Imagine the Universe!


artist concept of Gamma

* Mission Overview

The Gamma observatory was a Soviet-based spacecraft launched on 11 July 1990. The satellite was in an orbit of ~ 375 km altitude, 51.6 degrees inclination. Gamma offered the possibility of locating COS-B sources with a precision of a few arcminutes. The mission lasted ~ 2 years.

* Instrumentation

The science instrumentation included the Gamma-1 telescope (with a Telezvezda star tracker), the Disk-M telescope, and the Pulsar X-2 telescope. All 3 instruments were mounted coaxially on the observatory, allowing for simultaneous observation of any given region of the celestial sphere.

The Gamma-1 telescope was the principle instrument aboard the Gamma observatory. It was designed to perform detailed studies in the energy range 50 MeV - 6 GeV. The system consisted of 2 scintillation counters and a gas Cerenkov counter. It had an effective area of ~2000 cm2. Its angular resolution at 100 MeV was 1.5 degrees. The imaging field of view was +/- 2.5 degrees. The energy resolution was 12% at 100 MeV. Rather late in the game, it was decided to include a tungsten coded aperture mask which could be moved in and out of the field of view. The mask itself was made of 2 1-D masks each having a unit cell size of 1 mm. The basic resolution achieved by the mask was ~20 arcminutes for the weakest sources (4-sigma). Shortly after launch, the power to the spark chamber failed. This resulted in the angular resolution for most of the mission being only ~ 10 degrees. The telescope was a joint Soviet-French endeavor.

The Telezvezda star tracker worked together with the Gamma-1 telescope. It had a 6 deg x 6 deg field of view, and a 5th stellar magnitude sensitivity. It had an angular resolution of 2 arcmin, making it possible to determine the Gamma-1 pointing direction to the same accuracy.

The Disk-M telescope was designed to measure fluxes in the range 20 keV - 5 MeV. The detector consisted of NaI scintillation crystals. The angular resolution of the telescope was ~ 25 arcmin. The Disk-M telescope stopped working not long after launch.

The Pulsar X-2 telescope covered 2-25 keV with ~ 30 arcmin resolution and a 10 deg x 10 deg field of view. The telescope was a joint Soviet-French endeavor.

* Science

Studies were made of the Vela pulsar, the galactic center region, the Cygnus binaries, the Heming gamma source in Taurus, and Her X-1. The observatory also gathered information about the high-energy emissions of the Sun during peak solar activity.

*Other information

  • Ramsden 1983, Adv Sp Res, 3,#4, pp.31-38.
  • Akimov et al. 1991, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 17, #6, pp.501-504.
  • Polezhayev and Poluektov 1991, Zemlya I Vselennaya, #3, pp. 2-9.
    [Gallery] (
Imagine the Universe is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Nicholas White (Director), within the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

The Imagine Team
Project Leader: Dr. Jim Lochner
All material on this site has been created and updated between 1997-2004.

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