Fantastyka - zjawiska nie maj▒ce oparcia w rzeczywisto╢ci, urojone,
niezwyk│e, czΩsto nadprzyrodzone; wytw≤r wyobra╝ni, zmy╢lenie. Kariera fantasty nie jest tym, co sobie wymarzy│a dla Ciebie rodzina, nieprawda┐? Wymowne "dr" przed nazwiskiem albo w│asna firma - to tak. Ale paranie siΩ fantastyk▒? W ┐adnym razie. Niewykluczone, ┐e ju┐ nied│ugo bΩdzie mo┐na po│▒czyµ przyjemne z - powiedzmy - akceptowanym. Na walijskim University of Glamorgan we wrze╢niu tego roku rozpoczynaj▒ siΩ zajΩcia na kierunku "Science and Science Fiction". BΩdzie w nich uczestniczy│o oko│o stu student≤w. W wywiadzie dla BBC dr Mark Brake, szef ca│ego projektu, stwierdzi│, ┐e coraz czΩ╢ciej widoczne s▒ zwi▒zki pomiΩdzy fantastyk▒ naukow▒ i nauk▒. Jednak nikt jeszcze nie pr≤bowa│ wykorzystaµ sf jako sposobu maj▒cego zachΩciµ ludzi do zag│Ωbienia siΩ w fascynuj▒cy ╢wiat wsp≤│czesnej nauki. Wed│ug niego naukowcy pope│niaj▒ b│▒d zamykaj▒µ siΩ w hermetycznych "szklanych wie┐ach" swoich specjalno╢ci. Zamiast tego powinni raczej staraµ siΩ popularyzowaµ swoje dokonania. Fantastyka naukowa mo┐e im w tym pom≤c. Umieszczony na interentowej witrynie uniwersytetu plan zajΩµ zawiera odwo│ania do rozmaitych ┐r≤de│, od ksi▒┐ek i film≤w, po gry komputerowe. Studenci bΩd▒ musieli na przyk│ad rozstrzygn▒µ, czy Frankenstein by│ pierwsz▒ postaci▒ sf w literaturze. Inny temat to "Czy roboty zaw│adn▒ ziemi▒?". Wyk│adowcy bΩd▒ zachΩcali student≤w do podchodzenia do przedstawianych problem≤w r≤wnocze╢nie od strony fantastyczno naukowej i naukowej. Jedna z os≤b komentuj▒cych tΩ wiadomo╢c w Internecie zaapelowa│a o uruchomienie wsp≤lnych wyk│ad≤w przez KatedrΩ Fantastyki Naukowej i niekt≤re inne wydzia│y szko│y. Propozycja dotyczy│a takich temat≤w jak:
Je╢li siΩ komu╢ nie powiedzie na niwie naukowej, zawsze mo┐e spr≤bowaµ szczΩ╢cia w interesach. Pytanie testowe: ile jest warte 500.000 sztuk z│ota? Trzeciego marca tego roku okaza│o siΩ, ┐e 521 dolar≤w, czyli grubo ponad dwa tysi▒ce z│otych. W│a╢nie za tak▒ sumΩ zosta│o sprzedane konto w sieciowej grze RPG Ultima Online. Jeden z graczy, t│umacz▒c siΩ podjΩciem dodatkowej pracy i zwi▒zanym z tym brakiem czasu, pod koniec lutego wystawi│ na aukcjΩ owoc roku gry:
Pod rozwage wszystkim zapalonym graczom RPG, chc▒cym dorobiµ do pensji lub kieszonkowego, poddajΩ fakt, i┐ cena wywo│awcza wynosi│a 39 dolar≤w... Niestety, eBay nie przechowuje archiwum aukcji. Pe│na oferta brzmia│a tak: Ultima Online Deluxe Edition (with cloth map and pewter pin) AND includes The Second Age CD and manual. This game has an account that has the following: 5 very-well developed characters which you can use or delete. Over 500,000 in gold in bank on main character, Three (3) large dragon ship deeds, each character's bank and self is filled to capacity with rare armor and many, many silver and magical weapons of all types (including Halberd of Power). It took a year to develop them and gain the wealth and items so save yourself $120 in online fees! BTW, they are all on the Great Lakes shard. This is the best game on earth and I wish I had the time to play. I've started second job so I have no time to play anymore. If you have been thinking of playing, BELIEVE ME, buying this account will kick-start you off right. Of course, you always have the option of starting your own character (which I recommend since that is the challenge of the game), but the main thing here is the GOLD! 500,000 in UO is A LOT of gold. It took me a year to amass that. This account is being "saved" by Origin until May 16, 1999, so you can reactivate it at anytime before that date and have all the goodies I accumulated. Serious UO players will instantly see this account as a bargain because they know how hard it is to get gold, and especially 500,000!!! This is enough to buy a very huge mage's tower (the coolest structure in the game if you ask me) and enough left over so you never have to worry about money in the game for a long time. Just think of it as a HUGE inheritance (if you roleplay). Rundown of the characters: each's bank is full as well as their person with magical and valuable armor,weapons, and items. (names withheld for buyer). Main- Warrior/Mage. Full Spellbook. Stats: 95 Strength, 86 Dexterity, 58 Intelligence Bard, full spell book and many magical/silver
maces Blacksmith Tailor Rogue,full spell book Money orders/cashiers checks will have the game shipped to them same day. Personal checks ok too but I reserve the right to allow them to clear before I ship. As soon as payment is done, I can send all the account and password info to the buyer by phone or email. Shipping: Priority US Mail or UPS ground and add $5 to your bid. Overnight at actual cost. If you live in Texas, you will get it within 2 days with UPS ground (usually next day). Have fun! Oraz dodatek: On 03/03/99 at 15:29:44 PDT, seller added the following information: I was ICQ'd monday night by a character named Biotch (or something like this) to which I had sold a medium ship (not one of the deeds listed) the night I cancelled the account and he informed me that the sale didn't go through as the server went down shortly after the transaction, so this would mean that the account balance is minus 10k. Thus, if this is true, should be around 492k as the balance just prior to cancellation was 502K and change. There is no way for me to confirm this without reactivating the account and I just want to be as accurate as possible. Thanks for your bids and goodluck! |