Rent-a-car in SA goes to Zimbabwe?

This topic was created by mistral (
[Tue 18 May, 3:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hello all! My friend and I plan to go to SA and Zimbabwe in
June. We would like to rent a car in Johannesburg and visit
Zimbabwe by car for 2weeks or so. But so far, it seems
impossible to take a rent-a-car to Zimbabwe from SA..(bc of
the regulations or whatever reasonsüc) Does anybody know
the trick that we can rent-a-car and do visiting Zimbabwe
by car? Thanks a lot in advance.We did SA and Namibia this
way last year without any problems... hope this time too.

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 22:58]

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  1. rent-a-wreck... Added by: william (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 7:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Your problem is probably CREDENTIALS. I dunno who you been
    talking to, but most rental companies are scared shitless
    of losing their theft is a MAJOR industry on
    the southern tip. Car hire companies lose lotsa vehicles to
    con-artists, so they tend to be parnoid. It's often easier,
    (but not as much fun) to FLY from JHB to HARARE, hire a
    car, travel around, and then fly back.
    The alternative is to hire a car, drive to Zim (without
    telling the hire company) and take your chances at the
    border. Chance being equal to PAPERWORK. You MAY be able to
    bluff your way thru the border post. This tends to vary
    with customs officials, but I don't think you'd have too
    much trouble. ("Hey...I'm a tourist, THIS is a hire
    car...HERE are the hire papers....WHAT is the problem??)
    I know that Botswana officials tend to be fussy.
    (Allies..Botswana & SA invaded Lesetho together.)
    Lettuce know what happens!

  2. What utter rubish. Added by: Astounded!
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 8:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear William,
    I am absolutely appalled at the "advice" you have given in
    the above post. You don't know what you are talking about,
    and should rather just shut up. Don't you know the saying:
    "Empty heads make the most noise"? Its embarrassing to
    realise that you are a fellow South African, and I ask you,
    don't you know the damage you are doing to us?
    Now, BUGGER OFF and smoke whatever it is that is addling
    your brain elsewhere.

  3. Try the chat pages william Added by: jaco (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 15:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    william mate i like your page but it really pisses me off
    when people give wrong info. if you are bored go to yahoo
    chat or something.
    as for rentals into zim just go to renting a car in SA is
    much cheaper than in zim an you can take it through easy.
    the only one problem you will have is that most companies
    charge a cross border fee of about R500

  4. Try Hertz Added by: Renter
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 19:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have already spent some time looking into hiring cars in
    SA and I found that Hertz (surprisingly) were the cheapest,
    particularly for 1 month+ rentals. Have a look at There is no problem taking their cars
    into Zimbabwe, or other neighbouring countries. Have fun.

  5. rent-a-car Added by: skyjockey mike (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 4:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i see you have opened a bag of worms here. i livein zims
    and indeed it is expensive to rent there and i would avoid
    that if pos.
    last i heard was that cross border rentals are not possible
    but someone will always prove u wrong

  6. 4x4 Added by: Kurt (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 22:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If I were you, I would contact Lynda at Leisure Wheels 4x4
    hire. e-mail
    She can help you with all questions and give you good
    We rented a 4x4 by her in January, and had a wonderful
    trip. She is pro!!!
    To ask you next question: No, I do not make any money by
    recommending her,- I'm just a very satisfied costumer from
    Give her my regards

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