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GIF Construction Set Professional is the ultimate application for creating animated and transparent GIF files for your web page. It features Animation Wizard to help you create animations in minutes, sophisticated special effects, text banners, LED signs, rotation, block management, AVI conversion, supercompression and a lot more.

GIF Construction Set Professional is shareware. We invite you to try it out before you pay for it. Shareware evaluation copies of GIF Construction Set Professional are not crippled - you will be able to check out everything it does.

If you like GIF Construction Set Professional, please register it. The registration fee for this software is $20.00 (US) - plus $5.00 shipping if you'd like a copy sent to you on CD-ROM. Complete ordering information is included in this documentation. See the Terms, Conditions and Legal Dogma document included with this software for the fine print, such as it is.

Registered users of GIF Construction Set are entitled to phone support, notification of upgrades and good karma.

Visit our web page at for the latest versions of GIF Construction Set Professional and all the other Alchemy Mindworks shareware.

Add your e-mail address to the e-mail update list at our web page to be notified of new features of this software as they're released.

Please share this package with your friends and upload it to any bulletin boards and other online media you feel are worthy of it. However, when sharing GIF Construction Set, please distribute the whole, unmodified package. Thanks...

NOTE: Should you fail to support this program and continue to use it, a leather winged demon of the night will tear itself, shrieking blood and fury, from the endless caverns of the nether world, hurl itself into the darkness with a thirst for blood on its slavering fangs and search the very threads of time for the throbbing of your heartbeat. Just thought you'd want to know that.

Available on CD-ROM

You can have your registered copy of this application shipped to you on CD-ROM. The CD-ROM also includes shareware evaluation copies of all our other applications, a library of useful Frequently Asked Questions documents, example graphics from our graphic CD-ROM collections, a gallery of web graphics and a library of fifty royalty-free high resolution colour photographs courtesy of IMS Communications.

The availability and contents of the CD-ROM are subject to change without notice -- the lawyers made us say that.

GIF Construction Set Professional is not available on floppy disks.

Order On Line

You can order on line at our web page or visit our main page at and click on any of the blue key icons, shown here, to access the secure server.

Order by Phone

Call our toll-free order desk at 1-800-263-1138 from Canada and the United States. Call 0800-89-7355 from Great Britain. Call 1-800-554-082 from Australia. Callers from other countries can reach the order desk at 1-905-936-9500. The order desk is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

NOTE: The order desk only takes credit card orders. They cannot provide you with order status, modify or cancel previously submitted orders, provide product information or help you out with technical support. They cannot transfer you to someone who can. See the section of the Registration document on Contacting Alchemy Mindworks if you need to get in touch with us for something other than ordering.

Order by FAX

You can FAX your order to 1-905-936-9502. Please use the order form included with this software. Note that because the order form is a Windows WordPad document, rather than an HTML document, your web browser may display a security warning when you select this link. This is normal, and can be ignored.

Order by Snail-mail

You can mail your order to:

Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
P.O. Box 500
Beeton, Ontario
L0G 1A0

Please use the order form included with this software.

If you're paying by a cheque drawn on a bank outside North America, please be sure to make your cheque payable in US dollars. Your cheque must have the address of a North American clearing office and a bank transit number printed on it. Please do not send us Eurocheques - they cannot be cleared outside Europe.

Note that when you send us your order - and then when we send you your software - two distinct post offices get to deal with the ensuing mail. It can take a few weeks for things to get through this system - we ask that you be patient. We don't fully understand why it takes less time for a package to get to Australia than it does to send one to Cleveland. Some things are best left as mysteries.

Paying by Plastic

We can accept credit card payments by:


GIF Construction Set Professional is a large, sophisticated application with quite a bit of documentation. It has been structured to help you use the software now and look up whatever you need to know as you learn more about GIF Construction Set.

Introduction and Tutorial: This is a step by step walk-though of the most popular features of GIF Construction Set Professional. If you read nothing else, read this.

QuickStart: If you feel that reading documentation is a pursuit best suited to bug-eyed quasi-vertabrate parasitic life-forms beamed here from another dimension, read this for an exceedingly short step-by-step guide to the most commonly used functions of GIF Construction Set.

Reference: This is an extensive encyclopedic reference for all the functionality of GIF Construction Set Professional.

Introduction to Graphic Files: This is a quick introduction to the dark and awesome mysteries of graphic files and the uses to which they're commonly put.

Contacting Alchemy Mindworks, Technical Support and Registering GIF Construction Set: This is a complete list of media through which you can get in touch with us, and all the relevant dogma about registering this software.

Order Form (ORDER.DOC): This is an order form for use if you'd like to register GIF Construction Set Professional by FAX or snail-mail. It also lists all our other ordering options. Note that because the order form is a Windows WordPad document, rather than an HTML document, your web browser may display a security warning when you select this link. This is normal, and can be ignored.

Other Software: This is a complete description of all the current Alchemy Mindworks shareware.

Drivers: This document explains Windows screen drivers and includes a step by step guide to upgrading your Windows screen driver to get the most out of GIF Construction Set - and most other Windows applications.

Terms, Conditions and Legal Dogma: These are the terms and conditions under which GIF Construction Set Professional may be used and registered. There's nothing really nasty herein, but the lawyers made us say it all anyway.

Bundling GIF Construction Set with Books and Other Products: This is an outline of our policies regarding including GIF Construction Set with third party products.

Bug Report (BUGREPRT.DOC): Please complete this form if you encounter problems with GIF Construction Set. Note that because the bug report form is a Windows WordPad document, rather than an HTML document, your web browser may display a security warning when you select this link. This is normal, and can be ignored.

This document and all the other documentation included with GIF Construction Set Professional is copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Alchemy Mindworks Inc. It may not be reproduced in whole or in part or transmitted in any form save as a component part of the GIF Construction Set Professional software without the explicit written permission of the copyright holder. Unauthorized use of this document or any portion thereof may result in severe criminal and civil penalties. Alchemy Mindworks Inc. accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or expense caused by your use of the information in this document, however it occurs.