• Name:Reiko Yamada
  • Nationality/Citizenship:Japan
  • Address: Nishikasugai-county,Aichi-pref.
  • Birthdate:1974.8.2
  • Sex:female
  • Hobbies:Travel by a reduced fare ticket and Noh play (Japanese traditional play)

  • Things I could or would like to do for the people I have seen listed on this homepage :
    • Let's go to see a Noh play and Kyogen together.
    • Let's go to an art gallery and a library to relax and kill time.
    • Let's go to a picnic, I'll make the lunch.
    • Please be your friend, whether male or female. I have a great sense of humor.
  • Things I could or would like to do for the people I have seen this homepage to help or assist me with :
    • I am interested in China now. I would like someone to teach me Chinese.
    • Europe and Asia seem interesting too. Please tell me about your travel experiences if you've been there.
    • I've recently gotten interested in sports (tennis, etc.). Would you like to play together?
    • I'm looking for a good book to read. If you know of any interesting books, please tell me the title and author.
    • Please meet me for coffee or tea.

  • My Internet E-mail address:reiko@jL93d.center.sugiyama-u.ac.jp
  • My Home Page address:http://japan.park.org/Japan/128KTTH/ngy017/yame.html

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