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H8/500 Dependent Features


as has no additional command-line options for the Hitachi H8/500 family.


Special Characters

`!' is the line comment character.

`;' can be used instead of a newline to separate statements.

Since `$' has no special meaning, you may use it in symbol names.

Register Names

You can use the predefined symbols `r0', `r1', `r2', `r3', `r4', `r5', `r6', and `r7' to refer to the H8/500 registers.

The H8/500 also has these control registers:

code pointer
data pointer
base pointer
stack top pointer
extra pointer
status register
condition code register

All registers are 16 bits long. To represent 32 bit numbers, use two adjacent registers; for distant memory addresses, use one of the segment pointers (cp for the program counter; dp for r0--r3; ep for r4 and r5; and tp for r6 and r7.

Addressing Modes

as understands the following addressing modes for the H8/500:

Register direct
Register indirect
@(d:8, Rn)
Register indirect with 8 bit signed displacement
@(d:16, Rn)
Register indirect with 16 bit signed displacement
Register indirect with pre-decrement
Register indirect with post-increment
8 bit absolute address
16 bit absolute address
8 bit immediate
16 bit immediate

Floating Point

The H8/500 family has no hardware floating point, but the .float directive generates IEEE floating-point numbers for compatibility with other development tools.

H8/500 Machine Directives

as has no machine-dependent directives for the H8/500. However, on this platform the `.int' and `.word' directives generate 16-bit numbers.


For detailed information on the H8/500 machine instruction set, see H8/500 Series Programming Manual (Hitachi M21T001).

as implements all the standard H8/500 opcodes. No additional pseudo-instructions are needed on this family.

The following table summarizes H8/500 opcodes and their operands:

abs8      8-bit absolute address
abs16     16-bit absolute address
abs24     24-bit absolute address
crb       ccr, br, ep, dp, tp, dp
disp8     8-bit displacement
ea        rn, @rn, @(d:8, rn), @(d:16, rn),
          @-rn, @rn+, @aa:8, @aa:16,
          #xx:8, #xx:16
ea_mem    @rn, @(d:8, rn), @(d:16, rn),
          @-rn, @rn+, @aa:8, @aa:16
ea_noimm  rn, @rn, @(d:8, rn), @(d:16, rn),
          @-rn, @rn+, @aa:8, @aa:16
fp        r6
imm4      4-bit immediate data
imm8      8-bit immediate data
imm16     16-bit immediate data
pcrel8    8-bit offset from program counter
pcrel16   16-bit offset from program counter
qim       -2, -1, 1, 2
rd        any register
rs        a register distinct from rd
rlist     comma-separated list of registers in parentheses;
          register ranges rd-rs are allowed
sp        stack pointer (r7)
sr        status register
sz        size; `.b' or `.w'.  If omitted, default `.w'

ldc[.b] ea,crb                 bcc[.w] pcrel16
ldc[.w] ea,sr                  bcc[.b] pcrel8 
add[:q] sz qim,ea_noimm        bhs[.w] pcrel16
add[:g] sz ea,rd               bhs[.b] pcrel8 
adds sz ea,rd                  bcs[.w] pcrel16
addx sz ea,rd                  bcs[.b] pcrel8 
and sz ea,rd                   blo[.w] pcrel16
andc[.b] imm8,crb              blo[.b] pcrel8 
andc[.w] imm16,sr              bne[.w] pcrel16
bpt                            bne[.b] pcrel8 
bra[.w] pcrel16                beq[.w] pcrel16
bra[.b] pcrel8                 beq[.b] pcrel8 
bt[.w] pcrel16                 bvc[.w] pcrel16
bt[.b] pcrel8                  bvc[.b] pcrel8 
brn[.w] pcrel16                bvs[.w] pcrel16
brn[.b] pcrel8                 bvs[.b] pcrel8 
bf[.w] pcrel16                 bpl[.w] pcrel16
bf[.b] pcrel8                  bpl[.b] pcrel8 
bhi[.w] pcrel16                bmi[.w] pcrel16
bhi[.b] pcrel8                 bmi[.b] pcrel8 
bls[.w] pcrel16                bge[.w] pcrel16
bls[.b] pcrel8                 bge[.b] pcrel8 
blt[.w] pcrel16                mov[:g][.b] imm8,ea_mem       
blt[.b] pcrel8                 mov[:g][.w] imm16,ea_mem      
bgt[.w] pcrel16                movfpe[.b] ea,rd              
bgt[.b] pcrel8                 movtpe[.b] rs,ea_noimm        
ble[.w] pcrel16                mulxu sz ea,rd                
ble[.b] pcrel8                 neg sz ea                     
bclr sz imm4,ea_noimm          nop                           
bclr sz rs,ea_noimm            not sz ea                     
bnot sz imm4,ea_noimm          or sz ea,rd                   
bnot sz rs,ea_noimm            orc[.b] imm8,crb              
bset sz imm4,ea_noimm          orc[.w] imm16,sr              
bset sz rs,ea_noimm            pjmp abs24                    
bsr[.b] pcrel8                 pjmp @rd                     
bsr[.w] pcrel16                pjsr abs24                    
btst sz imm4,ea_noimm          pjsr @rd                     
btst sz rs,ea_noimm            prtd imm8                     
clr sz ea                      prtd imm16                    
cmp[:e][.b] imm8,rd            prts                          
cmp[:i][.w] imm16,rd           rotl sz ea                    
cmp[:g].b imm8,ea_noimm        rotr sz ea                    
cmp[:g][.w] imm16,ea_noimm     rotxl sz ea                   
Cmp[:g] sz ea,rd               rotxr sz ea                   
dadd rs,rd                     rtd imm8                     
divxu sz ea,rd                 rtd imm16                    
dsub rs,rd                     rts                          
exts[.b] rd                    scb/f rs,pcrel8               
extu[.b] rd                    scb/ne rs,pcrel8             
jmp @rd                        scb/eq rs,pcrel8             
jmp @(imm8,rd)                 shal sz ea                   
jmp @(imm16,rd)                shar sz ea                    
jmp abs16                      shll sz ea            
jsr @rd                        shlr sz ea            
jsr @(imm8,rd)                 sleep                 
jsr @(imm16,rd)                stc[.b] crb,ea_noimm  
jsr abs16                      stc[.w] sr,ea_noimm   
ldm @sp+,(rlist)               stm (rlist),@-sp     
link fp,imm8                   sub sz ea,rd          
link fp,imm16                  subs sz ea,rd         
mov[:e][.b] imm8,rd            subx sz ea,rd         
mov[:i][.w] imm16,rd           swap[.b] rd           
mov[:l][.w] abs8,rd            tas[.b] ea     
mov[:l].b abs8,rd              trapa imm4     
mov[:s][.w] rs,abs8            trap/vs        
mov[:s].b rs,abs8              tst sz ea      
mov[:f][.w] @(disp8,fp),rd     unlk fp        
mov[:f][.w] rs,@(disp8,fp)     xch[.w] rs,rd 
mov[:f].b @(disp8,fp),rd       xor sz ea,rd   
mov[:f].b rs,@(disp8,fp)       xorc.b imm8,crb
mov[:g] sz rs,ea_mem           xorc.w imm16,sr
mov[:g] sz ea,rd              

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