Microsoft Windows browsers

NOTE: Most of these browsers require that you have SLIP, PPP or other TCP/IP networking on your PC. The exceptions are SlipKnot and I-COMM, which have slightly more limited features but operate without a proper Internet connection. SLIP or PPP can be accomplished over phone lines. You can do this one of two ways: using a proper SLIP account, which requires the active cooperation of your network provider or educational institution (see Frank Hecker's guide to SLIP and PPP access; URL is <URL:> ), or by using The Internet Adapter or SLiRP, products which simulate SLIP through your dialup Unix shell account. Another product, TwinSock at <URL:>, provides equivalent functionality under Windows using its own proxy protocol. If you only have non-Unix based dialup shell access, or have no PC at home, your best option at this time is to run Lynx on the VMS (or Unix, or...) system you call, or telnet to a browser if you cannot do so.

Mosaic for Windows
From NCSA. Available by anonymous FTP from in the directory PC/Windows/Mosaic, or learn more about it on the web: <URL:> The latest versions of WinMosaic support innovative features such as "AutoSurf", which can automatically retrieve documents related to the current document to save download time.
From Netscape Communications Corp (URL is: <URL:> ). Netscape has consistently released new features first. Version 2.0 supports custom "applets" written in the programming language Java, as well as new HTML features such as frames (displaying more than one document in the same browser window). Netscape also has strong table support, in addition to many extensions to HTML, not all of which conform to the proposed standard. Netscape is a commercial product but can be evaluated free of charge for 90 days by individuals. The 16-bit version works under both OS/2 and Windows. Available by anonymous FTP from in the netscape subdirectory. See Netscape's web site for information about mirror sites.
Quarterdeck Mosaic
From Quarterdeck. Supports incremental image loading, forms, new HTML extensions and other modern web browser features. Includes Internet connectivity software and advanced history-keeping features, as well as private annotations of web pages. A 30-day evaluation copy is available on the web <URL:>.
Compuserve Mosaic
From Compuserve (Spry is now part of Compuserve). Works under Windows and OS/2. Supports the mailto: URL, transparent GIFs, ALT tags, hierarchical hotlists, progressive image rendering, and so forth.
Internet Explorer
<URL:>, from Microsoft. Supports incremental image loading, forms, HTTP keep-alive, tables (in the latest betas as of this writing), and many Netscape extensions and unique Microsoft extensions to HTML.
From Internetworks, formerly (?) Booklink. Available by anonymous FTP from in the directory lite; this is a demonstration version of the full browser, which costs $99. Booklink can open many simultaneous connections in different windows and display images and pages progressively; at the time of this writing it is the only browser to equal Netscape in this area. The "lite" version can only open two simultaneous connections, however.
SlipKnot is a graphical WWW browser that operates entirely without SLIP, PPP, an Ethernet connection, or special server-side software (but read the SLIP emulator section for another workaround). SlipKnot features the ability to automatically retrieve all documents linked to by the current document while the current document is being read. SlipKnot supports multiple fonts, inline images, forms, and review of documents you have already received while new documents arrive. SlipKnot can also download "nearby" documents in advance to save download time. Like I-COMM, SlipKnot operates entirely through a Unix shell account, not over TCP/IP. SlipKnot does not require that you install any new software on your Unix shell account. You can obtain SlipKnot by anonymous FTP from in the directory SimTel/win3/internet. For more information, see the SlipKnot information page (URL is ) or send a blank email message to
I-COMM, like SlipKnot, operates without a true TCP/IP connection. It requires a Unix shell account, like SlipKnot, or a VMS shell account, a feature unique to I-COMM. I-COMM also features Zmodem file transfers in both directions and complete support for forms. I-COMM is available for evaluation as shareware (URL is <URL:> ).
IBM OS/2 WebExplorer
A native IBM OS/2 web browser. WebExplorer is a multithreaded application and, in addition to the usual "back" and "forward" buttons, features a visual map of your exploration of the web. The software supports progressive image rendering. IBM WebExplorer can be acquired by anonymous FTP from in the directory pub/WebExplorer/ .
Included with the Chameleon TCP/IP software package from Netmanage, Inc. Reputedly functional and straightforward.
Emacs w3-mode
A WWW browser for emacs. Runs under Xwindows, NeXTstep, VMS, OS/2, Windows NT, Windows 3.1, AmigaDOS, or just about any Unix system. Also has fonts, color, inline images, and mouse support if using Lemacs, Epoch, or Emacs 19. Also works in local mode under DOS and on the Macintosh. Available by anonymous ftp from in the directory pub/elisp/w3 .
Enhanced Mosaic
Enhanced Mosaic, from Spyglass, Incorporated, is the commercial version of NCSA Mosaic. Spyglass does not offer the browser directly to the public; instead, they license it to various OEMs. You can learn more about their licensing arrangements and the existing licensees from the Spyglass home page (URL is <URL:> ).
UdiWWW, unlike all other Windows browsers as of this writing, supports all of the proposed HTML 3.0 standard (except for <OVERLAY> and <MATH>) and also supports Netscape's various nonstandard extensions. UdiWWW is still being tested, but you can obtain it for yourself and see (URL is <URL:> ).
Emissary, from Wollongong, is both a web browser and a concerted effort to integrate the Internet into the Windows environment (see <URL:> ). For instance, FTP sites appear much like drives in the file manager, mail can be sent via drag and drop, and WYSIWYG HTML editing is included. Emissary supports several Netscape extensions, but lacks support for tables.
<URL:>, From InterCon Systems Corporation <URL:>. Supports incremental displaying of pages and inline images. Supports extensions to HTML, including background images. NetShark also includes a MIME compatible mail client. The Lite version is available free of charge by anonymous ftp from in the /pub/netshark/ directory.
Browser from Cornell LII. Available by anonymous FTP from in the directory /pub/LII/cello.
From EINet. Available by anonymous FTP from in the directory /einet/pc/winweb as the file

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