( july time ).
    Plus have heard several stories of robberies along that
    stretch of road. Mind you Lamu is supposed to be one of the
    best spots on the coast so taking a flight from Nairobi is
    probably your best bet. If you did go by bus/car you'd have
    to go via Mombasa/Malindi first.

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