• Name:Eiji Miyagawa
  • Nationality/Citizenship:Japan
  • Address: Inuyama-city,Aichi-Pref.
  • Birthdate:1954.1.20
  • Sex:male
  • Hobbies:Computer, painting, collecting stamps, artistic things, e.t.c.
  • Message, comments, etc.:I'd would like to know about as many things as possible.

  • Things I could or would like to do for the people I have seen listed on this homepage :

  • Things I could or would like to do for the people I have seen this homepage to help or assist me with :
    • Please sell me software and hardware of your old Macintosh.

  • Personal ComputerüFApple //c,//GS,//e
    ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@Apple Macintosh 512K,Plus,SE,SE/30,Classic
    ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@Apple Power Book 540c
    ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@ü@Apple Power Macintosh 8100/100AV
  • My Internet E-mail address:eiji-mi@po.iijnet.or.jp
  • My Home Page address:http://japan.park.org/Japan/128KTTH/ngy017/miyae.html

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