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Part V. Southward Ho!

18th August 1995

We have thoroughly enjoyed British Columbia, it has magnificent scenery and endless wilderness. We were lucky enough to catch the ferry down the Inside Passage to Victoria Island where we have spent the past week exploring the massive forests. Victoria is a cute little town and we enjoyed afternoon tea! We plan to pick up our mail in Vancouver and then visit Greg's Dorothea in Seattle. WE WANT SUN SOON!!!

28th August 1995

We can't say Alaska was as great as all the books say. We were rather disappointed. The constant rain and cold as well as the high volume of tourists actually made us leave the state earlier than we planned.

Canada welcomed us back with warmth and sunshine and we were again startled by the beauty of the Yukon and British Columbia (BC). The licence plates of British Columbia states "Beautiful British Columbia" and that is exactly what it is. We camped out in the wilderness most nights and enjoyed the rustic life.

By taking a 15 hour ferry trip along the Inside Passage of Canada we saved ourselves 10000 miles' driving and were able to enjoy the sights of fjords and marine life. Vancouver Island was a treasure and we spent a week deep in the forests and on sandy beaches. At the tip of the island was the wonderfully British town of Victoria and we treated ourselves to afternoon tea.

We met up with Barbara Forster, whom we had met in Nigeria, in West Vancouver and along with her feisty 86 year old mother we toured Vancouver and the surroundings. We were sorry to leave Canada, having enjoyed the people, the countryside and the lifestyle. We were dealt a bureaucratic blow at the US border when we learned my US visa could not be extended without a week's wait in Vancouver, so with just 3 weeks left we intend seeing the western USA package tour style.

We visited ex-New York friends, Dorothea and Gregory Gicewicz, in Seattle and were happy to learn they were expecting. It reminded us of our plans to start a family and settle down, where and when is still unknown, at present we are happy to be Merry Pied Pipers and keep moving on.

Part I: An Introduction to Alan and Tracy's journey
Part II: Canadian Capers
Part III: Not such Bad Lands
Part IV: Northern Exposure

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