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Part III. Not such Bad Lands

Exactly one minute after I posted the last letter we changed our plans and decided to forgo Winnipeg and head straight accross South Dakota to Bad Lands National Park.

Driving across the praries was wonderful, we had a glimpse of endless plains and farm lands. We tried to imagine how the pioneers felt when they encountered this vast area.

Bad Lands National Park is eerily beautiful. Mother nature has eroded away the plains to form sharp pinicles and jaggered edges that are quite breath taking. We learned of the Lakota Indians and met a few.

Bad timing played an important role in our visit to Yellowstone, due to the 4th July holiday the place was packed, every campsite was brimming, every bored buffalo had 50 tourists snapping away and the bears went into hiding. But above the trail of RU's the scenery was fantastic, snow capped mountains, immense green forests and icy rivers. The hot springs and geysers were interesting too and we saw Old Faithful errupt 40 feet into the sky.

Subject to change...we are now heading for Glacier National Park and then Jasper National Park in Canada. The van is going well, although rather slow up the mountain passes, which suits us fine because we see much more. We generate a lot of interest with our foreign registration and right hand drive and this often leads to lengthy discussions and late nights next to the camp fires. Up at 7500 feet it is still very cold at night and we are glad we are prepared. We are still on the lookout for bears though.

The latest installment of Tracy's journey

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