Order of License for PACT Software




Manage your PC with PACT Ghosts 98!
The Little Ghosts

Copy and rename in one step: PACT 2ndBackup 98! 2ndBackup
Exceptional Application Launcher - PACT DeskTOP 98! DeskTOP
Jump to Registry Keys, Create Shortcuts to Registry Keys!!! JumpToRegKey
Jump to Registry Keys, Create Shortcuts to Registry Keys!!! ProfileCopy ▀2
Open System Folders Quicker with PACT Quicky 98! Quicky
Save your Desktop Icon Layout with PACT Save Layout 98! SaveDTLayout
Set File and Date per Shortcut on Folders - PACT SetFileDate 98 SetFileDate
Set the Desktop Icon Text Color and Background Color even to Transparent with PACT SetTextColor 98! SetDTextColor
Position and Size Windows with a click: PACT Set Window Pos 98! SetWindowPos
Shutdown with one click, start backup before. PACT Shutdown 98! Shutdown
Automate your daily tasks with PACT Timer 98! Timer



Online Articles



Visual C Tricks
Learn Typewriting
Dream PC
Link Collection







  Microsoft Certified Professional



PACT supports
Walker's Watchguard
Citizens for Cycles


Online Registration

You can purchase PACT Software online at Register Now! is a partner of Windows95.com.,
a partner of Windows95.com. RegisterNow provides secure, encrypted credit card transactions and verification in real time. You will receive your Product ID immediately per e-mail. To connect to RegisterNow, click on the program you want to order:


Order per Email, Phone, Fax, or Mail

Please print out this page, or copy the text into your e-mail program, complete the form and send it back per e-mail, PGP encrypted e-mail, fax, or mail. Your order will be processed immediately after approval. To receive your Product ID as quick as possible, please provide a valid e-mail address. Thank you!

(Order Form Text Version)


Order of License for PACT Software

E-mail order@pact1.com, PACT Software, Philip Ahrens, Ladenburger St. 26, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany. Phone +49 6221 451591, Fax +49 6221 451593.

Manage your PC with PACT Ghosts 98! PACT Ghosts 98 -
All Ghosts Together
$49 $170 $750 $1950
Copy and rename in one step: PACT 2ndBackup 98! PACT 2ndBackup 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Exceptional Application Launcher - PACT DeskTOP 98! PACT DeskTOP 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Jump to Registry Keys, Create Shortcuts to Registry Keys!!! PACT JumpToRegKey 98   $14 $49 $170 $750
PACT ProfileCopy 98 - Register Now! PACT ProfileCopy 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Open System Folders Quicker with PACT Quicky 98! PACT Quicky 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Save your Desktop Icon Layout with PACT Save Layout 98! PACT Save Layout 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Set the Desktop Icon Text Color and Background Color even to Transparent with PACT SetTextColor 98! PACT SetTextColor 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Position and Size Windows with a click: PACT Set Window Pos 98! PACT SetWindowPos 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Shutdown with one click, start backup before. PACT Shutdown 98! PACT Shutdown 98 $14 $49 $170 $750
Automate your daily tasks with PACT Timer 98! PACT Timer 98 $14 $49 $170 $750

(US Dollar, prices guaranteed through October, 1998. US$14 = EURO12.50 = GBú8.50 = FRF85.00 = DM25.00.)

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[  ] Bank assigned to Dresdner Bank Germany, BLZ 672 800 51, Konto 4 815 348
[  ] Cash included, notes only
[  ] Check included, made in DM, drawn on a German bank
[  ] Check included, added US$10 foreign bank transfer fees
[  ] Visa    [  ] Master/Euro    [  ] American Express    [  ] Diners

We accept Visa Card, Master/Eurocard, American Express, and Diners Club.We accept Visa Card, Master/Eurocard, American Express, and Diners Club.We accept Visa Card, Master/Eurocard, American Express, and Diners Club.We accept Visa Card, Master/Eurocard, American Express, and Diners Club. 

Name on Credit Card ____________________________________

Card Number ____________________ Expiration Date _________

Date ______________  Signature __________________________

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PGP Key Fingerprint for pa@pact1.com:
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Manage your PC with PACT Ghosts 98!  Manage your Desktop with PACT Ghosts 98!  



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