Imagine the Universe!

Prognoz 9

artist concept of Prognoz satellite

* Mission Overview

Prognoz 9 was launched 1 July 1983 into a highly eccentric orbit (apogee 720,000 km; perigee 380 km). The orbital inclination was 65.5 degrees and the orbital period was 26.7 days. The spacecraft was spin stabilized with a period of 113 s. The spin axis pointed towards the Sun, and was repointed every few days.

* Instrumentation

The SIGNE II M P-9 experiment aboard the Prognoz 9 satellite operated for 8 months, after being turned on 2 July 1983. It was designed to study cosmic and solar gamma-ray bursts in the 40-8000 keV energy range. The experiment included 2 identical 15 cm diameter by 2 cm thick NaI (Tl) scintillators. One faced in the solar direction, and the other faced the anti-solar direction. Thus, 4-pi steradians were under simultaneous observation. With a surface area of ~178 cm2, these detectors were some 3 times larger than the previously flown SIGNE detectors. The energy resolution was 20% at 662 keV.

The output pulses from each photomultiplier were analyzed simultaneously in 11 energy channels. Background counts were accumulated over 64 s intervals. A trigger signal was generated for the solar-pointed detector when the count rate exceeded the background by 8-sigma over a 0.5 s interval. For the anti-solar detector, a trigger signal was generated when the count rate in either a 0.5 s or a 2 s interval exceeded the background by 8-sigma. This led to a trigger threshold of ~3 X 10-7 erg/cm2/s for a gamma-ray burst spectrum of E-2. Typically, data were integrated in 164 s bins, 11 energy channels when not triggered. Once a burst trigger occurred, data could be taken in 1/64 s bins, 4-7 energy channels. The total allocated bit rate was 6 b/s.

* Science

Data from Prognoz 9 confirmed the existence of soft, repeating sources (along with ISEE-3 and PVO). Prognoz 9 also discovered an extremely intense burst (fluence 1 X 10-3 erg/cm2) on 1 August 1983. The energy spectrum was observed up to over 8 MeV, with rapid variability in the high energy spectra.

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Imagine the Universe is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Nicholas White (Director), within the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

The Imagine Team
Project Leader: Dr. Jim Lochner
All material on this site has been created and updated between 1997-2004.

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