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Satellite Venn Diagram - Student Handout

Listed below are characteristics of satellites, or descriptions of astronomical sources. After reading the background information on Chandra, Astro-E and the microcalorimeter, and Constellation-X, each listed characteristic should be placed in the appropriate place on a three-ring Venn Diagram by their association with the satellites Chandra, Astro-E and/or Constellation-X. Properties of the microcalorimeter may be included as properties of Astro-E. An example of a three ring Venn diagram is shown below. Be sure to label appropriately the Venn diagram.

Venn diagram
3-ring Venn Diagram

  1. launched in 1999
  2. will be launched in 2008
  3. consists of four individual satellites
  4. perform detailed studies of blackholes, supernovas, dark matter, origin, evolution, and destiny of the universe
  5. launched in 2000
  6. more quantitative data on abundance, velocity, temperature of gas
  7. superior ability to discriminate amongst different x-rays wavelengths
  8. flies more than 1/3 of the way to the moon
  9. an array of 32 individual microcalorimeters
  10. exquisitely shaped for pairs of mirrors
  11. incorporates a three stage cooling system capable of operating the array at 60 mK for about two years
  12. will be placed 1.5 million miles from Earth
  13. images are 25x sharper than previous x-ray telescopes
  14. designed to study the universe in x-rays
  15. detects broadest range of x-ray wavelengths
  16. focusing power equivalent to the ability to read a newspaper a half a mile away
  17. focus on smaller areas which will exclude picking up signals from external medium of hot gas
  18. X-ray telescopes are one way to observe extremely hot matter with temperature of millions of degrees
  19. data collected in hours instead days
  20. observatory must be placed high above Earth's surface because Earth's atmosphere absorbs X-rays
  21. deployment of observatory commanded by woman
  22. 10X higher spectral resolution for detecting emission from Iron
  23. collecting areas 3 square meters which will detect x-ray sources 100x fainter
  24. a high resolution X-ray spectrometer based on a microcalorimeter array, four CCD X-ray cameras, and a hard X-ray telescope
  25. detects and images X-ray sources billions of light years away

Thought Questions

In five minutes, write a summary of the capabilities of the three observatories, based on the Venn diagram. Do the observatories compliment each other? Where are they redundant?

Imagine the Universe is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Nicholas White (Director), within the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

The Imagine Team
Project Leader: Dr. Jim Lochner
All material on this site has been created and updated between 1997-2004.

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